Just met a guy, and he did something weird


New Member
I'm going to attempt to make this short
And anyone who have read my other threads, this is just me asking if this was weird or not, not me asking if I should be meeting people or not, etc.

Anywho :)
I met him at a lounge/club, he seemed really sweet in the beginning, almost like a quiet little good boy, which automatically means I won't like him for long because I like jerks
So whatever, we've talked every day since and he's way more aggressive and talkative then I thought

Anyway so we're on the phone and someone was coming into my lane (i was driving)
So I shouted at them
And he goes, "Oh you're driving, call me back when you touch down."
So I say, "I've been driving since we've been talking please continue"
So he says, "No, get off the phone, call me tomorow"
So I'm like, "Aiight" and I hang up

So Im like umm okay tomorrow? Why was it that serious?

So now just as I'm typing, he calls me back (about 30 min later)

So he goes "you home?"
So I'm like "yeeeeeeaaaaaaa........."
So he's like "you sound like you don't want to talk"
And I'm like "welll...... you said we would speak tomorrow"
And he's like "I just said that to get you off the phone while you were driving."

Ummm okayyyyy
That was just weird to me, it turned me off

What do ya'll think?
Am I buggin?
You are buggin. Some people dont like to be a distraction to other while they are driving. He sounds like a keeper. He's concerned for your safety and that is sweet.
My mom does that all the time. She doesn't want me on the phone while I'm driving. She refuses to talk to me if I'm driving, even if I'm on my bluetooth.:perplexed It get's on my nerves, but she's just trying to protect me. Sounds like the guy was trying to do the same thing.
okay but i felt like he was playing games with me telling me okay talk to you tomorrow
i guess if he didn't call bacc, then I could think it was weird?

okay but i felt like he was playing games with me telling me okay talk to you tomorrow
i guess if he didn't call bacc, then I could think it was weird?

No...Dont try to make him weird!:lachen: He's not playing games, he just prob wanted to get you off the phone. You were :driving: sometimes there are accidents caused by people on phones.

Dont try to make it more than what it is. I think he was being sweet...
he's not weird. talking on the phone while driving can get you in an accident - he may have been thinking of your safety.
yeah he might have said that on mistake too, i jumble my words like that when im trying to squeeze something out real quick and i know the person is left puzzled
He would be weird if he really didnt want to talk to you untill tommorow

You just tryin to run that dude away cause he nice....CUT IT OUT GIRL!:lachen:
No I don't think he's weird give the man a chance. You are much better off with a nice guy believe me.
Shoot, don't you live in New York? I'd be scared to talk on the phone and drive in that city!

I don't think he was weird at all. Don't write this guy off... he sounds like a good one!
I know weird...and he ain't it! Like the ladies said, he was just concerned for your safety, and he did call you back so clearly he couldn't wait until tomorrow to chat you up:grin:
okay but i felt like he was playing games with me telling me okay talk to you tomorrow
i guess if he didn't call bacc, then I could think it was weird?

Ebony, I think you are on that same PMS thing I am on this week....where you make SOMETHING out of NOTHING. :grin: He's a sweetie. Don't be mean to him! :look:
I know weird...and he ain't it! Like the ladies said, he was just concerned for your safety, and he did call you back so clearly he couldn't wait until tomorrow to chat you up:grin:

Exactly! Some of my ex's define the word :lol:

Anyway, he was concerned about safety. And as for the thing about talking to you tomorrow, he probably meant to say later instead of tomorrow. I do that sometimes when I'm abruptly finishing a phone conversation.
I just took a look at the time stamp on the thread if you were talking to him at 11pm at night then tomorrow would be today which does make sense if you think about it. anyways home boy is concern and your thinking way too hard on this one. Since you said you don't like nice guys I think you are already projecting that attitude to this new relationship.

STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
okay but i felt like he was playing games with me telling me okay talk to you tomorrow
i guess if he didn't call bacc, then I could think it was weird?

Girl you just met him. And no that's not really weird at all. Go out on a date with him and then make your assessment.
He sounds like my dad. He does the same thing. At least he cares and is not being selfish by wanting to keep you on the phone.

I remember once I was driving in Atlanta and was on the phone with my ex, WCG. I almost got into an accident. He heard it, and all he could do was laugh, laugh, laugh, and laugh some more. :nono: What an idiot.
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In all honesty, Ebony, this thread just further solidifies what I think every time you post.

You really don't need to take up with another guy right now. You need to fall back and work on yourself.

EVERYBODY could see why he did what he did but you. And it wasn't that difficult.

You are not ready. You are gonna find fault with every guy you deal with until you resolve the things that are going on with you.

Not trying to be harsh just being honest because I've been there.
Uhhmm yes, everything MzLady said. Ebony, I've read your posts but never responded. You need some time to yourself. You are too angry or something, and will miss out on Mr. Right. Not trying to bash you, just giving you another perspective.

In all honesty, Ebony, this thread just further solidifies what I think every time you post.

You really don't need to take up with another guy right now. You need to fall back and work on yourself.

EVERYBODY could see why he did what he did but you. And it wasn't that difficult.

You are not ready. You are gonna find fault with every guy you deal with until you resolve the things that are going on with you.

Not trying to be harsh just being honest because I've been there.
You are buggin. Some people dont like to be a distraction to other while they are driving. He sounds like a keeper. He's concerned for your safety and that is sweet.

Ditto- he may have come off like an a$$ but that's what he was trying to do. My ex used to yell at me if I was on the phone with him while driving. :yep:
Telling you that he doesn't want to be on the phone with you while your driving isn't weird....nor is it controlling.

Maybe he meant exactly what he said - cuz chances are if he really wanted to call you tomorrow he probably would've said "well, I'll call you later" or something to that effect.

Ladies - we need to stop reading things into statements, actions and reactions that aren't really there. And I'm included in that bucket cuz I do it all the time. Sometimes WE make things so much harder than they need to be.
Ebony, I'm just going to come out and say it 'girl u crazy' :grin::grin::grin:

you met a man who tells u to get off the phone whilst driving. someone who cares enough to want to keep you safe and u can't see it.

put his details up on the baord here and lets how long it takes b4 u lose him

btw, as for driving whilst on the phone unless u're using a hands free device, it's very dangerous, I'm sure you know all this so I won't go on. If you keep it up you may leave him thinking you're irresponsible. Now we all know that in relationships that only applies to men, us girlies have always got our heads screwed on right
I definitely read too deep into what he said
I always do this though, no good

And he did ask me out on a date, which I did agree to
And we'll see how that goes

Whenever I meet someone, I'm just waiting for them to mess up or am super self-conscious that I will

And thank you MzLady, I know that I DO need to fall back, but some man is always sneaking up on me
Not to put the blame on anyone else, I could have said no thank you, but he was such a sweetheart, I couldn't resist

Thanks so much ladies
I definitely read too deep into what he said
I always do this though, no good

And he did ask me out on a date, which I did agree to
And we'll see how that goes

Whenever I meet someone, I'm just waiting for them to mess up or am super self-conscious that I will

And thank you MzLady, I know that I DO need to fall back, but some man is always sneaking up on me
Not to put the blame on anyone else, I could have said no thank you, but he was such a sweetheart, I couldn't resist

Thanks so much ladies

I think the bolded part is a problem. Stop thinking negatively and just let things ride and happen naturally. Part of the problem sometimes is that we can sabotage a potentially good relationship just by thinking negatively. Let him prove you otherwise.
I definitely read too deep into what he said
I always do this though, no good

And he did ask me out on a date, which I did agree to
And we'll see how that goes

Whenever I meet someone, I'm just waiting for them to mess up or am super self-conscious that I will

And thank you MzLady, I know that I DO need to fall back, but some man is always sneaking up on me
Not to put the blame on anyone else, I could have said no thank you, but he was such a sweetheart, I couldn't resist

Thanks so much ladies

Girl, I can totally relate. I really can. Like I said I've been there.

I'm just saying that if you absolutely feel like you want to pursue this, please take it very slow. Don't be available to him all the time and don't get your emotions involved too soon. Just be friends, not friends with benefits, platonic friends until you're in a better frame of mind.

Are you still planning to join us in NY?