It's true that diry hair grows faster...

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New Member
At least this is true for me.

Wearing quickweaves with pro-style gel w/protein for over a year has giving me twice the length I had. I went from NL to APL. I washed it monthly, hardly conditioned it and pretty much ABUSED my hair but it continued to grow long & thick!

But then again I got a relaxer on the 18th and I already feel an inch of new growth in my center.

Is anyone else dealing with their hair growing faster when its dirty?

Why does hair seem to grow more when its dirty?

I wouldn't say having dirty hair made it grow better, less manipulation and keeping your ends protected helped you retain the growth.
Maybe it is because, you are retaining more length because of the less manipulation the hair is being put to.
I see you double posted so I'll c/p here! Much like the other ladies said:

I doubt it's because it's "dirty" vs the lack of manipulation you're doing. Less manipulation means less chance of breaking, getting splits from friction, etc.

Wearing weaves, etc can be considered a "protective style" meaning your hair underneath is protected from the elements, heat, constant combing and abuse. It's not the dirt at all. A clean scalp actually promotes growth.
As the ladies said. Low manipulation is what made it seem it grew more. You just retained what you would have normally kept, unlike when you manipulated your hair daily.
I understand that...but what about the protein in the styling gel? When I took down my weaves my hair was FILTHY...absolutely nasty but it still grew in that condition...That is more or less what I was referring too.
I understand that...but what about the protein in the styling gel? When I took down my weaves my hair was FILTHY...absolutely nasty but it still grew in that condition...That is more or less what I was referring too.
How long did you go without washing? Not a year right? It didn't stink?
I understand that...but what about the protein in the styling gel? When I took down my weaves my hair was FILTHY...absolutely nasty but it still grew in that condition...That is more or less what I was referring too.

Hair will grow regardless of the condition. It is made to grow as long as you are living breathing and eating (they say it still grows when you are dead). The Gel did not make it grow. You saw length because it was not breaking off.
Hair will grow regardless of the condition. It is made to grow as long as you are living breathing and eating (they say it still grows when you are dead). The Gel did not make it grow. You saw length because it was not breaking off.

Hair will grow anyway. I believe a clean scalp optimizes growth, but it will grow anyway. No manipulation leads to you keeping all that you grew out. :yep:
How long did you go without washing? Not a year right? It didn't stink?
I went for almost 8 weeks one time without washing. It stunk to high heaven and I couldn't imagine WHY my hair grew when it was so dirty. I understand when you don't touch your hair it can grow but the length that I got made me think that my hair thrived in those dirty conditions.

It's weird I know but I don't know any other way to describe it.
Hair will grow anyway. I believe a clean scalp optimizes growth, but it will grow anyway. No manipulation leads to you keeping all that you grew out. :yep:
Ok now that makes sense...if it will grow regardless then I need to understand why I'm going through all these processes to make it grow. Catch 22.
The lady who did my perm said that my hair grew because it was dirty...I have heard that a lot...that black hair grows more when its dirty. Don't know if it was a myth or not but my hair grew more than it should when I didn't wash it for months on end.

Not to say that was the right thing to do just my observation.
The lady who did my perm said that my hair grew because it was dirty...I have heard that a lot...that black hair grows more when its dirty. Don't know if it was a myth or not but my hair grew more than it should when I didn't wash it for months on end.

Not to say that was the right thing to do just my observation.

Oh No no...I grew up hearing that nonsense too...its not true. But I never ever believed that. Some how as a child I knew that did not sound right.
Some heads of hair can't handle frequent washing, mine loves it. I rarely flat ironed my hair when it was longer because after 1 week I'd be in the shower shampooing the heck out of it lol. The only reason my 2 strand twists lasted 2 weeks is cuz I carefully washed them after the 1st week lol. When I was a kid I don't remember my mom washing my hair very often but I remember her gunking it up with Pink Lotion, Blue Magic, and TCB Oil Sheen and I had the longest, thickest head of hair I've ever had in my life. I wasn't allowed to get chemicals, I was NEVER allowed to wear it out unless it was hot combed for some special occasion, and no one was allowed in my head but my mother.
Your DOESN'T sound right! But it seemed like it fit. It can't be all that true since I can actually tug on my new growth I've gotten after only a week after a perm.

Thank for the clarification.
Some heads of hair can't handle frequent washing, mine loves it. I rarely flat ironed my hair when it was longer because after 1 week I'd be in the shower shampooing the heck out of it lol. The only reason my 2 strand twists lasted 2 weeks is cuz I carefully washed them after the 1st week lol. When I was a kid I don't remember my mom washing my hair very often but I remember her gunking it up with Pink Lotion, Blue Magic, and TCB Oil Sheen and I had the longest, thickest head of hair I've ever had in my life. I wasn't allowed to get chemicals, I was NEVER allowed to wear it out unless it was hot combed for some special occasion, and no one was allowed in my head but my mother.
Really? My mom did that too me too...remember the TCB grease? and the Blue Magic? She put that mess on my hair Daily but unlike yours mine didn't grow until I started getting quick weaves. I guess it depends on your head.
Ok now that makes sense...if it will grow regardless then I need to understand why I'm going through all these processes to make it grow. Catch 22.

That's exactly the point...there's no catch grows period. You can't "make" it grow (even though lots of people believe that). Dirt doesn't make it grow...if you didn't wash your body for 2 weeks the hair on your legs would still grow just as much as if you showered every single day. The dirt has nothing to do with it.

Keeping your hair in a protective style helped you to retain length (and I suspect the protein in the gel helped with that as well by making your hair stronger).
It looks great.... Besides leaving your hair dirty do you use any growth aids? I would love to have your results!!!!
Thanks love...all that length you see in my picture is a year worth of quick weaves. My hair barely fell below my ear before I started & no the only thing I did was wash every month when I got a new weave...didn't even really condition. My hair dresser told me it was the protein in the pro-style gel that did it.

The ladies here say it was the low manipulation & natural tendency to grow that did it.

Who knows?
That's exactly the point...there's no catch grows period. You can't "make" it grow (even though lots of people believe that). Dirt doesn't make it grow...if you didn't wash your body for 2 weeks the hair on your legs would still grow just as much as if you showered every single day. The dirt has nothing to do with it.

Keeping your hair in a protective style helped you to retain length (and I suspect the protein in the gel helped with that as well by making your hair stronger).
It has to hair is extremely strong and I believe protein rich. It lacks moisture which makes sense since I didn't moisturize for basically a year.
That's exactly the point...there's no catch grows period. You can't "make" it grow (even though lots of people believe that). Dirt doesn't make it grow...if you didn't wash your body for 2 weeks the hair on your legs would still grow just as much as if you showered every single day. The dirt has nothing to do with it.

Keeping your hair in a protective style helped you to retain length (and I suspect the protein in the gel helped with that as well by making your hair stronger).[/QUOTE]

ITA...... This is true.
Your DOESN'T sound right! But it seemed like it fit. It can't be all that true since I can actually tug on my new growth I've gotten after only a week after a perm.

Thank for the clarification.

Just an idea but think your relaxers may be getting underprocessed. I know you said in another thread you use a super and still have an afro within a week. I think what you're seeing isn't new growth, but underprocessed hair.

Do you relax your hair when it's dirty (ie has a buildup of styling products or other products)? If so, that's probably why you're relaxers are getting underprocessed. It's not good to wash right before but a lot of people wash the week before and then go lightly on their products for the rest of the week so that they'll be sure the relaxer cream can do its job.

Also, you may have really coarse hair (ie more cuticle layers) which makes it much harder for the relaxer to break down your hair to make it straight...which also leads to underprocessing.
Just an idea but think your relaxers may be getting underprocessed. I know you said in another thread you use a super and still have an afro within a week. I think what you're seeing isn't new growth, but underprocessed hair.

Do you relax your hair when it's dirty (ie has a buildup of styling products or other products)? If so, that's probably why you're relaxers are getting underprocessed. It's not good to wash right before but a lot of people wash the week before and then go lightly on their products for the rest of the week so that they'll be sure the relaxer cream can do its job.

Also, you may have really coarse hair (ie more cuticle layers) which makes it much harder for the relaxer to break down your hair to make it straight...which also leads to underprocessing.
Your right...I never thought of that....we always permed on dirty hair...I never noticed how quick the relaxer went afterward because I was always weaving....If I hadn't had a routine of serious moisturizing my hair would have fluffed up but it really didn't. It's not bone straight but its not hard & brittle like I thought it would be and I've washed it twice since then.
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