Blind from a Relaxer

That is TERRIBLE, I pray that she FULLY recovers. LYE and alot of OTHER CHEMICALS that we use are dangerous if it accidently gets into the eyes.
wow, this is an AWFUL story,, Im really sorry and angry to hear it, I hope she regains her vision, and as someone else mentioned its a MUST that she documnet EVRYTHING she does now, every doc visit, every contact with this so called hairdreser( phone records), witnessnes, shes gonan want all the evidence that this women blinded her and is now avoiding her, so this witch can pay the **** up.. this is really really sad
redeemed516 said:
A friend of mine went to the hair stylist about a week ago. She got a relaxer. She has a really short, old Halle style cut so it doesn't require much relaxer, but the stylist managed to get relaxer in HER EYE. Now she hasn't been able to see out of her eye for over a week. The stylist apologized profusely but that still doesn't change the fact that she can't see. It wasn't like run off from the rinse or something either. IT WAS A BIG GLOB OF CREAMY CRACK THAT WENT DIRECTLY IN HER EYE!!!

Has anyone here ever had a bad relaxer experience? chemical reaction? accident? whatever? She has been to her doctor but he is baffled.

ETA: UPDATED 9/18/2006

Hey ladies...thanks for the concern and comments. Just wanted to post an update. My friend is doing better. She still hasn't regained her vision but she is in good spirits. She is very pleased with her selection of sun glasses. She is also speaking with a lawyer to decide what routes she can go from here. When the stylist heard that she was talking to a lawyer she suddenly became very concerned about my friend's well being and recovery. But toooo little, toooo late. Please keep her recovery in prayer.

I'm very glad she got a lawyer...
redeemed516 said:
A friend of mine went to the hair stylist about a week ago. She got a relaxer. She has a really short, old Halle style cut so it doesn't require much relaxer, but the stylist managed to get relaxer in HER EYE. Now she hasn't been able to see out of her eye for over a week. The stylist apologized profusely but that still doesn't change the fact that she can't see. It wasn't like run off from the rinse or something either. IT WAS A BIG GLOB OF CREAMY CRACK THAT WENT DIRECTLY IN HER EYE!!!

Has anyone here ever had a bad relaxer experience? chemical reaction? accident? whatever? She has been to her doctor but he is baffled.

ETA: UPDATED 9/18/2006

Hey ladies...thanks for the concern and comments. Just wanted to post an update. My friend is doing better. She still hasn't regained her vision but she is in good spirits. She is very pleased with her selection of sun glasses. She is also speaking with a lawyer to decide what routes she can go from here. When the stylist heard that she was talking to a lawyer she suddenly became very concerned about my friend's well being and recovery. But toooo little, toooo late. Please keep her recovery in prayer.

ETA: Updated 9/27/06
MY FRIEND CAN SEE!!! And her eye is looking much better. I don't know exactly what her doctor changed or did but she can see. PRAISE GOD.

That is so great. I'm happy for her. :)
I am so happy to hear that your friend is on the road to recovery. God is good! (Sue that ***** and the salon. What kind of relaxer was that she got in her eye. That was some strong stuff to cause so much damage!)
I'm glad your friend is doing well. She can still sue to at least get her medical expenses paid and compensation for missing work (if she actually did).
Updated 9/27/06
MY FRIEND CAN SEE!!! And her eye is looking much better. I don't know exactly what her doctor changed or did but she can see. PRAISE GOD.[/quote]

God is great..God is good...............
redeemed516 said:
ETA: Updated 9/27/06
MY FRIEND CAN SEE!!! And her eye is looking much better. I don't know exactly what her doctor changed or did but she can see. PRAISE GOD.
Thanks for the update. I'm so glad she regained her eyesight.
Thanks to God indeed! This has been on my mind how could the Salon be so careless. Yes I do think that she should persue legal actions even though she gained her vision back. Who's to say that their (salon) careless action won't hurt another client? Thank Godness that your friend is ok.
My goodness! I feel so bad for your friend. Did she try to immediately rinse the relaxer out of your friends eye? That is just horrible. ok, I just read on, thank God she's ok. that was really a bad experience I'm sure.
Thanks to everybody that has been praying for her. She has been off work since this happened and she is still going to seek legal action.
I have gotten perm in my eye before. What happened was, I was perming my hair and some of my hair that had perm on it, somehow got in my eye. I was wearing contacts at that time as well. It burned a lil, but I was still able to see.
Bumping this thread for all the girls struggling to stay natural (like I am :look:)

Stories like this are the reason DH made me only apply my relaxer in a room apart from DD back when I used them.
Alkalis are very dangerous to the eyes, its actually safer to get an acid in your eye than an Alkaline solution. Thank God she regained her vision. Maybe we should start wearing goggles while relaxing it is really quite dangerous. I usually close my eyes for the fear of getting this stuff in my eyes
That is frightening! I am glad she regained her vision. But man! You can't play around with that stuff! Treat it like hazmat! :nono:
that is crazy, the chemicals in relaxers are very strong, I remember that one salon where my mom worked they did an experiment and left relaxer out for the mice/rats and the next day the mouse was non existent it melted the mouse or rat. so i guess it can cause blindness. very sorry to hear this, i'm assuming your friend has gone to the dr. eye dr.?

i know in the past when i was in h.s. i had burned my eye with a curling iron, wasn't pretty at all.

best wishes again to your friend.
I cringed when I read the original post, how unfortunate but I'm glad the friend was able to regain her vision....
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