New Member
I am soooo in this! Count me in. Now this is a challenge I can jump on. I am a little past shoulder length so I can do this. We ALL can do this. '08 here we come!
thenappygirl17 said:I would really like to join. I plan on making Arm Pit Length in January 2008. I would love to start off the new year with apl hair blowing in the wind. But first things first. I'm working on getting to full Shoulder Length hair right now. It seems like it's so hard to get there. But I know if I can make it to shoulder then I can make it to apl. So count me in.
****** But I have a question ********
***How often are we going to check in?****
******I think it should be once a month*****
***** I think we should use this same exact thread to check in so that we don't have to fish around for different apl threads.*******
**** What do you guys think?*****
chayil0427 said:Uhm...maybe we'll check in once a month. First of the month perhaps.