Is your hubby/S.O. working in Afghanistan?


Active Member
My husbands job keeps asking him to go to work there for 3 months at double his salary. I'm so scared of what could happen to him, especially because we have 2 kids under 6. :sad: We could definitely use the money, but at what risk? He's not sure when he'd leave, but if he accepts, it would be at least 3 months before he's shipped off so our son would be out of school.

We don't hear as much about Afghanistan in the news as Iraq, but we know that doesn't mean its safe. He's especially afraid of standing out, literally, as a 6'4" black man. He feels it's a bullseye on his back. I reminded him there's probably been enough tall black guys in the military over there that wouldn't be "brand new" to anyone.

I don't want to shoot down the prospect just because I'm scared of the unknown. So if there's anyone in this situation with their man, how are you dealing with it? If you're actually working there now, what's it like? Do you feel safe?
my ex keeps being deployed to afghanistan and that was part of the reason we broke up cause we were dating for a short while, when he got deployed for the second time he wanted me to wait for him and was hard and that song by green day wake me up when september ends always seemd to be playing whenever i turned on mtv :perplexed he used to say he was going to be fine and i shouldnt worry he had been there for so long he wasnt scared of it...but i suspected he was he was just trying to reassure me it got so bad that if i woke up at nite and looked at him i would burst out crying :nono: it became really unhealthy so to answer your question no i didnt deal with it properly at all :sad: