Just met a guy, and he did something weird

But I understand where your coming from because sometimes when you have that "NY" state of mind... sometimes those little things are a tip off to bigger things...

but in this case... I don't think that's weird. At least he showed a little concern.. some jerks are like..."aight I'll check u lata" hang up with u, call the next chick... and just put you back in rotation on the call list if they so choose...

Be easy... no need to stress.
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Oddly enough, he seems to be rushing
I dont know
He thinks I am just so fabulous supposedly

But i have explained to him I'm not looking for any of that
My actions must match up as well

And well to me, he walks like he's gay
So.... mm

and i canNOT wait!!!

Girl, I can totally relate. I really can. Like I said I've been there.

I'm just saying that if you absolutely feel like you want to pursue this, please take it very slow. Don't be available to him all the time and don't get your emotions involved too soon. Just be friends, not friends with benefits, platonic friends until you're in a better frame of mind.

Are you still planning to join us in NY?
Girl, I can totally relate. I really can. Like I said I've been there.

I'm just saying that if you absolutely feel like you want to pursue this, please take it very slow. Don't be available to him all the time and don't get your emotions involved too soon. Just be friends, not friends with benefits, platonic friends until you're in a better frame of mind.

Are you still planning to join us in NY?

ITA, take it slow!
In all honesty, Ebony, this thread just further solidifies what I think every time you post.

You really don't need to take up with another guy right now. You need to fall back and work on yourself.

EVERYBODY could see why he did what he did but you. And it wasn't that difficult.

You are not ready. You are gonna find fault with every guy you deal with until you resolve the things that are going on with you.

Not trying to be harsh just being honest because I've been there.

big YUP!

Ebony, you really should stay alone for awhile IMVHO. You've gone through so much and some men (not saying this one) can complicate your life.

Get to know yourself Ebony, and give yourself a chance to become the young lady you want to be.
ITA....girl it doesnt sound like anything you should be trippin over about him wanting you to make it home safely...do you know how many accidents are caused by people being on the cell phone? do you have a earpiece or bluetooth on? i mean he probably heard the frustration in your voice with the person coming into lane and thought you need to pay attention to the drivers around....dont take it personal...and take it slow...
Oddly enough, he seems to be rushing
I dont know
He thinks I am just so fabulous supposedly

But i have explained to him I'm not looking for any of that
My actions must match up as well

well to me, he walks like he's gay
So.... mm

and i canNOT wait!!!

:lachen: :lachen: You just cant give ole' dude a break man! :lol:
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You'd reading too much into it. I hate talking to people when they are driving.

On another note, I'm concerned that you like jerks. Why do you think this is the case? Is it self-esteem, did you have a bad/no relationship with your dad (if he was alive or around) or was he not around? Are you doing it to self-sabotage yourself because you don't want intimacy or don't feel worthy? You can tell me to shove off if I'm out of line. I'm just concerned.
Ebony, maybe you should just be by yourself for a while. You just finished with one guy and went through a rough patch. Give yourself time to heal.
okay so serious he does have a MEANer walk than I do
but i think all ya'll are right
I dug too deep
And i'm not ready for this whole scene

So how do I end it?

P.S. I think I've made him extremely comfortable with having me around ALREADY, so i don't know what to say
Girl, you're definitely buggin!

I think you're unconsciously looking for a reason to be turned off. I think a lot of women do this. It's like we're conditioned to want the dawgs that will abuse us. A nice, tough guy is the best of both worlds.
Anyway, it sounds like you guys just got your wires crossed. As for him telling you to get off the phone, maybe he knows someone that was killed in a crash, maybe he was in a car crash, maybe he realizes that people shouldn't be driving and talking on the phone and that it causes a lot of injuries and deaths :look:

I'll say this, be really sure you want to end it before you do (I read your last post where you mentioned that). A lot of women end relationships because the guy isn't causing them drama (often code for I want someone to know me upside my head), but months or years later wish they'd made a different decision when they see the guy with another woman, married with kids or what not. Really ask yourself why you want to end the relationship. Whatever you do, know the real motivations behind them. I say this only because you mention being in relationships with jerks and I really feel that a lot of our relationship problems as women are caused by not knowing what really motivates our decisions as it pertains to men.
okay so serious he does have a MEANer walk than I do
but i think all ya'll are right
I dug too deep
And i'm not ready for this whole scene

So how do I end it?

P.S. I think I've made him extremely comfortable with having me around ALREADY, so i don't know what to say

To get rid of him do the classic: It's not you, it's ME. routine

just a suggestion. lol.