It seems like my hair is blacker since I am I trippin'???


New Member
My hair has always been pretty fact, jet black (except the tribe of grays that are overthrowing my crown area!). But when I was relaxed, it seemed like it started turning more brown and I started getting black rinses. Fast forward to a year and a 1/2 postBC... My hair seems SUPER jet black now and I don't feel like I even need a rinse.

Anyone else experience this or am I nuts???
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Your hair probably is darker because relaxer can lighten one's hair. When I used to get relaxers, my hair was a lighter (especially when in the sun). I love my hair being darker now.
Nope ur not nuts, ur absolutely right. My hair used to be brownish-red with a relaxer and now it looks deep brown to black...the relaxer was altering my natural hair color
nope, u ain't trippin'. My hair was always very black before I started processing it. As a relaxed head it lightened to a brown. Which I didn't like. Now that all the relaxed hair gone, I'm back to black! :grin:
THANK YOU ALL SOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!! I really thought I was losing it over here!! I had no idea that relaxer had a lightening effect! Still interested in others' experiences... I learn SO MUCH from my board sistas! Thanks, y'all!!!
I've had the same experience except I preferred the lighter brown and am considering dying it even though I'm petrified of the damage.
You are not alone, OP. That was my one of my fav. traits about being relaxed.

Now I gotta henna get my red/auburn hair cracking again. I'm not sad, tho......

okay, just a lil.