I've Made The Hard Decision To Texturize


Well-Known Member
Ladies I'm going through it right now my hair is just to kinky, coily, nappy whatever you want to call it to deal with it. I tried to do some type of styling today and it was a long hard fight which I lost. My hair just shrinks up and looks bad. Its moisturized conditioned and everything else but its still just to coarse to do anything with. I've been natural for 2 1/2 years and I've been wearing wigs for 2 1/2 years Im tired of them and I want to be able to wear my own hair out. I've thought about using heat but I live in Florida and a flat ironing job wouldn't last 10 minutes on my head. So I think I mat have to throw in the natural towel I'm planning on doing the texturizer this weekend :(
((HUGS)) I know exactly what your going through. You have to do what's best for you and if texturizing your hair will make you happy then I say do it:yep: I decided to texturize b/c my hair kept matting, knotting and it would take hours just to put it in a pony tail:nono:. I do LOVE my natural hair but with my lifestyle and the hairstyles that I would like to achieve it just wasnt for me. Needless to say, that doesnt mean I will never go back to natural. If I do, I probably will not grow my hair past CBL. If I get one more scalp burn though, I might just go back to being natural and just deal with it:lol:

There is always pros & cons to every situation and for me when I was natural (almost 7yrs) it was ALWAYS a constant battle.

BTW Are you self-relaxing?
((HUGS)) I know exactly what your going through. You have to do what's best for you and if texturizing your hair will make you happy then I say do it:yep: I decided to texturize b/c my hair kept matting, knotting and it would take hours just to put it in a pony tail:nono:. I do LOVE my natural hair but with my lifestyle and the hairstyles that I would like to achieve it just wasnt for me. Needless to say, that doesnt mean I will never go back to natural. If I do, I probably will not grow my hair past CBL. If I get one more scalp burn though, I might just go back to being natural and just deal with it:lol:

There is always pros & cons to every situation and for me when I was natural (almost 7yrs) it was ALWAYS a constant battle.

BTW Are you self-relaxing?

Yes I plan on doing it at home my big sis has been a beautician for many years and I used to work in a few very busy shops as a shampoo girl and was taught by some great stylist how to relax, rollerset and other things so I'm pretty confident that I can apply it correctly I just don't want to regret it. Ive come to realize that I do love telling people that I'm all natural is a big and wonderful part of my life but at the end of the day looking at my natural hair doesn't make me as happy I keep thinking if it gets longer it will get better and easier but I'm apl. Now and I still can't do anything with it. I just looks dry and shrunken all the time
I understand what your going through. I live in FL as well and I had to resort to using the Silk Elements Smoothing products. I have never used the entire system but my hair feels so much better and its still curly but looser curls. I still look natural. I was debating on wacking it all off...it was driving me crazy to flatiron APL hair for 6 hrs and then it all POOFS in 15 mins and I'm a 4a(i guess who cares) anyway, Im much happier for it. No more 8hr 2strand twist sessions! Now I can do my twists in 3 hrs :) Do whats best for you, just keep it healthy! **HHJ**
When I 1st got the relaxer, I was like What have I done!! But after I washed my hair & I saw that my hair still curled up & I still had sum texture to it I felt better. Only thing I regret is that I wish I knew what I know back then. When I went natural, I was only 16 & didn't have the knowledge to properly care for my hair. When I turned 22/23 I got a texturizer & have been texturizered for almost 6yrs now. I enjoy my hair more but I still hate getting a chemical process. I also miss telling people I'm natural:)

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I think we've already talked about this in other threads. :yep: So, I highly reccomend Linange Shea Texturizer, and Linange neutralizing conditioner. I've been using Motions Moisture Creme Neutralizing shampoo, but I think I want to switch to MIZANI Butter Blend Balance Hair Bath Neutralizing & Chelating Shampoo. Don't forget the mid-protein step!

Hair should be healthy, cute, and fun! Those are the only labels that matter!
You have to do what's best for you and what fits with your lifestyle. You don't owe anyone any explanations or apologies. :hug2: It really is just hair. :yep:
Just echoing others sentiments - do what works best for YOU. I was natural for years and I truly loved my hair but going texlaxed just made life simpler for what I was willing to commit to for hair maintenance.
No need to be sad about it. Like you said using heat really isn't going to benefit you in what you are trying to accomplish but texturizing will. If being natural isn't working for you right now its ok. The beauty of hair is that there are tons of options for what to do with it. You should enjoy your hair the way you want to enjoy it. If tecturizing it will do that for you then go for it. :)

My iPad has a mind of its own.
Do you, no need to explain milady! That is your head, this is your life. As long as your a WEN girl your okay with me :giggle:

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I felt this way over the weekend. I was truly going to throw in the towel. Then I decided to give it one more year. (I've been natural for 3 years and I hardly ever wear my hair out. I have a bunch of excuses, it's too short, it's hard to maintain, it shrinks...then I simply do not like twists on me. Well, I purchased a wig and played in it a bit., but I think I like a more finished/professional look. So, I decided to try a professional weave (I'm not going to let natural beat me...just yet). I'm hoping I can get an appointment at Reniece (Maryland) or dontspeakdefeat (Atlanta) in October. I'm at my wits end too! But i have too much product and I've invested too much time with this natural hair...

I'm from South Florida and I agree, the humidity is a beast!

good luck with your decision...no regrets!
lamaria211 said:
Ladies I'm going through it right now my hair is just to kinky, coily, nappy whatever you want to call it to deal with it. I tried to do some type of styling today and it was a long hard fight which I lost. My hair just shrinks up and looks bad. Its moisturized conditioned and everything else but its still just to coarse to do anything with. I've been natural for 2 1/2 years and I've been wearing wigs for 2 1/2 years Im tired of them and I want to be able to wear my own hair out. I've thought about using heat but I live in Florida and a flat ironing job wouldn't last 10 minutes on my head. So I think I mat have to throw in the natural towel I'm planning on doing the texturizer this weekend :(

I get it. I ended up texturising recently for similar reasons and so far so good. It's still my hair, only easier to manage.
The way I see it, it's only hair and if this doesn't work out I can always cut and start over.
Good luck and enjoy the journey because that is what it is.

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I texlaxed and although I sometimes miss my natural hair I do not miss the constant knots, matting, and shrinkage. Now that I'm texlaxed my retention rate is much better and best yet I still have my curls and can wash n go. When I was on the fence I did lots of research on the pros and the cons and when it came down to it I needed to be happy with my hair. No matter what you have to be happy with yours whether it be natural, texturized, or relaxed bone straight.

ETA: Check out this blog. She mixes conditioner with a lye relaxer for consistent results. Also you may want to research lye versus no-lye to see what would be best for you.

No shade from here llmaria! I know you've been struggling. It's your hair-do whatever and enjoy it!

Pics pics pics when you're done!
I know the feeling! The only way I could get my hair straight and keep it straight in Florida was with a pressing comb!

Do whatever you feel is right and then come back and show us lots of pics :)
Thanks for the encouragement ladies I really appreciate it. Can I us Roux Mendex hair repair treatment after as my mild protein condish? Or gpb?
Thanks for the encouragement ladies I really appreciate it. Can I us Roux Mendex hair repair treatment after as my mild protein condish? Or gpb?

I'd use the Roux...or some Aphogee 2min if you have it. I used Neutral Protein filler, and loved the instant strength it gave my hair.
Thanks guys I'm so excited and nervous I don't want to go from healthy full natural hair to broken damaged relaxed hair are there many ladies on here with healthy long relaxed hair? If so please come help a sister out
OP, there's no reason to be sad about it. If this is what you want and you feel it will be easier for you then go for it. You have to do what makes you happy. Hope it works out for you can't wait for pics.
I think its the APL itch. I made it natural 2 years and 1 month to the day. I was like where is my ease of styling and variety galore. I'm only loving my hair in twistouts and puffs. Then suddenly I hated not enjoying my length because my hair laughed at a flatiron!! I was ready for a more polished look with more versatility!! I haven't looked back I love my hair!! You will love it!
I'm only 6 months post and having this same feeling! I am so used to the styles I was able to get with relaxed hair and the ease of self-styling. I can't wait to see your pics and hear updates!
i'm not gonna lie it's been running across my mind as my hair gets longer and longer. It takes soooo long to detangle and style and it seems like my hair is getting more and more ssks to the longer it gets too. I've trimmed, but they keep popping up. I would love to have get up and go hair again. The only thing that's keeping me on this rugged path is that I don't want the past 3 years to be a waste. That, and I do love my texture.
Thanks guys I'm so excited and nervous I don't want to go from healthy full natural hair to broken damaged relaxed hair are there many ladies on here with healthy long relaxed hair? If so please come help a sister out
@lamaria211 Say what? :grin: There are many healthy long relaxed heads on this board....


This sticky should also be able to help you out...http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=570837

I just relaxed in November 2011 and I am not regretting it. After 30 years of being natural, I was ready for a change!
I hope your hair is a success. We have too many options for hair care to be a source of stress.