Is your SO still friends with his ex's


New Member
I have a friend who's SO continues to be friends with his ex wife and all of his ex girlfriends (phone communication,keep in touch.whatever)
He doesn't have any kids with these women so I wouldn't have agreed to this but to each his own.

It wouldn't work in my relationship because my DH wouldn't want me talking to any of my ex's so he bet not try to act like it's all good for him to
Just wondering if any of you ladies feel like it's ok for your SO to keep in touch with their ex....
Well, I have a son with my ex husband so it's mandatory but all business.

I have other "exes" that I keep in touch with as well.

Some are from so long ago and far away that we really are just friends now.

I only have 2 exes that I've slept with (the ex husband and "L")

I don't talk to "L" anymore.

The rest since there was no sex...i feel like I can keep them as friends.

But I handle it on a case by case basis. If they are being inappropriate, I have to cut them off.

My fiance - I told him the same - he can keep in touch with his exes but if they begin to act inappropriately, I trust him to give them the ex and we both explicitly agreed not to share any arguments, etc. with our exes. None of that how are things going - oh we are arguing right now crap - vultures can smell blood.

Other than that he can talk to whomever he wants. Trust has to start somewhere.

Note: I really want those women to fall in a hole and get swallowed up by the earth but I know it's not realistic so I temper my feelings with logic.

Something I read:

Who's REALLY Threatening Your Relationship?

No matter how well your relationship seems to be going, there are always threats circling: financial stresses that send your harmony off-key. Divergent interests and priorities that make together-time hard to schedule. But perhaps the most potent threat comes in the form of the enemy invader -- the man or woman who has the power to lure your partner into the tempting and dangerous world of infidelity. And even if your partner is a man or woman of unyielding loyalty, your own jealousy-justified or not-can create a relationship hazard. So, is your jealousy justified? Let's take a look at the prime suspects, and see if we can't figure out what they've been up to.

The Co-Worker

In most work settings, your partner has maybe hundreds, probably dozens, or at least a few opportunities to develop good relationships with people who could be potential lovers. In most cases, those relationships are more innocent than baby lambs. Still, the average office has high potential for trouble, because it's where your partner will meet people who think alike, who battle crises side-by-side, who work in close quarters, and who have the opportunity to really get to know (and admire) each other. While it's crazy to obsess over every person your partner works with, chances are that if you have a gut feeling about a lurking somebody, there may be something to it.

Potential Threat Level: 4 stars (out of a possible 5)

The Drunk Stranger

It's the scenario we all fear. Our partner goes out, hangs with friends, flirts with fellow drunks, makes a bad decision, and wakes up with their underwear hanging from some stranger's chandelier. While the scenario lends itself easily to our imaginations, the truth is that the drunk-stranger scenario isn't as much of a threat as we make it out to be. Why? Even drunk, most of us can be savvy enough to know that the momentary adrenaline that may come from said hookup isn't worth the long-term damage that comes later. The exception: If your partner shows a propensity to make bad, dangerous decisions when drinking. In which case, they have to change, or go.

Potential Threat Level: 1 star (unless...)

The Ex

Tough one. Some of us want nothing more to do with our exes once we break up. And some of us keep have our exes as our desktop background for years after the split. Since we're very sensitive about the status of the ex (according to national surveys I did for Men, Love & Sex, 20 percent of us think that searching the Internet for an ex is cheating, for example), we all know the stakes. We know that our current partner used to find something attractive about the ex-so we're vulnerable to feeling as if we'll never live up to that prior history. While hooking back up with an ex is tempting, most of remember exactly why we broke up in the first place. Novelty is the greatest temptation toward cheating, and that's one thing an old flame can't offer: the lure of something new.

Potential Threat Level: 2 stars

The Opposite-Sex Friend

Drives you crazy, eh? He meets her for coffee every week. She IMs an old college buddy a few times a month. The opposite-sex friend lurks like a hungry wolf, ready to pounce at the next opportunity. While I'm convinced that men and women can both be very good at drawing the line between friendship and romance, the truth is that it's pretty darn easy for a long-lasting friendship to turn into a secretly burning romance. In the aforementioned surveys, one-fifth of men say they secretly love their platonic friend, with many more secretly lusting after them. That doesn't mean that your partner can't have opposite-sex friends, but it does mean that as the friendship grows, so do the odds of trouble.

Potential Threat Level: 5 stars

That's my inventory of lurking love threats. Now it's your turn to share yours-either merging traffic that knocked your main love interest off the road, or exit ramps you've taken, or were tempted to take, for roadside attractions. Do tell...

The harder part, here, is deciding what to do about this phenomenon, whether you're tempter or temptee. My advice is to shine a big light on the situation. Mystery is the shawdowy zone where suspicions take root. So if your partner tends to worry about interoffice correspondence springing up, invite him out for after-work drinks with the gang, or to the company picnic this summer. Familiarity, in this case, breeds understanding and defuses suspicions. And if you're thinking about an extracurricular dalliance, take a step back. The only thing that works is to stick to the one-serious-relationship-at-a-time rule. If you're not satisfied with the primary relationship, either fix it or end it. Then when Paula from accounting or Peter from HR starts hanging around your desk, you'll reject the offer with good reason, or head off into the supply closet with nary a care in the world (unless, of course, there are security cameras and company rules about this sort of stuff).
Well, when my ex and I first got together he was still friendly with his girlfriend before me. I didn't particularly like it but I never really said anything. Eventually she got married and their friendship kind of went away.

Now he and I broke up a long time ago but are still very close. The woman that he was with after me had a big time problem with this and I suspect it was one of many reasons that they eventually split.

He and I are just friends but I understand where the new woman is coming from so I always back off if he has someone in his life.
Well, I have a son with my ex husband so it's mandatory but all business.

I have other "exes" that I keep in touch with as well.

Some are from so long ago and far away that we really are just friends now.

I only have 2 exes that I've slept with (the ex husband and "L")

I don't talk to "L" anymore.

The rest since there was no sex...i feel like I can keep them as friends.

But I handle it on a case by case basis. If they are being inappropriate, I have to cut them off.
good point. none of me exes were the type to hold their tongue so there really is no appropriate conversation to be had with any of them it is gonna lead to something nasty:nono::nono:

Note: I really want those women to fall in a hole and get swallowed up by the earth but I know it's not realistic so I temper my feelings with logic.:lachen::lachen::lachen:
Well, when my ex and I first got together he was still friendly with his girlfriend before me. I didn't particularly like it but I never really said anything. Eventually she got married and their friendship kind of went away.

Now he and I broke up a long time ago but are still very close. The woman that he was with after me had a big time problem with this and I suspect it was one of many reasons that they eventually split.

He and I are just friends but I understand where the new woman is coming from so I always back off if he has someone in his life.

But you do back off when he has someone in his life :yep: These ladies admit that they want him back if he breaks up with her(my friend) and he still communicates with them
But you do back off when he has someone in his life :yep: These ladies admit that they want him back if he breaks up with her(my friend) and he still communicates with them

Yes, I definitely back off if he's seeing someone. He should be talking about his dreams, feelings, problems with their relationship, etc. with HER not me.:yep:
My husband was friends with his ex for a while after we started dating but I had to nip that in the bud. Later his friend and friends wife tried to hook them back up after we were married but she had divorced.
I would look at why the split up, her current situation (e.g. single vs. married), whether he is open and truthful about his correspondence with the ex or if he hides it (e.g. deletes text messages/e-mails, or you never hear them talking on the phone, he does it privately).

I won't go into details but I had an 'Opposite-Sex Friend' (look at Adequate's post for the description). This man was my best friend for 12 years, since teenage years and the friendship I had with him was a definite threat to my current relationship. This friend could be single, dating, whatever and would call me at 2 or 3 in the morning to talk, like college days. My SO was disturbed by this and not having it. :nono: This was a strictly platonic friendship but whose to say it could not have turned into something deeper? Instances like those worry more more than exes sometimes. :look:
I would look at why the split up, her current situation (e.g. single vs. married), whether he is open and truthful about his correspondence with the ex or if he hides it (e.g. deletes text messages/e-mails, or you never hear them talking on the phone, he does it privately).

I won't go into details but I had an 'Opposite-Sex Friend' (look at Adequate's post for the description). This man was my best friend for 12 years, since teenage years and the friendship I had with him was a definite threat to my current relationship. This friend could be single, dating, whatever and would call me at 2 or 3 in the morning to talk, like college days. My SO was disturbed by this and not having it. :nono: This was a strictly platonic friendship but whose to say it could not have turned into something deeper? Instances like those worry more more than exes sometimes. :look:

WOW 12yrs...I can see how that would bother your SO
My husband was friends with his ex for a while after we started dating but I had to nip that in the bud. Later his friend and friends wife tried to hook them back up after we were married but she had divorced.

WTH..they tried to hook them up AFTER you were married :whip:..they were wrong for that
I have had to nip this in the bud cause of how my SO sometimes can be naive:

My SO met his his last ex through his best friend who happens to live across the street. They have not been together in like over 3 years. She was bitter over the way my SO ended their relationship, but has since gotten over it. She was living in NY and decided to move to the MIA to go to school. She has since forgiven my SO and wants to be friends. I had no problem with the occasional text message, or an occasional phone call. Anywho, one night I call him and he says that he was at the gas station and that he was taking the ex-home. I asked why. Apparently the ex was hooking up one of her friends with my SO best friend, so they were all over his house (the best friend that is). My SO best friend wanted some alone time with this chick so my man decided to take the ex home since she would be the third wheel ( I told him this is where he was wrong, as he didn't bring her there so he should not have volunteered to take her back)

So he tells me he will call me back when he gets home. I fall asleep and wake up around 2 a.m. to find that I got no call. Then I get a text that he just made it home. I asked from where. He says from the ex's house.


He explained that time got away and they were just talking. And now he realizes that what he did was wrong. I can attest that my SO can run his mouth, so I could believe him.

After that I said you know what this communication that ya'll are doing has got to stop. Cause now you have just given this girl reason to doubt this relationship if you could have been in her dorm room, alone till 2 o clock in the morning.

He understood why I was upset and he knew he was wrong, but he thought that I was reading too much into it when I told him that now he has given this girl reason to try me.
I have had to nip this in the bud cause of how my SO sometimes can be naive:

My SO met his his last ex through his best friend who happens to live across the street. They have not been together in like over 3 years. She was bitter over the way my SO ended their relationship, but has since gotten over it. She was living in NY and decided to move to the MIA to go to school. She has since forgiven my SO and wants to be friends. I had no problem with the occasional text message, or an occasional phone call. Anywho, one night I call him and he says that he was at the gas station and that he was taking the ex-home. I asked why. Apparently the ex was hooking up one of her friends with my SO best friend, so they were all over his house (the best friend that is). My SO best friend wanted some alone time with this chick so my man decided to take the ex home since she would be the third wheel ( I told him this is where he was wrong, as he didn't bring her there so he should not have volunteered to take her back)

So he tells me he will call me back when he gets home. I fall asleep and wake up around 2 a.m. to find that I got no call. Then I get a text that he just made it home. I asked from where. He says from the ex's house.


He explained that time got away and they were just talking. And now he realizes that what he did was wrong. I can attest that my SO can run his mouth, so I could believe him.

After that I said you know what this communication that ya'll are doing has got to stop. Cause now you have just given this girl reason to doubt this relationship if you could have been in her dorm room, alone till 2 o clock in the morning.

He understood why I was upset and he knew he was wrong, but he thought that I was reading too much into it when I told him that now he has given this girl reason to try me.

I know that you had to be:angry2:
Hope ya'll worked that out

Of course he was in the dog house for a while. But I trust him that he did nothing, cause if he did he would have said so.

Fast Forward to last month:

So I am at his house and he says that he has something to tell me. Apparently the ex started to contact him and was acting weird. She would ask him questions like what will they name their first child, and when is he coming to visit her????

He then tells me how the ex sometimes gets these mental episodes where she starts acting crazy and weird. The reason is that she had a really bad break up with her ex boyfriend (someone she dated before my SO) and when they see each other or if they communicate she mentally cannot handle it and gets into these episodes??? So now she is having one of those moments.

At first I was like ok...but then she would literally call him 20 times for the day, and if he did not pick up she would leave crazy messages and texts. After the first day my SO got tired of her and just quit answering her calls... That's when she made a mistake...

She tried me ya'll....This little twit sent him a text that he needs to tell me that I need to leave him alone cause I am stalking him. And when she comes back down here what she will do. My SO who is a very calm naive person immediately got upset and cursed her out. I simply replied I wish she would come back down here and start something..She would not act crazy anymore by the time I get through with her.

But something did not seem right...
Sorry this long.


I asked my So best friend if he had heard from her and if she was ok..He said he was just im'ing her this morning and she was fine, and he spoke with her and she sounded fine.. That's when I told him what was going on..He said that was strange as again he just spoke with her and she was fine...

That's when I pieced this thing together. I told my SO ain't nothing wrong with that girl and she was trying to mess up our relationship. Because this went on for about a week, then on the following Monday she sent him a text about how she is better now, and if she offended anybody she apologizes..Yeah right...

She knew exactly what she was doing but she did not get the response she wanted so she realized she was looking like an idiot, so she stopped.

I said how come she didn't act strange toward her best friend and how come she didn't try anybody else but me??? I reminded him of that night and said I told you so, I knew some day she would try me and so she did...

She called to speak with him one day through his best friend and he reminded her of her actions and that she needs to respect me, him and his relationship and he has nothing more to say to her and stop calling him... Of course it was not as polite as that but you get the idea.

So I say all of this to say BE CAREFUL when communicating with exes.

ok now i am tired...
I know that you had to be:angry2:
Hope ya'll worked that out

You are so right when you said I had to be mad, that ain't event the word to describe what I was, but I have to keep it clean....

Thanks, we worked it out...but there will be no more of that especially not with her crazy behind
Man this was like reading trapped in the closet :blush:

I'm glad yall made it through all that drama though :)
You are so right when you said I had to be mad, that ain't event the word to describe what I was, but I have to keep it clean....

Thanks, we worked it out...but there will be no more of that especially not with her crazy behind