Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effective

Retaining Length AND Healthier hair which is best?

  • Wash Daily

    Votes: 236 37.9%
  • Wash Every 2 weeks (or less frequently)

    Votes: 211 33.9%
  • I havent the slightest

    Votes: 176 28.3%

  • Total voters
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

With my type 4a/b hair :wallbash:, once every two weeks is better on my wallet :clap:, easier for my stylist :lol:, and less manipulation is best for my hair. :superbanana:

My stylist said: “Since you wear it in a bun most of the time, it doesn’t need to get done every week.” :nono:
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Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I would love to just wash my hair every two weeks. I don't apply oils directly to my scalp so I wouldn't have a problem with clogged pores.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

cowash daily and shampoo wash biweekly ... is that cheating? :look:
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

i use to wash like once a month if i was lucky lol... but after learning so much i wash maybe once a week or week and a half. hair def improved
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

Aussie, I want your wig. I don't even wear wigs, but that is CUTE!!! No, it's fierce. When your done stretching, I'll take the wig, thank you very much.:grin:
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I'd co-wash daily if I could, but I only use shampoo once every 4-6 weeks. That stuff strips my hair and makes it dry dry dry!
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I've been washing/rinsing daily or every other day since March and my hair is really doing well; better than it has been in over a year. :yep:

I wear a protective style daily; I don't use ponytail holders and I airdry or limit heat to 1 or 2x a month.

I think it also depends on the products you use - I have been using the Ovation Color Therapy shampoo, WEN Fig or plain water.

My hair :love: s it! AND my hair is growing like a weed after all the setbacks I've had so I have to attribute it to the products and the moisture that daily washing/rinsing adds to my hair.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

Washing every two days or at least 1x a week with lo mani has been working for me but everyone is different. I've seen WL hair on people who only wash every 2-3 weeks andon people who wash 2-3 times a week so I guess try both and whichever works better, stick to that.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I started to wash/co-wash my hair everyday and I have to admit, I'm experiencing a little thinning of my hair so I had to reduce them significantly. I just noticed it this month and because my hair is relaxed, I believe it's just too much manipulation for my fine tresses. From now on I'll stick with twice a week only with deep conditioning.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

If I could only choose between washing every two weeks and washing every day I would choose to wash every day. My scalp would get way too oily if I waited two weeks (from my own natural oil production). As it is, I co-wash daily and shampoo (with SLS-free shampoo) one-to-two times weekly and my hair thrives.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I don't think it's harmful to rinse with water every day, but using harsh, cheap shampoos can be damaging and lead to dryness and breakage.

I have use shampoo occasionally, but lately, I've just been rinsing for about 5 minutes a day (or as many xs a week as I can) with very warm water. This has boosted my moisture levels. What doesn't hurt is I wear my hair in a protective style (clipped up with hair pins for a faux bun) while me hair is still damp.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I'll opt for a cleaner scalp and head full of hair, so I'll say wash daily rather than every 2 weeks. Even though I'm sure if I actually had to wash daily I'd get tired of it, and probably miss some days.

It's funny, before finding this board I used to wash my hair every 3 or 4 weeks, or anytime I went to the salon basically. My hair would STINK too! :nono: I would put gels on my hair line (haha...remember those days??? :lachen: ) and wouldn't even wash the gel out!! Now you KNOW that's nasty! :nono: I don't know what I was thinking. But when you don't know any better, you just don't know I guess.

My hair thrives though when I wash it more frequently. :yep:
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I'd say every two weeks because I lost too much hair washing daily. and I just realized that I already voted for washing daily but thats when I was cowashing daily and THOUGHT I loved it!:spinning:
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Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

idk but im saying 2x a week. i been washing every 3 days, every 4 days and every weeks but i think low mani will be the best thing for my hair. plus i hate my head being wet all the time lol

im hoping 2 wks will work for me....i copied off sylver2's reggie lol
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I'm currently a weekly washer, but I picked that I would wash every 2 weeks if I had to choose one of those options...

I have also washed my hair daily without any major damage, but my hair gets dry if I wash it WITHOUT deep conditioning it too many days in a row.

It's also a bit more manipulation than I'd like.

I'd like to point out that I have very dry skin. My skin does not produce much oil. Neither does my scalp. I don't sweat very much, especially not on my scalp. So I would not have any offensive smell in my hair if I chose to wash every 2 weeks.

It would be less manipulation and I could always spritz my hair with water/moisturize to keep the water content high!

I can see how some people wouldn't be able to get away with it... people who work out hard regularly, people who sweat a lot and people who produce high amounts of scalp oils.

Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

i pick every two weeks if I had to, better than daily which would kill my hair :nono:
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I wash once a week on Sundays and co-wash on Wednesdays.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I used to wash every other day and it was o.k. Then I got a sew in and decided to wash once a week and my hair grew ridiculously. So while I wouldn't wait two weeks to wash ... I'll have to make up an answer and say ... Once a week works well for me :grin:
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

my hair thrives best at every 6 to 7 days - more than that and is overkill for me, and less than that is neglect.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I used to wash daily, but I stopped because I was afraid that the detangling process was hindering my growth. Now I wash once a week, but if for some reason my hair gets dirty I have no problem washing it more often.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I voted daily. Since my hair is so short I don't really have a problem with detangling. Maybe as my hair gets longer I might wash less frequently.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I wash my hair maybe every two weeks, but I'm trying to wash it more often. I noticed that my hair gets itchy after about a week and half. Then it smells funny like lots of product. I only used Kerastase Oleo Relax Serum on it or Keracare pomade stick to flatten the edges. But I guess maybe I should wash it more often?
When I told my Japanese bf that most Black girls only wash their hair once every wk or every two weeks, he was shocked. He couldn't believe it but he said "Well it doesn't smell bad, so ok."
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I have spoiled my hair into thinking it needs to be washed at least once a week. If I wait longer than that, my hair hollers for shampoo and conditioning by shedding a lot!!!!!!:nono:
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

Ideally, I wash every three days, so daily would be healthier for me.

My fine hair becomes brittle and breakable after three days and the best way to moisturize is with conditioner.

Added products do nothing for me.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I voted I haven't the slightest, only because my choice wasn't listed. I would have voted for once a week. I used to get a roller set every other weekend until one weekend when i was going to an event and had to get a set the next week. I noticed way less shedding with weekly washing and its a good way to prevent buildup of products on your scalp which can clog your follicles. My hair is relaxed and i tried washing daily when i was in college, to me it did more harm than good :nono:
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

My scalp is sensitive, so on wednesdays I usually cowash and on Saturdays I wash with diluted sulfate-free poo then dc. But, lately I have been thinking of trying a sulfate-fragrance-dye free shampoo (just to cut down on the perfume-y products on my scalp).
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

My relaxed hair wouldn't like daily washing and I'm not sure I understand the need for it. I wash once a week, occasionally twice. But I also like to wear my hair rollerset periodically and more frequent washing doesn't work too well when you're wearing a style.

I also don't like a lot of manipulation. I don't comb except when my hair is wet, but I do gently separate it and work my fingers thru from root to tip every day to keep it detangled between washes.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I think any wash regimen is fine as long as the hair stays moisturized. I've washed daily, every week, every two weeks, once a month and have even gone 3 mos without a wash to keep my braids longer (since then I've learned it's ok to wash my braids) and my hair has grown either way. My Mom washes her hair once every 2 mos and she doesnt even rinse in between, and her hair is growing like a wild fire.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I voted for daily washing. I workout like crazy so I either rinse or wash my hair daily in the shower. I've noticed faster growth from rinsing with cold water. :yep: