Jumping on the MTG bandwagon

Mahalialee4 said:
My update on MTG. I am definitely beyond a shadow of a doubt getting growth. I can tell by looking at my roots which are a different color now (darker) and because of a few silvers that are slipping in there. Since starting, I have achieved no less than 1 full inch in some places and I have been using it for about a month consistently. Also my hair volume has expanded considerably. My hair feels much much stronger and I do not get any shedding and if I handle my hair properly with patience and do not rush I have no breakage. I use it straight, no chaser. At first I was leaving it in overnight and rinsing out, and applying it 3x a week. Starting July I will be applying it 2x a week and leave it in for 3 days without rinsing. I clarify about 2x a month with baking soda in my diluted shampoo. My hairline is getting full and Now I am going to concentrate on my temple areas because I want to have the hair as thick there as the rest of my hair. That is my "fickle area!" I am pressing for at least 2 inches growth per month. My hair was at a standstill and would not budge for months!!!!. Now it is taking off real fast. from the first application. I think my hair was sulphur deficient. Bonjour.

WOW coming from you this a power endorsement. You have been on this board around the same time as I was (I joined when it first got started, I was azul but lost my password) so I know you have seen it all and maybe have tried some it as well. And to get a glowing review of this product from you is a big thing. I receieved mine on Tuesday but I got a touchup yesterday so I will wait a week before I try it out. God bless you all.
HI Ladies,

I read so many posts here about the amazing results it gives, so I caved and bought it.

I got it the other night, and let me tell you, THIS STUFF REEKS. However, I am a committed hair grower, so I used it straight. Big mistake.

I expected the sulfur-ish smell (use Sulfur 8 on my hairline as it is) but it also has a weird sort of fried pork product smell It made me think of the Fryolater at the restaurant I used to work at.

I'm going to get some EO's to mask the smell. I'm definately getting lavender. Can anyone else suggest any other EO's that are good for the hair/scalp that would smell nice with this stuff?

Also, can anyone suggest a method of applying so that it doesn't wet my hair down too much?


Re: Jumping on the MTG bandwagon/ Mizani Mrs

Mizani Mrs, I sent you an email and forgot to put the reference. I hope that you didn't delete it because you didn't know who the sender was. I'm so sorry! It ws to inform you of the NC meeting that we are trying establish. Please check us out on the Meeting Forum. If there is any one else who reads this and you are living in NC, please check us out in teh Meeting Forum. The thread reads "Calling NC Folk!" Thanks
Ladies, I ordered my bottle on Monday, July 27. Shapeley's sent it on the Tuesday July 28. I will be getting it today (July 30) according to UPS tracking ( and you know I am tracking!) I will keep reading your comments and keep you posted. Being new and all I hope to get some pictures up soon.
I just got my bottle today ladies. Along with the bottle came a brochure. Inside the brochure is the story. The story is:

"It began in 1938 with a barber in Waterloo, Iowa named Henry E. Shapeley, who formulated a product for dandruff and psoriasis. An avid horse lover, Henry soon discovered the same great results on his horses as he did with his customers. This became Shapeley's first product, known then and now as Original M-T-G (Mane-Tail-Groom).

Two paragraphs further...

"Our philosophy at Shapeley's is the customer comes first...both human and equine! In maintaining our tradition of innovation driven by customer need, we encourage and solicit all comments and suggestions."

The brochure does state that teh product was originally formulated for humans, that it is safe and easy to use. It can be used for rain rot, scratches, girth, sweet itch, dry skin, tail/mane rubbing. It is promoted as being good for growing hair and healing skin ailments. It also states MTG works exceptionally well for promoting hair growth. That MTG "creates a healthy environment hair follicles, resulting in maximum hair growth while keeping the length of the hair shaft soft and pliable for minimum breakage."

Depending on the problem, the product can be used daily and can be cut back. It also states that it does not need to be washed out between applications. As far as the smell, it reminds me not of bacon but sort of like a cough medicine,Cremulsions (not right spelling), that my mother used to give me or maybe a tinge bit like Robitussin. But definietly smells familiar. I also remember this scent from my grandfather's farm. It's not too bad. I would even say it smells like a tar shampoo or grease (kinda woodsy-smokey like- forgive my made up words). I like the smell better than Sulfur 8. I guess to each her own. I will let you know what's up. Also, if it works pretty good, I am going to let my mom try it. She has this thing on her scalp that her dermatologist can't seem to get rid of with medicine and it is affecting her hair growth and has caused her once shoulder length hair to be sparse. I will keep you posted on that too. For naysayers, simply request a pamphlet and maybe a sample and try a small section of your hair. The brochure suggests that this should be done anyhow. But if you don't like it, then you just don't like it. Keep on growing ladies!

I look forward to seeing all the NC ladies soon. Please go to the meeting forum for updates and the opportunity to vote on the city location.
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LOL, I smelled it again and it does smell like hickory bacon but it still isn't as bad as everyone makes it sound.
I would like to know also Stormy. I just applied mine after washing my braids. I just used a spray bottle and went through each part.
stacy said:
Stormy, what was her regimen with MTG? Over the two weeks, how often did she apply it? Was it mixed with something else (not full strength)? Did she wash during the two weeks? etc.....Thanks.
longhair75 said:
I just started using it last week and so far I like it, it took awhile to get use to the smell. I also tried the eqyss mega-tek rebuilder last night I love the way it smells. I'm falling in love with the horse products :lol:

Please tell me how the Eqyss mega-tek rebuilder works. I read that it is a cell rebuilder and also aids growth.

There was a equestrian website that I came across tonight that had quite a few crossover products on it and that is the way they were advertising it too (They also had a product on it that I think may be like MTG but with the fragrance of essential oils. Still researching and waiting for a response from the company(juste emailed them tonight). Many of the products were made with natural ingredients as a matter of fact. Ingredients that you can read and don't need to break down several syllable to understand what is being said).

For those who question these types of products, remember Mane N'Tail are crossover products and til this day they are sold in equestrian and tacks stores as well as in Wal-mart (both on the shampoo aisle and in the pet groom areas (lol)) Mane N' Tail is advertised as a protein condition. Just food for thought.
czyfaith77 said:
I would like to know also Stormy. I just applied mine after washing my braids. I just used a spray bottle and went through each part.

Sorry, I just saw this. My hair buddy (DSD) she said she applies it 2-3 times a week (I think) and she uses one of the bottles with the little spout. Full strength. I'm not sure if she's washed her hair or not yet, because she's wearing tree braids.

My bottle came yesterday! :yay: I see it smells like Glovers. But, it's not too bad. I used it last night, full strength, and this morning the smell is much lighter. I poured mine in an old Wild Growth Oil bottle. I'm thinking.... if this stuff is all it's cracked up to be, then it should stop breakage, and MAYBE this time I can transition and finally go natural.
I'm with you Stormy. We started at the same time. My first application was last night after I washed my braids. Smell isn't bad. Woke up this morning braids were really pretty and smelled fine. I will put this on at night and use my braid spray (African Pride regular and sometimes with peppermint(not used initially))in the morning. So far so good. I will be checking in with you since we started exactly the same time.
Mine should be here today.... I think. Well that's what the lady said in the email. So hopefully it's at the front desk when I go check my mail today. :)
It is here!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just like the email said. I don't think the mtg smells to bad, but it does smell. It reminds me of some type of motor oil or something that you put in your car. :lol:
Millah03 said:
It is here!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just like the email said. I don't think the mtg smells to bad, but it does smell. It reminds me of some type of motor oil or something that you put in your car. :lol:

Congrats Milla and welcome! You can come along on this journey with Stormy and me.
czyfaith77 said:
Congrats Milla and welcome! You can come along on this journey with Stormy and me.

Thanx a bunch. As a matter of fact I will join you all's journey. Not to mention I'm all late with it. But I finally got a few duckets in my pocket and had to get some. :woot:
Where do I buy MTG. I am at the point where I will try anything. Hair longer in the back. I am losing the front. :eek:
I just got my MTG today. I mixed it with aloe vera gel and applied it with a perm brush. I will keep a shower cap on until I wash my hair on Saturday. I don't mind the smell and it is giving me a nice tingle feeling.
Peace and Blessings
HOw's it coming along Milla and Stormy? I am going to have to refresh my braids:lol: . That MTG is putting me to work ladies! Happy growing!
Awww, that's nice to hear. On friday it'll conclude my first week of using MTG. So far I can't tell what's going on. I'll check in again next friday to report anything.
I started on MTG about 5 weeks ago, after reading on it, and WOW!! I was using it every 2-3weeks, sometimes mixed with olive oil(to help smell), and now I started using it with Surge. I got like 2inches within a month, it might be more cause its 6 weeks since my last relaxer, and my new growth is crazy! My hair is like a forest, my temple and kitchen that had broken off in the past, are filling back in tremendously!!
My bad, I was suppose to check in. Well I just completed my second complete week of using MTG, my braid extensions are looser, but I'm not sure if it's growth or slippage. I will be taking my braids out a week early though, so I'll have five weeks of new growth (four during my usage of mtg). I'll be checking in again next Friday.
I am going to join this bandwagon. I just ordered my MTG.
I should get it in a couple of days.
I want my hair to be longer by November 2005.
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Well I used MTG once so far, but it was too hard to apply while I had a sew in, plus the scent faded away but was left on the weave hair..wish i did not like...so once I am out of my sew-in at the end of this month I will start MTG again...goodluck ladies!
hi im late joining but i started using MTG about 1 week ago and my hair feels much softer... im starting to see growth too! cant wait to measure the grow at the end of this month. :)
Naijaqueen said:
I started on MTG about 5 weeks ago, after reading on it, and WOW!! I was using it every 2-3weeks, sometimes mixed with olive oil(to help smell), and now I started using it with Surge. I got like 2inches within a month, it might be more cause its 6 weeks since my last relaxer, and my new growth is crazy! My hair is like a forest, my temple and kitchen that had broken off in the past, are filling back in tremendously!!

Your review is really tempting me to try this. Congratulations on your tremendous growth.