June 2009 Updates *Pic Happy*

I'm looking at all that healthy hair on your head, and thinking that's the most gorgeous hair progress I've ever seen!!! Job well done honey!!!:grin:
Friggin inspirational and FOTM worthy, most definitely!

Thank you for sharing these pics with us!
You and your hair and make up are DROP DEAD gorgeous...

You go girl.. fabulous!! I wish my hair grew like that. It is beautiful! Total inspiration to keep pushing towards hair goals!!!

OMG!!!! *drools* :lick: I was there when you showed the first progress pic. I can't believe it. I think I BCed a few months after your first progress pic thread and I'm not even close to your length yet. I'm off to stalk your fotki.
Tamala Jones!!!!!!!!!! Thats who you remind me of... Your hair is soooo BEAUTIFUL and your progress is phenomenal!
holy sh** (that's exactly what i said when i saw ur pics)

you're hair has grown so much. it's amazing
I just wanted to add that it seems 2 years is the common time to grow hair to a substantial length. OP did you have any setbacks?
Great Progress and you do remind me of Tamala Jones. You will be waistlength in no time! Wigs are the truth for protective styles :)
Yes, I wore my wigs for 2 years. It really helped with my progress. I am still wearing wigs to this day. My goal is to be waist length by December 2009. 4 inchs to go. Yea!!!!1

How often to do rotate your wigs and your real hair?

Do you think you would still wear the wigs when you reach WL?

Your hair looks great!!