It's true that diry hair grows faster...

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I just read through the whole thread. Before, I only read the first post. Interesting read. lol

No one here has to get militant. She can do whatever she likes to her body, for whatever reason she wants.

If she is stink (have no idea, never smelled her), I don't have to smell it. If her hair is gunky, dirty or will eventually fall out (hope not!)... I'm not going to be there to run my fingers through it or witness it fall out.

It doesn't affect my life, and she is getting progress and is happy about it.

Would I do it? Heeeeeeeeeeellz no. :lol: And I can understand trying to inform and "help" her, but she has made her choice. It's HER hair.

Off topic, but maybe this doesn't come as a shock to me because I have read about "Sebum Only" regimens. Many people out there don't wash their hair, period.
I understand that...but what about the protein in the styling gel? When I took down my weaves my hair was FILTHY...absolutely nasty but it still grew in that condition...That is more or less what I was referring too.

The products sound like it coated the hair so it would not dry out but just be careful because this could catch up with you later. Something that works before may be become a problem down he road and you do not want to lose all the hair you gained. I have heard people say their hair grows when dirty but eventually the hair will collasped with out some protein and good moisture.
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That's true... I think regardless of the fact no one can prove that dirty hair didn't attribute to my growth but low manipulation probably did...I'd have to say that a little bit of everything did, including time times my hair was dirty....That's just from my own experiences.

Your hair is beautiful! If it works for you keep doing it.

I'm a dirty head too, since I've only been washing once a month. :blush: But I'm determined to have low to no manipulation and retain all of my length!:spinning:
Your hair is beautiful! If it works for you keep doing it.

I'm a dirty head too, since I've only been washing once a month. :blush: But I'm determined to have low to no manipulation and retain all of my length!:spinning:
Thank you!

lol we're "nasty" not just dirty...filthy sloppy breezies if you listen to the weirdness on this thread...

I'm glad your regimen is working for you. Do you co wash every week or just no water period until your regular wash
Welcome to LCHF! ^^^ I was wondering when the corn would start popping!

You should always wash egg out with cold or cool water. Hot water basically cooks the egg in your hair.

Are you still experiencing problems with dryness? If not how did you turn your hair around so quickly? I find that I need to cowash/dc frequently to keep my hair moisturized otherwise dryness will cause my hair to crackle and break everywhere.
No I actually washed with cold water. I think I may have left it in too long. My hair can stand a lot of product buildup so its easier for me to drench it with moisture then seal it everynight and that has turned my ends around amazingly! If your naturally dry like me just keep a spray bottle in your purse to mist yourself with if you get dry throughout the day.

I put some chi silk mist in a bottle and I have that with me 24/7. I wish NTM came out with a spray because I feel I owe my moisture mainly to that line. I seal with the NTM serum.
It is not because your hair is dirty that you are having success.

Dirt/scalp debris can actually clog pores, block hair follicles, and create a breeding ground for fungal infections and alopecia related issues. It will not help the hair grow out of your scalp faster any more than trimming your ends will. However, low manipulation, protecting the ends will help retain length.

So, although you are a staunch supporter OP, I will pass up any future dirty hair/caked up gel challenge. :grin:

Disclaimer: I believe in trimming as needed.

OP, I have to say that you are keeping a marvelously positive attitude. I'd be on the other side of some hef's and b's and whatnots by now.

Gorgeous hair, by the way.
OP, I have to say that you are keeping a marvelously positive attitude. I'd be on the other side of some hef's and b's and whatnots by now.

Gorgeous hair, by the way.
lol Aww thanks love!

Someone has to do a lot to upset me. I love my life so whats there to be upset about? I try to pacify people who overtly show how unhappy they are. Gotta help em & feel bad for them.


Off topic, but maybe this doesn't come as a shock to me because I have read about "Sebum Only" regimens. Many people out there don't wash their hair, period.

There is a difference between sebum only (s/o) regimens and a quick weave regimen.

In s/o people use combs/brushes to spread the sebum down their strands and to help get rid of debris and any build up. They also generally wear their hair loose.

That is completely different from shellacking your hair down with gel, basically creating a hat under which sweat, sebum, skin, and dirt are allowed to build up for an extended period of time.

Anyway, the idea that dirt makes your hair grow is a myth. I was attacking the myth, not the person. I would think that the OP and everyone else can understand that.
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