Jumping on the MTG bandwagon


Well-Known Member
I have been hearing such great things about this product. I am going to purchase it on Friday when i get paid. Any helpful hints would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I've started to use it regularly this week: 2-3 times weekly probably.

I've mixed MTG and Surge and this did cut down on the smell. But other people are mixing with essential oils. I can stand the smell for now so using it straight. I have noticed that if I apply at night, usually it's gone by morning.

I got a color applicator bottle and this makes applying it easier - better control of how much comes out.

I tried an empty spray bottle from one of my finished hair products, but it got clogged. Some people say they are using a plant sprayer bottle. I think success with a spray bottle depends on how you dilute the product.

I recommend the TRIAL size. This way you can evaluate if it works for you and you won't have spent too much if you decide you don't like it.

ETA: you have to shake it really well to make sure the yellow stuff at the bottom mixes back in.
I think I'm gonna join myself. After Den1's updated new growth pics after using MTG..I am very interested in trying it out, so I'm in!!

Last relaxer touch-up: May 16th, 2005
Next relaxer touch-up: July 23rd, 2005
Current hair length: 1 inch past bra strap (when blown out straight)
Hair texture: 4b thick and course strands
public.fotki.com/Diane71/ Pics coming in July
Starting MTG challenge on July 30th, 2005!
Jaelin said:
I've started to use it regularly this week: 2-3 times weekly probably.

I've mixed MTG and Surge and this did cut down on the smell. But other people are mixing with essential oils. I can stand the smell for now so using it straight. I have noticed that if I apply at night, usually it's gone by morning.

Just curious, how long have you been using the Surge-MTG mixture and have you noticed anything strange, i.e., burning? I have been following many of the MTG pro/con threads and I'm still undecided on the product. Thanks in advance!
I can't wait to get this product. Just looking for something to give my hair a boost. After all the pics i've seen it is a must have. I'll post results when i get it. Hey if it works it works. If it doesn't oh well.

Mizani_Mrs said:
If i ever become a horse...I'm gonna jump on the bandwagon also.... :lachen:

You don't have to be a horse to try it. :) To each their own.

Happy growing

Jaelin said:
I've started to use it regularly this week: 2-3 times weekly probably.

I've mixed MTG and Surge and this did cut down on the smell. But other people are mixing with essential oils. I can stand the smell for now so using it straight. I have noticed that if I apply at night, usually it's gone by morning.

I got a color applicator bottle and this makes applying it easier - better control of how much comes out.

I tried an empty spray bottle from one of my finished hair products, but it got clogged. Some people say they are using a plant sprayer bottle. I think success with a spray bottle depends on how you dilute the product.

I recommend the TRIAL size. This way you can evaluate if it works for you and you won't have spent too much if you decide you don't like it.

ETA: you have to shake it really well to make sure the yellow stuff at the bottom mixes back in.

Thanks for the info. I will be getting the trial size to start with.

AnjelLuvsUBabe said:
Why is everyone using sooo much... I though it said to use once a week...

I used it once and noticed growth within the week (Seems too good to be true). It is way too greasy to use everyday unless you wash often. I have braids so once a week is cool for me. Plus the smell once a week is the most I can do. :)
HoneyDew said:
I used it once and noticed growth within the week (Seems too good to be true). It is way too greasy to use everyday unless you wash often. I have braids so once a week is cool for me. Plus the smell once a week is the most I can do. :)
my sentiments exactly...
JCoily said:
Just curious, how long have you been using the Surge-MTG mixture and have you noticed anything strange, i.e., burning? I have been following many of the MTG pro/con threads and I'm still undecided on the product. Thanks in advance!

I had in cornrows for almost four weeks and decided to try the surge/mtg mixture then. This is how I ended up with the clogged spray bottle. I thought the surge would have diluted the thickness of the MTG enough but I ended up having to use my hands to distribute it. I am not currently mixing the two.

Didn't notice any burning or peeling with the mixture but most of it ended up on my hair and the cornrows and not so much my scalp. I have experienced peeling when using surge by itself on certain areas of my scalp, so I used an oil (wonder 8 oil) on the scalp in those spots and then sprayed or just sprayed only on the hair in those spots. So for me using the MTG oil is the same thing I was doing before, except I put it on all over my scalp, then spray with surge.
I am going to join this bandwagon. Dont know when but I know it will be before the end of this month. The reviews and raves have been too much. The last time I have seen this many people raving about a product have been Surge but never with this much success. God bless you all.
I started using MTG on Wednesday, June 8. The smell doesn't bother me at all. Of course, I only use it 2x's a week. Call me crazy but I think my sides are growing in really well already. Look at the pictures I have posted of my sided and you'll see how damaged they are. I'm going to wait another week or two before I post new pictures. I hope I'm not imagining this, because it seems impossible.
Jaelin said:
I had in cornrows for almost four weeks and decided to try the surge/mtg mixture then. This is how I ended up with the clogged spray bottle. I thought the surge would have diluted the thickness of the MTG enough but I ended up having to use my hands to distribute it. I am not currently mixing the two.

Didn't notice any burning or peeling with the mixture but most of it ended up on my hair and the cornrows and not so much my scalp. I have experienced peeling when using surge by itself on certain areas of my scalp, so I used an oil (wonder 8 oil) on the scalp in those spots and then sprayed or just sprayed only on the hair in those spots. So for me using the MTG oil is the same thing I was doing before, except I put it on all over my scalp, then spray with surge.

Is there a reason why you spray the Surge after using the MTG? I would think that with MTG being an oil and thick, spraying the Surge afterwards would just sit there with no effect versus spraying the Surge first then applying the oil.

I've actually been wondering about everyone's application. My plan to use my sulfur oil is to spray a moisturizer, then massage the oil in to seal.
Count me in! I just ordered my MTG. I should get it in a couple of days. If I see a problem, I will stop, simple as that. However, I have used other cross over products and was cool. I look forward to the results. Currently, I have pencil-thin waist length braids that I put in myself. I am glad that I do because then I would not have to be concerned about paying someone else to constantly touch-up my braids due to new growth. :-) My current goal is to obtain about 4-5 inches by year end. That would put me a few inches away from BL. Currently, my hair is about 7-7.5 from my nape and extremely dense ( I think it feels even more dense now, because I recently increased my biotin intake by one tablet). I am also thankful to have the braids so I don't have to see it or comb it everyday. My hair is already a killer to comb due to new growth by 4 weeks post relaxer ( I have counted, observed, and recorded.) Can we all say Oprah's hair thickness, body and volume. That's me. When I do wear my hair out everybody think I have a wig on (I get hot when people will stand you down to debate whether or not it is your hair). Anyhow, let's grow happily ladies!
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I've been using MTG for the past week and I've gained 1/2 an inch. I also am taking extra protein in my diet.

I just started using it last week and so far I like it, it took awhile to get use to the smell. I also tried the eqyss mega-tek rebuilder last night I love the way it smells. I'm falling in love with the horse products :lol:
I have also jumped on the MTG bandwagon also. I ordered on sat and it should be here sometime this week! Yay I am so excited! I can't to start using it. I want as much growth as I possibly can get.
I just started reading these MTG threads out of curiosity.
and now I'm over here in Singapore looking up Equestrian stores!!

A friend promised me a bottle when I get back but I'm so anxious to get it now. The weather is hot and humid - perfect for growth.
asummertyme said:
dammit..i admit it...i ordered some yesterday..too many results for me to not try it..lol
Well, my hair buddy showed me her two weeks of new growth--almost a whole inch! So uh... I ordered some too! :lol: I ordered mine on Sunday. I'm expecting it this week, and can't wait to try it.
Stormy, what was her regimen with MTG? Over the two weeks, how often did she apply it? Was it mixed with something else (not full strength)? Did she wash during the two weeks? etc.....Thanks.
I received mine today and mixed it with some Wonders 8 Ginseng oil and it doesn't smell that bad at all. Got some itchies on the scalp though.
To the ladies who have already started using mtg... did your hair itch a lot from the new growth? it seems like that would have some type of effect on your scalp. ...itchiness, or soreness perhaps?
hmm..mine should be here within the week..i figure if i can deal with the funk of WGO i can deal with this..still trying to figure out how i will apply it to my head...
The first time I applied MTG, I did experience a lot of itchies a couple of days later. However, I applied this past Monday and I am not experiencing the itcies like before. Also, the right side of my hair does not have any growth, it is still relatively straight at the roots, whereas other areas have that tell-tell wavy/nappiness at the roots. I may reapply on that side at full strength.
My update on MTG. I am definitely beyond a shadow of a doubt getting growth. I can tell by looking at my roots which are a different color now (darker) and because of a few silvers that are slipping in there. Since starting, I have achieved no less than 1 full inch in some places and I have been using it for about a month consistently. Also my hair volume has expanded considerably. My hair feels much much stronger and I do not get any shedding and if I handle my hair properly with patience and do not rush I have no breakage. I use it straight, no chaser. At first I was leaving it in overnight and rinsing out, and applying it 3x a week. Starting July I will be applying it 2x a week and leave it in for 3 days without rinsing. I clarify about 2x a month with baking soda in my diluted shampoo. My hairline is getting full and Now I am going to concentrate on my temple areas because I want to have the hair as thick there as the rest of my hair. That is my "fickle area!" I am pressing for at least 2 inches growth per month. My hair was at a standstill and would not budge for months!!!!. Now it is taking off real fast. from the first application. I think my hair was sulphur deficient. Bonjour.