>< Just a QUESTION >< No Offense to anyone


Well-Known Member
Do people with long hair only make Feature of Month?

I mean, because those are the only ones I see making it, I by no means what to come off as bitter or jealous, but if that is the case why cant someone that has shown improved hair health or outstanding growth make it!

Just a question!
I was actually thinking the same thing u know. I love to see the progress that these women with long beautiful hair have made, ut I think it would be great if people who havent gotten that far would be recognized as well. I just thought about this thing the other day.But I still like looking at the long hair people.
Well, I saw a few people..by no means a lot but like 2-3 who didn't have long hair. I think the most important aspect is somebody who has HEALTHY hair. But honestly, I like to gawk and say "ooh...ahhhh", at the long haired people. But I take no offense to it at all.
I'm not going to "apply" for it until I reach my hair goal. I dunno how many shorter-haired LHCF members volunteer for consideration.
see look at me, jumping to conclusion without knowing the background, because I didnt even know you had to volunteer to be selected, LOL, sorry
Well I volunteer Bree
Her hair is da bomb
I remember Pebbles posting that you don't volunteer but that you're selected by moderators.
This is what Pebbles posted:

"Features of the month are selected and planned way in advance. It's not the member that expresses an interest, it's the administration that approaches the members. If you have pictures, post them. There are so many people who need to be featured, so if there's someone you would like to see featured, hang on. Chances are great that we'll get to them sooner or later."
Check out January 2003 feature of the month...Pebbles! Her hair was just grazing shoulder-length. My hair is about her length right now.
On the thread entitled "Criteria for Feature of the Month," Allandra suggested that

"If you're interested in feature of the month, please send Beverly a private message letting her know. She can help you out from there."
Well, I was featured in May and I don't think that my hair is as long as most of the others that I've seen featured...

Plus, maybe since the forum is called "Longhaircare forum," it kind of just makes sense that the feature of the month does have long hair...
Lindy said:
Plus, maybe since the forum is called "Longhaircare forum," it kind of just makes sense that the feature of the month does have long hair...

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yes I agree
I think u have to have an album or some way for mod or ppl to view and see ur hair and progress.

OT Pink Flower ur hair is really growing looks beautiful.
happylocks said:
I think u have to have an album or some way for mod or ppl to view and see ur hair and progress.

OT Pink Flower ur hair is really growing looks beautiful.

[/ QUOTE ]

thank you!
Re: &gt;&lt; Just a QUESTION &gt;&lt; No Offense to anyone

i think it's important for hair to be healthy no matter what length, but i jus thawt that the "long"hair care forum was made to show that black women too can have long hair! I feel what you are saying anjel, but seeing women that have achieved lengths that I've never seen on black women is amazing to me. where i'm from the longest length i've seen on a black women was bra strap and most women i see have hair that is just past the shoulders. It's healthy shoulder length hair though
, but when i first found this site the long haired "feature of the month" had me in awe.
Re: &gt;&lt; Just a QUESTION &gt;&lt; No Offense to anyone

I volunteer babyblue and Nay!!!!! I'd be interested to see some more naturals. (Although the relaxed heads have some awfully beautiful hair too!!!)
I've recommended several ladies here to be considered for FOM and some have already been selected (because of several recommendations). I always thought the reason we mainly see those with long hair as Feature of the Month is because they represent achieving the overall goal of the LongHairCare Forum motto: Helping Women of Color Achieve Long Beautiful Hair, as Lindy mentioned. I know I just love looking at each FOM, they are so inspirational!
pink_flower said:
Lindy said:
Plus, maybe since the forum is called "Longhaircare forum," it kind of just makes sense that the feature of the month does have long hair...

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That's kind of what I was thinking.

yes I agree

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Thanks you guys for the recommendations. You all are sweet

Since we are naming folks we want to see spotlighted, I'd like to see Bree, Flyjump00, Teenie, Isis, Babyblue, Jainygirl. Yup, that ought to cover the rest of this year and January 2005. Moderators, are you listening to me!!! :
Nay said:
Thanks you guys for the recommendations. You all are sweet

Since we are naming folks we want to see spotlighted, I'd like to see Bree, Flyjump00, Teenie, Isis, Babyblue, Jainygirl. Yup, that ought to cover the rest of this year and January 2005. Moderators, are you listening to me!!! :

[/ QUOTE ]

I second that !
I'll third Bree, Isis, Nay, and Jainy. The others I haven't seen, but like the hair stalker I am, I'm on my way to look now, lol