Blind from a Relaxer

Very sorry to hear what your friend is suffering. So if you get relaxers, better walk with protective glasses just like when you are dealing with painting, tools etc. Eyes are too precious to lose. bonjour
Sorry to hear about your friend. I once had bleach in my eye. I drop a Clorox bottle and the bleach slashed back up into my face. I flushed flushed flushed the eye and went to the ER. It hurt really bad but I was fine. They flushed it 101 more times in the ER and the doctore ran test and all was fine.
thanks ladies for the concern. she did go to the ER. Didn't pay the lady. She did rinse out the rest of the relaxer before she left. Followed up with an eye dr the next day. She's kind of in a waiting period now. It's been a little over a week since it happened and she still hasn't regained sight. what makes it worse is that the stylist is avoiding her. BIG TIME. She doesn't return her calls. And because my friend can't drive she has people take her to see if she's there. She parks somewhere else when she is there and they keep the front door locked to screen visitors. They are really screwing with her. It's getting uglier by the day.
Ok, she needs to contact a lawyer. The stylist is admitting negligence by avaoiding her and she needs to get that activity documented.

I was going to say that she might not have a case since accidents do happen when you play around with chemicals that serious.

But the stylist's actions are grounds for a lawsuit.
redeemed516 said:
thanks ladies for the concern. she did go to the ER. Didn't pay the lady. She did rinse out the rest of the relaxer before she left. Followed up with an eye dr the next day. She's kind of in a waiting period now. It's been a little over a week since it happened and she still hasn't regained sight. what makes it worse is that the stylist is avoiding her. BIG TIME. She doesn't return her calls. And because my friend can't drive she has people take her to see if she's there. She parks somewhere else when she is there and they keep the front door locked to screen visitors. They are really screwing with her. It's getting uglier by the day.

I hope that she's already contacted a lawyer. This should have been step number 2 right after visiting the ER and seeing doctors for treatment.
1QTPie said:
Ok, she needs to contact a lawyer. The stylist is admitting negligence by avaoiding her and she needs to get that activity documented.

I was going to say that she might not have a case since accidents do happen when you play around with chemicals that serious.

But the stylist's actions are grounds for a lawsuit.

Faith said:
Sorry about your friend :( I'll pray for her.

And this is one of the top 3 reasons I am giving up the relaxer. I saw this CSI eppy last week and the guy got lye thrown on him by accident and died. The burn was so bad and I thought "my goodness, I use lye products on my scalp. No wonder I burn sometimes". I had never seen what lye can it but never seen it. Needless to say it solidified my decision.

I saw this episode too & immediately thought about relaxers.

I pray that your friend regains her sight.
This sounds horrible. I hope that hair dresser has insurance because with her being in a predominantly cash industry, it may be hard to get anything from her if she doesn't. I think your friend should go after anyway, though. Those chemicals are extremely dangerous and even moreso in the hands of negligent practitioners. True, accfidents do happen but the hairdressers actions since the accident speak louder than words.

I wish your friend well.
The stylist's actions are unconscionable. At the very least the stylist should have followed up with her client right away and offered to pay the medical bills.
1QTPie said:
Ok, she needs to contact a lawyer. The stylist is admitting negligence by avaoiding her and she needs to get that activity documented.

I was going to say that she might not have a case since accidents do happen when you play around with chemicals that serious.

But the stylist's actions are grounds for a lawsuit.

I agree! :mad:
I hope & pray your friend will be alright. I agree she needs to consult a lawyer immediately.
My dad lost an eye to a lye accident. It was plaster lye. Don't know if that is the same lye but we all know that relaxer lye is also terribly dangerous.
in june of 2004 i was in chicago at my mom's house putting in a perm my self an i got some perm in my eye i was screaming and hollering it was burning so bad but lucky for my youngest sister was there she like held me down and kept running water over my eye and it was red for like a week or two and kept watering but i only could not see for a little while that day because i was affraid to open my eyes i have not had a perm since
First of all I want to say I'm very sorry about your friend and hope she will get better soon.

Secondly, a similiar situation happened to a client at the salon I visit when home in Houston. My stylist got something into a clients eye (from a highlighting process) she immediately rinsed her eyes out with a special solution and the client said she felt fine. My stylist MADE the client go to the doctor immediately, even though the client didn't want to. She told her to go right then and wanted her to call back on her cell phone for an update, told her she'd paid for the doctor's vist. Later, my stylist told me that she had insurance, so that if anything happened to her clients she would take care of them.

I think most "good" salons have insurance for situation like this.

Your friend needs to document "EVERYTHING" that is happening. She also needs to mail a letter to this "lady" certified mail with return signature detailing: the event, hosptial vistis, her trips to the salon to talk to her and attempts at trying to call her.

Most of all hire a lawyer now or file a suit in small claims court. I'm sure Judge Judy would lovvvve to prosecute this sorry excuse for a salon!

Again sorry about what happened to your friend, no one should be treated like this.
redeemed516 said:
thanks ladies for the concern. she did go to the ER. Didn't pay the lady. She did rinse out the rest of the relaxer before she left. Followed up with an eye dr the next day. She's kind of in a waiting period now. It's been a little over a week since it happened and she still hasn't regained sight. what makes it worse is that the stylist is avoiding her. BIG TIME. She doesn't return her calls. And because my friend can't drive she has people take her to see if she's there. She parks somewhere else when she is there and they keep the front door locked to screen visitors. They are really screwing with her. It's getting uglier by the day.

It's been over a week and she's STILL blind in that eye??? :eek: :eek: :eek: OMG
blindness from a relaxer? i didn't know that was possible. the only accident i've had is relaxer that burned my forehead a little and the tip of my ears. it was nothing serious though.
redeemed516 said:
A friend of mine went to the hair stylist about a week ago. She got a relaxer. She has a really short, old Halle style cut so it doesn't require much relaxer, but the stylist managed to get relaxer in HER EYE. Now she hasn't been able to see out of her eye for over a week. The stylist apologized profusely but that still doesn't change the fact that she can't see. It wasn't like run off from the rinse or something either. IT WAS A BIG GLOB OF CREAMY CRACK THAT WENT DIRECTLY IN HER EYE!!!

Has anyone here ever had a bad relaxer experience? chemical reaction? accident? whatever? She has been to her doctor but he is baffled.
My Mom has dripped relaxer in my eye before. I just squinched it and then rinsed it out fast. She needs to go to the Dr. and then to the lawyer. I know it was an accident, but that woman was/is a professional (my Mother is not) and these things can't be happening. We all know how dangerous relaxers are, but come on now, thats terrible.
MrsHouston said:
First of all I want to say I'm very sorry about your friend and hope she will get better soon.

Secondly, a similiar situation happened to a client at the salon I visit when home in Houston. My stylist got something into a clients eye (from a highlighting process) she immediately rinsed her eyes out with a special solution and the client said she felt fine. My stylist MADE the client go to the doctor immediately, even though the client didn't want to. She told her to go right then and wanted her to call back on her cell phone for an update, told her she'd paid for the doctor's vist. Later, my stylist told me that she had insurance, so that if anything happened to her clients she would take care of them.

I think most "good" salons have insurance for situation like this.

Your friend needs to document "EVERYTHING" that is happening. She also needs to mail a letter to this "lady" certified mail with return signature detailing: the event, hosptial vistis, her trips to the salon to talk to her and attempts at trying to call her.

Most of all hire a lawyer now or file a suit in small claims court. I'm sure Judge Judy would lovvvve to prosecute this sorry excuse for a salon!

Again sorry about what happened to your friend, no one should be treated like this.

Great post MrsHouston!

All salons need to have insurance. If they don't, then they're breaking the law and the terms of their license.

Documentation is everything, no matter how minor it may seem. Keep a timetable of everything that happened, and keep all records from the doctors and the ER. Even keep cab receipts if you're unable to drive.
caribeandiva said:
blindness from a relaxer? i didn't know that was possible. the only accident i've had is relaxer that burned my forehead a little and the tip of my ears. it was nothing serious though.

i've had that happen as well. i had scabbing for about a week, but it healed and went away. skin follicles heal quickly (except if you experience 2nd & 3rd degree burn). but your eyes are extremely delicate. any substance that touches the eye that isn't water or water based (like saline) can harm the eyes, and even cause some form of blindness.
kinchen said:
in june of 2004 i was in chicago at my mom's house putting in a perm my self an i got some perm in my eye i was screaming and hollering it was burning so bad but lucky for my youngest sister was there she like held me down and kept running water over my eye and it was red for like a week or two and kept watering but i only could not see for a little while that day because i was affraid to open my eyes i have not had a perm since

Your sister saved your eyesight. I once had a chemical in my eye (roll-on deodorant). My father continually rinsed my eye with water. Anyone who works with chemicals or in an ER should know the eye has to be rinsed continuously with water for 15 minutes and the victim has to be evaluated by a doctor ASAP.

How is your friend doing now?