Is your hair like your mothers?

Is your hair like your mother or father?

  • Hair like moms

    Votes: 149 32.5%
  • Hair like dads

    Votes: 310 67.5%

  • Total voters
I'm not good with hair typing but I think I have a combo. My mom's hair has no definite curl pattern I think that's 4c. My dad's hair is usually cut low but it's super soft 3c/4a (I think) hair. My mom said it was super soft and looooooooong when he had a fro before I was born.

As for me, I'm mostly 4a-4b mix everywhere with 3c at the nape, I think. My strands are fine and as far as I can tell, my hair's not that dense.

My sister has my maternal great-grandmothers hair, classic 4a, but it's SUPER thick like my moms. My great-grandmother had fine strands. My brother is classic 4a but finer than my sisters.

My dughter has my husbands hair. His hair ranges from the 2's to a small patch of 4a at the crown but mostly in the 3's. It's also super, SUPER fine. My daughters hair is just as fine and I think it's 3b/3c-ish.
I chose that pic for my avi cuz I actually do look black in it lol. I tan real easy but ever since I left TX and MS I've been back to my regular bright skinned self. Hopefully I get super black again this summer, the New Mexico sun is no joke.

LOL You sound exactly like my mother. She's "high yellow" but I'm closer to the blue black end of the spectrum (and I know what you mean about the NM sun-my family is from Clovis:wave: ). I'm in the midwest now, so that's probably why I'm dark brown now. :look:

But I digress.
I have my dads hair mostly, thank goodness! LOL My mom is 100% Puerto Rican and I don't think I'd be able to do as much with it as with my dads hair!

Dad's hair was thin 3c
Mom Hair was thick I guess about 2 something
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I'm not really sure what my moms natural hair is like she's transitioning but I would say she is in the 4 range. Dads hair is supa dupa fine and silky. I would say mine is probably closer to hers only because it's not like my dads.

On a side note male pattern baldness is a maternal gene, not sure if that affects oher hair related issues....
i don't talk to/see my dad much, but he usually wears either totally bald or really low so I don't know what his texture is. I assume he is 4a/b or 4b

My mom is 4b, thick density, fine strands, dry, rough texture hair. She has been natural since I was like 4 years old.

My hair is just like hers, maybe slightly looser. Both of us have hair that turns red in the sun and really red in the exact same places (on the sides near the temples). both us of have looser texture in the nape.

On my mothers side, as far as I know everyone is 4b. From the limited exposure I have to my fathers side, i think they are all 4a/b or 4b as well.
My mom has been relaxing her hair my whole life but if I had to guess I would say 4b and my dad is creole and he has thin 2a hair. I would say mine is 3b
Both parents have the same hair texture. The only difference is my mother hair grows like weed and so easy to part not like mine.
my hair is more like my moms but hers was more oily and mines was just like her mother's. my sister's hair is just like my dad until lupus took all her hair out and now it is like ours she don't even know how. and my daughters one that has a thread her hair is more of mines with a mix of her father and my other daughter has hair just like her dad's my three sons 2 have my hair and the baby one has their father hair. only one of my brothers have my hair
My mom is a silky 3C with some 3B and my dad is a kinky 4B with some 4 a. I'm a silky/kinky 4a with 3C in the back.
My hair isn't like either of my parents. My mom's hair is a combination of things .. mostly 3c/4a. Her hair reacts differently to products, weather, etc. My dad is bald (lol) but his mother was type 2 and most of his siblings are somewhere between type 2 and 3. Very silky.

Mine, however, is 4a/4b, soft - not quite silky, frizzes easily, fine strands.
My mom had silky 2c hair. I don't think my hair is exactly like my dad's though... his curls are a LOT smaller. My hair is a frizzy version of my mom's hair with curls where she had waves.
I wish! My mother has thin, silky fine 3b hair, has never used a relaxer, and wears her hair in a cute 30s style curly bob that she achieves with pin curls. The one drawback is that she has never had hair longer than APL, despite having last cut it in 1978. Her mother had similar hair as well.

I totally take after my father's hair (4b/c), but his mother was a meztizo (sp?) from the Dominican side of the island (we are Haitian), so she had waist length, 3a hair when she died. I'm hoping that if I didn't inherit the texture, I at least inherited the capacity for length. :yep:

My older sister has 4a/b hair that is about BSL when straight, and my younger sister has 3c/4a soft APL hair that washes and goes into a glorious mass of shoulder-length spirals since she went natural about 3 years ago. *:lick: with envy*

Me...I'm not so lucky, hence my return to the creamy crack; after 4 years natural, a shrunken, 4b/c afro don't look so cute on a fat face like mine. :ohwell:
My mom is a 4c and I'm a 3b soooo no lol Not sure what texture my dad is as he keeps it short but he's half black half indian and I don't know where else I would have gotten such a loose texture from.
My Mom's hair is seemingly indestructible. She perms her hair every 5-6 weeks.... from root to tip (Yes, every time. Yes, I'm sure :lol: )... and it is still super thick at the ends, healthy looking & longish. She teeters between APL & BSL. I don't know her hair type because I've never seen her with a half inch of NG, let alone natural.

My hair is also thick, but not as strong when permed bone straight. I'm 4 a/b. Back when I was growing up & getting bone straight no-lye relaxers, my hair was super thin & looked disgusting. I went natural for 8 years & my hair was super thick and beautiful. Now I texlax every 16 weeks and my hair is still very thick at BSL.

My Mom's hair looks great, so I can't tell her NOTHING *kanye voice* It's annoying b/c almost everything she believes about hair care is soooo wrong... But her hair is thriving so she's not trying to hear me :lol:

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Yep. We all have 4b hair. Fine strands that's hard to retain length. None of us have been past sl.

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I have my father's hair. I remember at the top of his head he always had a few strands that stuck straight up even after brushing. I recently noticed my hair does the exact same thing. Also his hair was always very soft, even though 4b (people are surprised by the softness, so I guess it is unusual - IDK), my hair is like that too. I miss my Dad.

My mom's hair is completely different from mine. It is a looser texture, maybe 4a, 3c mostly. Her hair has a waviness to it when wet and dry unless she blows it out for an afro (she hasn't done that since the seventies LOL).
I guess i have a mixture of the two, but if I had to pick, I'd say i have hair more like my father.

He keeps his hair in dark ceasar, but its VERY low lustre, dry looking but feels soft and we have the same exact off black hair color.

My mom's hair is very shiny hair both natural and relaxed.