January 18,19,20,21...What Are YOUR Weekend Hair Plans??


PJ Rehabilitation Center
Happy TGIF (almost) Ladies:grin:

Happy MLK Day (for everyone that has the day off).

So, what are YOU doing to Nuture & Nourish YOUR Hair????

Here's what I'm doing (I think):

Cowashed with: Claudie's Avocado Intense
Do a light reconstructor (maybe)
Steam with Silk Dreams Avocado Pudding under Coffee
ACV Rinse
Tea/Leave-In & Dry under Dryer

And You????

I may Hendigo on Monday?
I love a long weekend. Endless hair possibilities.

I just shampooed with LUSH Godiva to be sure I got all the Bee Mine sulfur off my scalp
Coffee rinse
About to DC with heat with NaturelleGrow Mango and CocoNut water DCer
Detangle with KCKT
Seal with Darcy's Madagascar cream

And I'll DC at least one more time this weekend. Cuz I loves it :)
I'm pretty sure I'll be relaxing now that I bought a relaxer today lol. The only reason I can't do it tonight is because I have no applicatir brush.
Friday I'm going to shampoo with ORS aloe shampoo, condition with ORS hair mayo under the dryer and DC with ORS replenishing pak.
On Sunday I plan to:
Pre-poo with a moisturising con mixed with avocado oil
Co-wash with strawberries and cream
DC with Osmo hair mask
Moisturise with keracare naturals, seal with avocado oil and then seal again with my 365 smoothie shea butter and oil blend
Air-dried in a braided bun
Washed my hair with 613, deep conditioned with Cream of Nature Argan Oil Intensive Conditioner, Used Bio Silk reconstructor, and am sporting a Wash N Go :grin:
Prepoo w/ Trigger on scalp and Hempseed oil on length/ends

Shampoo with Elasta QP Shampoo for Relaxed Hair and follow up with Elasta QP Creme Conditioning Shampoo

Do a reconstructive treatment with Keracare Intensive Restorative Masque

Tea rinse and apply my moisturizing DC directly on top of it and steam for 20 to 30 minutes

*Roller Set for the 1st time in a year and a half

Sit under hooded dryer

Flat iron roots

I'll be taking out my flat twists that I've been wearing under my wig and washing with Giovanni moisturizing shampoo. Dc'ing under my steamer with Wen deep conditioner. Maybe a hot oil treatment if I'm feeling up to it. Then I'll retwist after M&S'ing and be good to go!
- DC with Silk Dreams Vanilla Silk
- Leave in KBB Sweet Ambrosia Vanilla Latte
- Seal with Hairveda Vatika Frosting
Wiggin' it up! All day, errey day! LOL

Naw, I just did my whole wash routine today (had the day off) and my hair is flat twisted down; I did the deep moisture routine, where I left my DC in and I'll leave it like that for a week or 2. Got a new wig, excited to try it this weekend!
I am under the dryer now. I am soooooooo sleepy. Thank God I have less than five minutes left!

you still under there:nono:

I plan doing a komaza hardcore protein treatment this weekend cause I would like my stylist to flatiron and trim my hair next weekend. I'll follow up with gbp or hsr.
Fri or sat:
Shampoo with ors aloe
Aphogee 2 step (6 weeks comes by quick)
Dc with joico moisture conditioner
Braidout or flat twist out or something lol
I feel like I want to try a curlformers set, but we will see.

I'll be :
Cleansing with HV amala creme rinse mixed with amla powder
DC with HV sitrinillah
Add brahmi and aritha paste on my scalp while dcing
Spritz with tea/avj

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Not washing it. I keep saying it, but I need to find some hair that blends well with mine to make my own phony bun. I'll need to take someone to the BSS with me and find some.
Wash with con DC with

It looks so yummy...and it's new and Walmart had it marked down to less than 5.00
I may try to do these twists....I need to do something that will last a week so I can just leave it alone...
I have this hair just sitting at home I need to use it...
I will be PM styling Tonight - Sunday night
  • Moisturize the length of my hair with diluted oyin dew
  • Seal with a little red palm oil
  • Use bee-mine hold butter to slick my hair up into a bun (like you would use gel)
  • Re-bun my hair
  • Tie it down with scarf
  • Sleep

Do it all over again Sat pm & Sun pm
I will probably do my twist over. I noticed this winter, my hair has been very dry. I spray my hair with one of Oyin's sprays, or a mix of diluted DB pumpkin conditioner in a water bottle. Once my hair is dry, it's dry as a chip.
Weekend hair maintenance time!! :-)......going to oil my hair before washing then shampoo followed by hard protein treatment (komaza protein strengthener) followed by a moisture dc under the steamer!
southerncitygirl, I was done about 2 minutes after I posted. I was so sleepy. I don't even remember what time I got off of the phone with you. At least I got that out of the way. :D I am so proud that I did my rollerset in 21 minutes!
I've had to switch my wash day from sat to sun because my son has basketball games every sat morning now. Yaaaaay go Hello Jackets!!!!
Sun (after church!) Pre poo with EVOCO or GSO for about an hour, wash with CON Argan oil poo, DC with la bombs DC for 45mins using heat. CW with Aussie Moist. Add leave in seal and air dry
Wash with con DC with

It looks so yummy...and it's new and Walmart had it marked down to less than 5.00
I may try to do these twists....I need to do something that will last a week so I can just leave it alone...
I have this hair just sitting at home I need to use it...

crlsweetie912, Please give a review on the new product after you use it! I'm interested :yep: TIA!

OAN: I'm planning on applying some cassia to my hair this weekend
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I've been wearing a french twist protective style for the past 8 eight days... Too lazy to wash, but tomorrow I'll be taking care of my tresses.

CoWash: Tresemme Naturals/ jojabo oil
Light Protein: Aphogee 2 min Reconstructor
DC: Organix Macadamia Oil DC + honey
Detangler/Leave In: Curly Kinks Satin Roots

Seal ends w/ Split End mender and seal hair with coconut oil or jojoba oil.

Style: Chunky Flat Twists....
Wash with con DC with

It looks so yummy...and it's new and Walmart had it marked down to less than 5.00
I may try to do these twists....I need to do something that will last a week so I can just leave it alone...
I have this hair just sitting at home I need to use it...

My alter ego garlic treatment came so imma use that instead of the loreal!
Either Sat or Sun

Clarify w/ joico, wash w/ joico , aphogee 2 step and Dc w/ silk elements trmt. Add SE leave in and seal. Will airdry if it's not too chilly. Otherwise, will sit under the dryer about 20 mins, then airdry the rest.

CW with coconut wash and DC with GVP conditioning balm and oil. Add leave in and airdry, then style the following day.