Please don't take this the wrong way, but back in the day, this is why people used grease to seal in the hair with the hot comb. Flat-irons and super kinky hair with humidity and light silicon don't work for most people. Maybe they will invent something to help. Op, have you tried that Lustrasilk spray product?
I can definitely relate. I felt the same way before I got married three years ago. Except that I did not want to end up with a messed up texturizer, so I just had it relaxed bone straight. I'm natural again now. One of the pros of the texturizer is manageability. Afro-textured hair requires a significant amount of planning. Might texturize when I get to waist-length. Cheers to your hair! Can't wait to see the pics.
Doing a protein then moisturizing DC in preparation for my upcoming chemical service Friday
OK beautiful ladies its done I can't lie I feel like A freed slave
I'm deep conditioning right now so ill post dry pics later I promise
These are the before pics
lamaria211 said:May I ask why you went back to natural? And what's your hair type? Tia
I went back natural for several reasons. For one, I don't like having flat, texture-less hair. Second, I saw that news report on the little girl who was bullied about her natural hair. Once her mom went natural too, she didn't care what the stupid bullies said and just loved herself. I want to be that example for my future daughter.
I think my hair type is 4C. I have a mish mash of spirals, coils, waves but my hair is very thick and coarse.
I see you did the texturizer but I can't see the pics.