Jill Scott gets a relaxer...

WHO cares? i dont care one bit if she relaxed it or not. It ain't mine, thats hers. I dont really use stars as a role model for my hair. Remeber guys, she's a celebrity. Celebrities change their looks as often as u change toothbrushes. It's what keeps them current. lol Just my opinion.
-_- How long has she been out now and how long has she been wearing natural styles?

If she has been in the music industry all this time with natural styles from the get go wth would it matter if ten years later she relaxed for a bit or pressed. She is obviously not scared of her natural hair/afro looking fake hair so that can't be the complaint I hope.
Definitely would not care if that's a relaxer, and I don't think it is. What it is, is a daggone mess. Her stylist should be fired like, yesterday.