It's true that diry hair grows faster...

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Firstly, congrats on your progress OP!

I have seen more than one person grow their hair out with weaves and that brown gel. I wonder if it's a coincidence.

I doubt that dirt, filth, sweat, bacteria, etc... is the the best thing for one's scalp though.

That's like saying not washing your body is good for your skin. :drunk:

I really think it's the low manipulation that helps people retain! :yep:
I don't think it's too healthy either but I got to say...for the first time in my life I need to pin my hair up to keep it off back and it feels good! :D
So there are no misunderstandings...Please wash your hair on the regular if that's what you choose to do...I'd HATE for anyone to think I wanted to give misguided information by telling others NOT to wash their hair. Ok?
You know what I did...I did an egg protein treatment with V05 Moisture Milk, JBCO, EVOO, Honey & 1 egg...I thought that would be healthier than the Aphogee....But I'm still combing cooked egg chunks out my hair. Can't really tell if it made a difference overall...

You walking around funky head for two months but you giving Aphogee the side eye :lachen::lachen::lachen:.

No really though, Aphogee is very good. And I mean wear that wig or half wig all week long under a cap and only take it off once a week to wash and do the two minute just to see if you get the same results--or better!
You walking around funky head for two months but you giving Aphogee the side eye :lachen::lachen::lachen:.

No really though, Aphogee is very good. And I mean wear that wig or half wig all week long under a cap and only take it off once a week to wash and do the two minute just to see if you get the same results--or better!
LMAO! Now that's true. I DON'T have any room to talk but I don't really like wigs....the only reason I stopped the quickweaves was because the lady told me my hair was getting too long to wrap around without a bone straight perm...which makes sense in a way. It took her FOREVER to slick my hair down 12 weeks post.

But as far as protective styles...I'm going to make a donut bun today but I usually do the braid out but clip the length to my nape so my hair isn't touching my clothes.
Your hair looks very pretty in your siggy! My mother swears by ProCon Gel and not washing her hair, whereas for me, my hair would most assuredly dry out and break. It's nice to know, and imperative to know, that everyone's hair reacts differently to different things. Keep doing what works for you girl!!
Your hair looks very pretty in your siggy! My mother swears by ProCon Gel and not washing her hair, whereas for me, my hair would most assuredly dry out and break. It's nice to know, and imperative to know, that everyone's hair reacts differently to different things. Keep doing what works for you girl!!
Wow...I really appreciate that...Thank you!
So there are no misunderstandings...Please wash your hair on the regular if that's what you choose to do...I'd HATE for anyone to think I wanted to give misguided information by telling others NOT to wash their hair. Ok?

Yep :yep:

I don't think anyone should be telling anyone else what they should do with their own body. I didn't think you were trying to tell others not to wash their hair, you were just sharing your experience :)

Do you! It's obviously working for you. If you're happy, I'm happy. lol

There was a time when I didn't wash my hair often. I wasn't smelly or had an unhealthy scalp or anything like that. I just wouldn't do it again, personally. I've learned that my hair loves water.
Yep :yep:

I don't think anyone should be telling anyone else what they should do with their own body. I didn't think you were trying to tell others not to wash their hair, you were just sharing your experience :)

Do you! It's obviously working for you. If you're happy, I'm happy. lol

There was a time when I didn't wash my hair often. I wasn't smelly or had an unhealthy scalp or anything like that. I just wouldn't do it again, personally. I've learned that my hair loves water.
That's great of you to say...If I was walking around with sores, fungus, bugs and all that other stuff I would have washed but it was never to that extreme...

Ya...I didn't THINK I was telling anyone not to wash their hair but then again people see things differently.
LMAO! Now that's true. I DON'T have any room to talk but I don't really like wigs....the only reason I stopped the quickweaves was because the lady told me my hair was getting too long to wrap around without a bone straight perm...which makes sense in a way. It took her FOREVER to slick my hair down 12 weeks post.

But as far as protective styles...I'm going to make a donut bun today but I usually do the braid out but clip the length to my nape so my hair isn't touching my clothes.

Well you should definately try that bun...I was just trying to suggest something that would mimic your quickweave/no wash regimen so that you would be comfortable. You do have beautiful hair and should be proud of your growth, but if you are wrong (just maybe) about the dirt making your hair grow and continue on this reggie you could possibly lose all of that pretty hair FOREVER and be trying to cover bald spots for the rest of your days (worst case...).

And for future reference you should always go with the plan that doesn't cause bacterial infections :grin:.
You walking around funky head for two months but you giving Aphogee the side eye :lachen::lachen::lachen:.

No really though, Aphogee is very good. And I mean wear that wig or half wig all week long under a cap and only take it off once a week to wash and do the two minute just to see if you get the same results--or better!
I also heard that Aphogee is a very strong protein treatment that should be used sparingly...How often do you use it?
OP there is more than one way to do low manipulation styles. You could use the search function to find other low manipulation regimens that helped people. Also maybe reevaluate the way you wash your hair. Washing hair in sections (ex separate your hair into 4 or 6 braids and wash and condition section by section) also helps cut down on breakage. In addition maybe look at the way you detangle your hair while washing. This could also lead to the breakage you mentioned while washing your hair. Here is a really good video on washing/detangling. Although the member is natural the same principles apply for minimizing breakage when you wash your hair. This could let you wash more often without the breakage
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Part 2
Well you should definately try that bun...I was just trying to suggest something that would mimic your quickweave/no wash regimen so that you would be comfortable. You do have beautiful hair and should be proud of your growth, but if you are wrong (just maybe) about the dirt making your hair grow and continue on this reggie you could possibly lose all of that pretty hair FOREVER and be trying to cover bald spots for the rest of your days (worst case...).

And for future reference you should always go with the plan that doesn't cause bacterial infections :grin:.
Are you kidding? I've seen girls with weaves & braids so old they start to dred! My case of "nastiness" was pretty mild I'd say lol.

If abusing it and not washing it for months didn't make it come out I don't know what would.
That's great of you to say...If I was walking around with sores, fungus, bugs and all that other stuff I would have washed but it was never to that extreme...

Ya...I didn't THINK I was telling anyone not to wash their hair but then again people see things differently.

But you did say that when you took it down it "stunk to high heaven". That could be the first sign that something fungal is abrewing. just saying..
OP there is more than one way to do low manipulation styles. You could use the search function to find other low manipulation regimens that helped people. Also maybe reevaluate the way you wash your hair. Washing hair in sections (ex separate your hair into 4 or 6 braids and wash and condition section by section) also helps cut down on breakage. In addition maybe look at the way you detangle your hair while washing. This could also lead to the breakage you mentioned while washing your hair. Here is a really good video on washing/detangling. Although the member is natural the same principles apply for minimizing breakage when you wash your hair. This could let you wash more often without the breakage
Part 1
Part 2
I found that tip immediately when starting this forum. I wash and condition in 6 braids and it worked wonders for detangling....even when the braids came loose my hair wasn't tangled. It may just be the products I'm using now. NTM seems to be a good detangler.
But you did say that when you took it down it "stunk to high heaven". That could be the first sign that something fungal is abrewing. just saying..
No I don't remember saying it stunk. You said that. It had a odor once I took it down but I wasn't walking around with a foul odor about my head.
No I don't remember saying it stunk. You said that. It had a odor once I took it down but I wasn't walking around with a foul odor about my head.

Yes, you did say that. Here is what you said:

I went for almost 8 weeks one time without washing. It stunk to high heaven and I couldn't imagine WHY my hair grew
Yes, you did say that. Here is what you said:

I went for almost 8 weeks one time without washing. It stunk to high heaven and I couldn't imagine WHY my hair grew
I'm curious, where were you going with that?

I meant it as a descriptive wasn't literal in any sense of the word.
I went for almost 8 weeks one time without washing. It stunk to high heaven and I couldn't imagine WHY my hair grew when it was so dirty. I understand when you don't touch your hair it can grow but the length that I got made me think that my hair thrived in those dirty conditions.

It's weird I know but I don't know any other way to describe it.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^:rolleyes:. I was just trying to help you avoid a very possibly disaster. Just because you've gotten away with doing something harmful for a certain amount of time doesn't mean you will dodge that bullet forever. But...Do you. I personally like my head clean and smelling like CoCasta Shikakai oil...but that's me :grin:.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^:rolleyes:. I was just trying to help you avoid a very possibly disaster. Just because you've gotten away with doing something harmful for a certain amount of time doesn't mean you will dodge that bullet forever. But...Do you. I personally like my head clean and smelling like CoCasta Shikakai oil...but that's me :grin:.
Yup...that's just you...

But I'm sorry to say but its safe to say now. At this point my hair is lovely, thick & thriving and what I'm doing works so all of your threats of fungus & infections are hilarious at this point.

The proof is in the can predict future doom if you choose but today? this minute? my hair is bangin!
lord jesus, can this thread die now? nothing productive is happening and it's just a big repetitive cycle page after page...
No its actually very informative...its good to know where some of the advisers are coming from. You can actually take their advice with a grain of salt.
Yup...that's just you...

But I'm sorry to say but its safe to say now. At this point my hair is lovely, thick & thriving and what I'm doing works so all of your threats of fungus & infections are hilarious at this point.

The proof is in the can predict future doom if you choose but today? this minute? my hair is bangin!

There are Bangin heads of hair all up and through here...
BUT the point is you don't have to walk around stinking to get it that way!
OP, your hair looks good. I wish my braid outs would turn out like that.
I hope you're hair continues to progress. HHG!:wavey:
Welcome to LCHF! ^^^ I was wondering when the corn would start popping!

You know what I did...I did an egg protein treatment with V05 Moisture Milk, JBCO, EVOO, Honey & 1 egg...I thought that would be healthier than the Aphogee....But I'm still combing cooked egg chunks out my hair. Can't really tell if it made a difference overall...

You should always wash egg out with cold or cool water. Hot water basically cooks the egg in your hair.

Are you still experiencing problems with dryness? If not how did you turn your hair around so quickly? I find that I need to cowash/dc frequently to keep my hair moisturized otherwise dryness will cause my hair to crackle and break everywhere.
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