It's possible! 0" to SL in 1 year! (pic heavy)

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I was one of the people in the "how long is long" thread who stated that SL is long. I now completely understand why other posters were saying it is not. My understanding of SL is based on the actual shoulders, not the neck. Just because we "say" something is one way, it does not change what it actually is. I'm not at all surprised that people not only do not know where shoulders are located, they also do not want to let go of incorrect notions. It's human nature. We look for evidence to support what we already believe to be true, sometimes making it up as we go.

Nonie, I see that you mentioned me on the English lesson post. I have a BA English; however, etymology has nothing to do with where the shoulders are. The "plain meaning" supports the scientic definition. Plain language is not something I made up. It's a movement in writing and legal doctrines. I think the science ladies have already backed up everything I said.

As a sidenote, I don't get why people come into a thread just to say it's "a mess" or "extra." I have these types of analytical discussions every day, all of the time. I never really see what is so extra about them, as long as people aren't being insulted.

To the comments about "just congratulating progress," there are dozens of threads where people post progress pictures and the threads just fall off of the first page and die because other posters do not want to tell the OP that her hair is damaged with see-thru ends, etc. Here, the OP made a claim in the thread title that was sensational. That is why it sparked both a discussion... and a spin-off thread.
When you sing the song, "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes", people/kids generally don't touch the base of their neck, they usually will touch the tip of their shoulders--which is what SL should be IMO....not directed toward OP--lol jus jumpin in the SL debate :-p

That's because they have teachers who aren't fortunate enough to be LHCFers. :)

Anyway apparently I've been missing all the fun because I only looked at "the other thread".

OP should have posted this on youtube that way she could have got paid and we could still talk about it here. :)
^^ Its extra because at the end of the day none of it matters. No one is gonna be deemed 'right' or 'wrong'. No anatomy textbooks are gonna be changed. And very few LHCF minds are gonna be changed as to what they think SL is.
Its a mess because the point of this thread was for Charla to share what she felt was a noteworthy achievment, some of y'all have now turned that completely upside down.
Damaged and see-through ends should only be a problem if the person wears their hair straight or is relaxed. Doesn't matter if the person wears their hair curly. Most curly people straighten to see/show length. And damaged and see-through ends do count as length. Criticizing someone for damaged and see-through ends in a length shot would be "extra," imho.

I was one of the people in the "how long is long" thread who stated that SL is long. I now completely understand why other posters were saying it is not. My understanding of SL is based on the actual shoulders, not the neck. Just because we "say" something is one way, it does not change what it actually is. I'm not at all surprised that people not only do not know where shoulders are located, they also do not want to let go of incorrect notions. It's human nature. We look for evidence to support what we already believe to be true, sometimes making it up as we go.

@Nonie, I see that you mentioned me on the English lesson post. I have a BA English; however, etymology has nothing to do with where the shoulders are. The "plain meaning" supports the scientic definition. Plain language is not something I made up. It's a movement in writing and legal doctrines. I think the science ladies have already backed up everything I said.

As a sidenote, I don't get why people come into a thread just to say it's "a mess" or "extra." I have these types of analytical discussions every day, all of the time. I never really see what is so extra about them, as long as people aren't being insulted.

To the comments about "just congratulating progress," there are dozens of threads where people post progress pictures and the threads just fall off of the first page and die because other posters do not want to tell the OP that her hair is damaged with see-thru ends, etc. Here, the OP made a claim in the thread title that was sensational. That is why it sparked both a discussion... and a spin-off thread.

The bolded is what I've been trying to say from jump. That doesn't mean I don't understand what LHCF deems as SL and that's fine with me and just as soon as my hair creeps past my neck again, I'll be claiming SL with everybody else like I did the first time,:look: still doesn't change where the shoulders are though. :lol: I call my youngest dd "honeybun" but no matter how many times I call her "honeybun" it does not change her legal name or what's written on her birth certificate. What I call her versus what her name really is are two different things. I'm not too remissed to be cognizant of that fact. I sideeye anyone who says her name must be "honeybun" just because I call her that, they would indeed be wrong as hayle no matter how they tried to convince me they were right.
@Ladybelle, you must be the first human I have met who is about to educate the world on a new location of the shoulder. I can take everything else in this thread, even the scientific talk, but this is taking it to a whole new level of GTFOOHWTBS.

Senior man blowing bubbles, girl leaning on shoulder

Mid-adult woman sitting at desk stretching, and hands on shoulder

Man receiving shoulder massage, eyes closed

English definition:

Nowhere will you see shoulder referring to bones coz no one but you scientists give a rat's arse what bones are called or what they are doing. Some of us may never discuss any of these bones if we never have any need for medical attention referring to them. My grandma hasn't got a clue what the scapula is but she can show you shoulder and she can show you her hip bone. When she hurt her hip, she said she hurt her hip-joint and it wasn't around the hipbone but near her hip. Coz "normal" people don't think about bones that they cannot see unless the bones need some attention. Why should we when we have names for the parts we CAN see?. So only you refer to a bone when you say "shoulder". The rest of the world does not. God forbid you ever need to refer to your earlobe or abs. You'll be so lost coz there's no bone. :lol:

@Mane_Attraction, I had no idea what ilium was till I took Anatomy and Physiology, but you can bet your bottom dollar I knew what a hipbone was. Not everyone is fascinated or interested in learning about the human body like that. That's why you're in that field and many of us are not, and to those of us not in that field, you're speaking Greek.

You cool as a polar bears toenails Nonie, but you are still wrong. I'm tired of reading through all the mumbo jumbo because at the end of the day it still does not change the correct & actual location of the shoulders. :nono: And, at this point we can respectfully disagree and call it a day. There have been a few others come into this thread & explain the very same thing to you & you have your mind made up to believe what you believe, so be it. You can lead a horse to water but ... I'm sure you know the rest.

Lastly, for the sake of LHCF I do understand what SL is. I'm ok with that as it makes it easier for me to reach "SL" again. I also know where the shoulders actually are in real life. It's a win-win situation for me. :grin:

So where is IT and I'm not talking about no hair or no length check

Where the fork is my shoulder

Omg I'm having a panic attack now I done miss-located my shoulder

I've had enough of this board you heffers done made my shoulder disappear

Where the heck is my shoulder

Give my back my shoulderrrrrrrr

It's been right here all my life why did you move it whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Eta: I'm so distort I need a shoulder to lean on

Oh no no one can help me cause y'all don't know where your shoulders are at

Sent from my iPod touch using LHCF

:lachen: Girl, you got my stomach hurting over here. For real! You ain't seen all these dayum charts in here?? :lol:

Between this thread and the damn LHCF header telling me how to prevent/kill lice, I don't know which is more a P.I.T.A.! We had science lessons, children songs, werewolf lookin' pics, .gifs and whatever else I forgot to mention. I officially hate SL! Ihatechu dammit and wished you never existed. People should just go from neck length to APL! DAMN YOU SHOULDER LENGTH!

I'm with you! :grin:

@Ladybelle ^^ you asked for it :grin:

Thanks @nzeee, you sho' know how to make a girl feel special. :lol:

I am officially never coming back to this thread, one of my customers got into an accident and injured his shoulder, he keeps saying his neck is hurting though. It's gonna be a looooooooonng day! :lachen:
I want to thank each and every one of you for the lulz :yep: this thread proves that we all belong together in an insane asylum left with nothing but hair products, steamers and bone tooth combs. It's Tuesday y'all. Be great!
I know I'm late but I don't see the big deal with what Tamrin said. OP looks neck length to me. Yes, she has made great progress and has very thick hair but the fact still remains that she is neck length.

Man ya'll will debate anything :lol:
I want to thank each and every one of you for the lulz :yep: this thread proves that we all belong together in an insane asylum left with nothing but hair products, steamers and bone tooth combs. It's Tuesday y'all. Be great!

:grin: Hair's supposed to b fun, so if people are just playing around up in here then that's all good. If not, it's time to dig up that song about "I am not my hair ...."
OK, Ladybelle, you are right and everyone who speaks English is wrong. Wait, even kids, ask any kid to touch his shoulder and s/he will place hand on the surface that goes from neck to arm. Ask anyone taught my ladybelle and you'll see them feel for a bone and call it shoulder. OOOOOOOKKKK!

Solitude, then if you're an English major you know the difference between hips and hipbone and how they are in different positions; difference between shoulder and shoulder girdle; difference between a monkey and a monkey wrench. Just because the terms share similar words doesn't meant they represent the same thing or can be used interchangeably. (And this is why I will homeschool my kids coz it seems there are a bunch of confused educated folk out there.) If someone talks about having a strained shoulder, that has nothing to do with the bones. That has to do with the muscle in the shoulder. The shoulder is not the bone; the shoulder is the surface made of muscle and skin that sits on the shoulder girdle. Very soon y'all be telling us all we have tails coz we all have a tailbone. :rolleyes: :nuts: This discussion reminds me of the one where we discussing a simple Math problem and people in that field were spewing some crazy ish. Goes to show that just because someone wears a certain hat doesn't make them an expert in that field. Yeah, I said it.
OK, @Ladybelle, you are right and everyone who speaks English is wrong. Wait, even kids, ask any kid to touch his shoulder and s/he will place hand on the surface that goes from neck to arm. Ask anyone taught my ladybelle and you'll see them feel for a bone and call it shoulder. OOOOOOOKKKK!

@Solitude, then if you're an English major you know the difference between hips and hipbone and how they are in different positions; difference between shoulder and shoulder girdle; difference between a monkey and a monkey wrench. Just because the terms share similar words doesn't meant they represent the same thing or can be used interchangeably. (And this is why I will homeschool my kids coz it seems there are a bunch of confused educated folk out there.) If someone talks about having a strained shoulder, that has nothing to do with the bones. That has to do with the muscle in the shoulder. The shoulder is not the bone; the shoulder is the surface made of muscle and skin that sits on the shoulder girdle. Very soon y'all be telling us all we have tails coz we all have a tailbone. :rolleyes: :nuts: This discussion reminds me of the one where we discussing a simple Math problem and people in that field were spewing some crazy ish. Goes to show that just because someone wears a certain hat doesn't make them an expert in that field. Yeah, I said it.

:blah::blah: Are we still talking about this?? We can let it go, really.
Solitude it has nothing to do with having analytical arguments... its that it has gone on for 8 pages (40 posts/page).. about shoulder length. That is too damn much. It's extra because we have 50-11 diagrams and pictures and people are arguing back and forth with the same point. That's extra. Doing too much.

ETA: i love a good debate too. :rolleyes:
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@Solitude it has nothing to do with having analytical arguments... its that it has gone on for 8 pages (40 posts/page).. about shoulder length. That is too damn much. It's extra because we have 50-11 diagrams and pictures and people are arguing back and forth with the same point. That's extra. Doing too much.

ETA: i love a good debate too. :rolleyes:

50-11! :lachen::lachen::lachen:
I love that term!
@Solitude it has nothing to do with having analytical arguments... its that it has gone on for 8 pages (40 posts/page).. about shoulder length. That is too damn much. It's extra because we have 50-11 diagrams and pictures and people are arguing back and forth with the same point. That's extra. Doing too much.

ETA: i love a good debate too. :rolleyes:

@tamz412 at this point I have to agree with you completely. I didn't log in for a day and I come back to see my professionalism, education, and intelligence insulted over shoulder-length hair :ohwell:. I thought it was a simple discussion, but some people are doing the absolute most :nono:.

In regards to the other poster in this thread who made several rather rude personal attacks about others who disagree with her opinion...those comments aren't even worth a response. It's one thing to express an opinion; it's another to try to dominate a discussion with insults simply because others disagree.
I need to contact Head and Shoulders and see what their definition of SHOULDERS is. I never saw them patting the dandruff in the middle of their neck, LOL.
I need to contact Head and Shoulders and see what their definition of SHOULDERS is. I never saw them patting the dandruff in the middle of their neck, LOL.

@Lucie Did someone say shoulder was middle of the neck? I missed that one. Just wanted to add no one pats themselves on a bone on their back either. :giggle:

ETA This website seems to agree with me that shoulder is that surface that extends from neck to arm...hence this "Dandruff on Shoulder" image shown on that page:
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I've repeatedly called upon Jesus to take the wheel and he is not taking my call. WHY? WHY? WHY???????????? *slams head softly on laptop screen*
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