June 1,2,3...What Are YOUR Weekend Hair Plans???


PJ Rehabilitation Center
Happy Weekend Lovely Ladies!:grin:

So what are you doing this Weekend to Nuture & Nourish Your Hair?

Tomorrow I plan to:
Cowash with Claudie's either Avocado or Tropical *something Claudie tho*
Mega-Tek under Plastic Cap 1 Hour
Steam with either: Darcy's DC'er, Carol's Daugther BV Smoothie or Marie Dean's Green Hemp over a Cup of Columbian Coffee
ACV Rinse
Saw Palmetto Tea Rinse and apply Leave-In, a bit of Grapeseed Oil & Dry under Dryer.

And You?????
I plan to finally take down this updo on Saturday...it's been 2 weeks.

Overnight Protein DC with AOGPB :love3:
Shampoo with CON green label (scalp only)
Black Tea rinse
Ayurvedic DC (steam for 20 mins)- kalpi tone + creamy condish as a base
Apply SD Silky Leave-In on Wet hair
Moisturise with QB AOHC :love:
Add a dab of QB AHTB

Then either twist...or try another updo style.

I can't WAIT!!
- Detangle with Tresemme Naturals
- Clarify with Terressentials Cool Mint mudwash
- DC Jessicurl WDT
- Leave-in oil mix, CJ Argan, and put in a puff
-Co-wash with AO HSR
-Castor oil to mid-shaft and ends
-Shea Moisture Deep Treatment mask
-Cover with a scarf
*Basically using my regualr routine during the week instead of my weekly shampoo this weekend since I'm not home*
I know I'm clarifying with ORS creamy aloe
washing with JBCO shampoo
DC with silk elements moisturizing treatment or lustrasilk cholesterol
final rinse with Porosity Control
Herbal essence ltr as my leave in

What I don't know is if I'm protective styling afterwards or flat ironing.
This year is flying by! I can't believe it's already JUNE.

This weekend, I will attempt to do a flexirod set. Attempt being the key operative word. :lol:
Dry dc w aowc
Clean w Lisa Rachel cleansing condish for damaged hair
Quick condition w ors hairepair condish
Use miracle 7 leave in and buriti serum to air dry
Wow, I haven't been in here in some time so I figure I'd post.

Dry DC with silk elements mega moisture
Shampoo with bobeam Shealoe bar
detangle with trader Joe nourish spa
Twist with eco styler olive oil
Seal with something.

Hope all you ladies have a great weekend!
On Sunday I plan to,
pre-poo with aussie moist, do a mudwash, deep condition (if it feels dry), use shea moisture's leave-in then retwist my hair with a styler
Getting ready for a flat iron to cut these damaged ends to have fresh hair for summer! Just did overnight DC with elasta qp dpr-11 (the old formula too, can't believe I found it at BSS, is it making a comeback???) with aloe vera gel, water, olive and avocado oil added.

Today: Rinsed out DC this morning; going to do Mixed Silk DC this afternoon and roller set!!
Overnight henna treatment, wash out the henna with Condish...then DC, and air dry in some type of protective style. Its gonna be an easy-breezy haircare weekend...LOL!:yep:
Making Hair Rinse

Scheduling Braiding Appointment

Purchasing Aveda Conditioners

Ordering Komaza Care staples..

Exfoliating Scalp
i have huge weekend hair plans

heres to hoping if i write everything down i will stick with it do a good job and get it done

take out these braids

do a bentonite treatment


steam dc

end with a nice cunky twist out
All being done on twisted hair:

Oil with mix of mustard oil and mozeke amla hair infusion
Tea rinse with ayurvedic tea mix
DC with PBN Chocolate smoothie over my coffee/tea mix
ACV rinse, followed by catnip tea rinse
LI condish, seal, be done with it :yep:
wash with Dr bronners citrus
Overnight cleanse with terressentials mud wash (mixed with rhassoul clay)
HV whipped ends as LI
put in chunky twists for twistout
SimJam said:
wash with Dr bronners citrus
Overnight cleanse with terressentials mud wash (mixed with rhassoul clay)
HV whipped ends as LI
put in chunky twists for twistout

HeySimJam does dr bronners clean without stripping?
M&S with AR braidspray and EVOCO. Probably baggy nightly. Im trying to manipulate my hair as least as possible:)
bajandoc86 yes for me it does. I dilute 1 part Dr bronners 2 parts water

there was a lotta hoopla about pH and such but its been my staple poo for 2 years now.
always used the lavender but recently tried the citrus and I love it.
:look:heading to IDareT'sHair home with an extra large overnight bag so i can come back nyc home on the chinatown bus with a plethora of products for my bathroom:lachen:

i'll just do the usual on saturady night or sunday wash, condtion, twist and take down twists for twistout style for the week.:yep: