Jumping on the MTG bandwagon

ljones4521 said:
Count me in. I am leaving the house in about 1/2 hour to go and buy some from the store in Damascus, MD.

They sell MTG at regular stores now? Or were you talking about a horse store?
i know one thing, my edges were never long and were always breaking..and now they are just growing in and thriving! i will keep using my horse concoction...cant wait until i take out this weave and see my new growth...
joyous said:
Your review is really tempting me to try this. Congratulations on your tremendous growth.

Thanks, I found out about it on here and felt I had nothing to lose, I've some pics taken from around b4 I started, and I'm going to take one when I get a touch up on Thursday. My kitchen which had broken off horribly is now at a state where I can show it once again, and it feels good putting my hand in my hair and feeling my forest. I wont know the length prob till later, but I do know its thick as heck!!
Hello fellow growers!
I just received my package today, did a 2 hour patch test and saturated my scalp for an overnight oil treatment. As I said on another thread I will take pics so I can start to build an album. I even charged up the digital camera!
czyfaith77 said:
HOw's it coming along Milla and Stormy? I am going to have to refresh my braids:lol: . That MTG is putting me to work ladies! Happy growing!

So far so good. My new growth is really thick! Whew! I was trying to go natural (again), but I've decided to just texturize from now on. Haven't really measured it yet, but let's just say it's been about 3 or 4 weeks (I think) since I've been using it, and I have a TWA underneath my relaxed hair.:lol:
I received my MTG package today, the scent is really strong, but anything for my hair, at least I going to try.
I ordered mine today!! Whohooo.. I am going to try to keep a very detailed picture journal. I will be too happy if this works! I am wondering how I am going to be able to snuggle up to my man smelling like -- pork-- is that what you ladies are saying it smells like? LOL
SerenityBreeze said:
I ordered mine today!! Whohooo.. I am going to try to keep a very detailed picture journal. I will be too happy if this works! I am wondering how I am going to be able to snuggle up to my man smelling like -- pork-- is that what you ladies are saying it smells like? LOL
The smell goes away after a little while and tha's even if you use it straight oils that naturally smell good like cinnamon oil really cover the big odor
JCoily said:
Just curious, how long have you been using the Surge-MTG mixture and have you noticed anything strange, i.e., burning? I have been following many of the MTG pro/con threads and I'm still undecided on the product. Thanks in advance!
I was using the surge and it had my scalp sore. I started mixing it with the MTG and my scalp was still sore so now I just use the MTG raw
I ordered MTG on Wednesday from Yellow mare and Black castor from Sams247.com, the black castor oil came yesterday and hopfully the MTG will come very soon.