I've made the decision...


Well-Known Member
to transition back to natural. I'm not feeling beeing relaxed anymore. I was natural for almost two years up until Jan 19 2010 when I got bored one day and decided to relax. In hindsight I should've gotten a weave. I was apl 4a/b and now I'm mad because I could've been bsl natural moving on the midback natural and now I have to start over. My last relxer was in September 2010 and I think I have about 2 inches of newgrowth at the moment. I immediately regretted relaxing but decided to ride it out but I spent it mostly in weaves due to my internship. I wore it out from September 2010 to two weeks ago to enjoy the length. I never thought I would've reached bsl. I actually didn't even notice until a friend pointed it out. While I'm proud of the progress I miss my natural hair and I'm not really a fan of super straight hair. I love my kinks and the versatility to do anything to my hair but I'm ultimately a wash and go girl. I haven't done a good job of documenting but my siggy has my current length.

So there you have it. I've made my decision.
Don't be discourage. There are plenty of people transitioning on the board. You will have company in the transitioning threads. I have been doen this for almost two years. Just enjoy your hair at every stage and you will be fine. HHG
Well, consider this an early congratulations for coming back to the Nachal side! :grin: :congrats::congrats:

Having made the trip from natural to relaxed after two years, do you mind if I ask you a few questions?

What made you decide to relax? Was it really just impulse/boredom, or were you having issues with your natural hair? EX: Tangling? SSKs?

What do you dislike about your hair now that it's relaxed, and why was it better when it was natural? Now that you are relaxed, are you having problems with breakage? Dryness? Retention? Was hair density a factor? In deciding to come back to natural, do you think you would ever relax again in the future?

Please know that I am NOT trying to interrogate you! I am just genuinely curious and would like to hear more about your experience. It might be helpful for those who are thinking of relaxing again. Hope you don't mind? :Blush2:
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Well, consider this an early congratulations for coming back to the Nachal side! :grin: :congrats::congrats:

Having made the trip from natural to relaxed after two years, do you mind if I ask you a few questions?

What made you decide to relax? Was it really just impulse/boredom, or were you having issues with your natural hair? EX: Tangling? SSKs? - I did have ssk issues but I was a wash and go girl at apl so I'd think ssk's would be an issue regardless. I'd fix that with stretching or braiding, moisturizing etc. It was mostly boredom though. I thought oh no!!!!! What did I do. Oh well lemme see where I can go with this.

What do you dislike about your hair now that it's relaxed, and why was it better when it was natural? - I miss the puffiness of my natural hair. I feel like I never really gave it a chance to see where I could go with it. It was also healthier in my opinion. My edges especially. It was not until I relaxed again that I remembered how relaxers were damaging my edges. My natural hair straightened is also fuller than my relaxed hair. I just prefer my natural hair because I want my hair to be healthy all over and I'm over keeping up with relaxers. I hate dealing with two textures and I'd rather deal with the natural texture.

Now that you are relaxed, are you having problems with breakage? Dryness? Retention? Was hair density a factor? In deciding to come back to natural, do you think you would ever relax again in the future? - no breakage, shedding, dryness, or retention problems. Just my struggling edges. They were doing better when I was natural. Idk if I'll ever relax again who knows? I'd say more than likely not though. I've had the itch to go natural since the very day I relaxed.

Please know that I am NOT trying to interrogate you! I am just genuinely curious and would like to hear more about your experience. It might be helpful for those who are thinking of relaxing again. Hope you don't mind? :Blush2:

It's ok I don't think you're interrogating me. They were necessary questions to help others. More questions welcome.

The last time I went natural I transitioned for 3 months. This time I'll hold out for as long as I can. I may bc in the summer.
Congratulations on your decision. My friend just relaxed and now says she misses her natural hair but I don't think it's enough to make her go natural again.

I am natural and having issues with SSK's. I have decided to stop air drying so often, stop being afraid of heat, and plan my hair wash days in advance. I got so used to wash and go in the summer that I would just hop in the shower and co wash my hair. As it got longer, it started to tangle and the wash n go only last one day.
I figure that when I was relaxed, I got a dominican roller set every week with some direct heat to the roots and my hair managed to stay on my head. LOL. So, now as a natural, I think I will start to flat iron once a month and roller set twice a month. I will monitor my curl pattern to make sure I am not suffering heat damage and do light protein every two weeks or as needed. I flat iron my DD hair 2 tor 3 times a month for 2 years and she has no heat damage.

Sorry to hijack. Thanks for sharing. Good luck.
Thank you so much OP for this thread! I've been struggling with staying natural lately (but not very much).
Just get a bit envious of all the straight heads. You know, length can be shown at any time without the huge process that being natural takes.
And it's really been no more than when I first became a natural (trans. for about 1 1/2 yr. in beg. 08').
But like you (i think) my sides/edges were gone and then they'd come back and repeat (w/ relaxers). Even to the point of (I think) making them weak after stopping relaxing.
Since they're finally growing (edges) in nicely the itch has been getting to me.
Ultimately I know 'my hair' is too fine for relaxing.
Again, thank you.

ETA: Like the other poster mentioned I hope you can continue to enjoy your hair.
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I understand about wanting to change b/c sometimes I just want to slap some relaxer on my head and call it a day. Usually, that is when I either straighten or get a weave. I agree that you should do a long transition since you did make it to bsl.
Thanks so much for answering all my questions! I really appreciate it! :kiss:

Though I am not considering relaxing myself (at least not fully) I believe other members of the board might be and would like to hear from someone whose been there and back! :grin:

Please keep us posted as you transition back to natural!

Thanks ladies. People don't agree with decision asking why I'm cutting off all that hair and saying they gonna stop talking to me. LOLOLOL like I'm gonna die. I just tell them I'll make new friends.
Congradulations on your decision! the good thing is that you've transitioned before so you are education on what works for your hair so you will not have to transition and figure out what's good for your hair at the same time. So hopefully your transition will be as smooth as possible this time.