is there anything that hurts more than heartbreak?

i agree. that type of deeeeeeeeeeeeep heartbreak where you chest is literally aching is bad. i had it once in my life and i NEVER want to go through that again.

now, i am sooooooooooo over him. :grin: i pray for the woman he is marrying. i *know* what she is getting and it ain't gold .......more like a lump of sh!t. bless her heart. :look:

Whew yes. You just want to die. Just curl up in a ball and die. I cried until I couldn't cry anymore. Big, puffy, swollen, red eyes. Not eating, can't sleep just wish the world would go away. But I learned a lot from it and I am glad it happened while I was young. That is why I don't have 100% in any man but God. Nope, not a single one. I will never again make another man my world either because when he leaves it crushes you. Don't get me wrong because I love my dh, and he is a great man. But you will never hear me say, "I am nothing without him, I love him more than life itself, he completes me" and ish like that. That is giving someone way too much power and when they leave it fugs you up like nothing else. Although it sucked, I don't regret going through it because I am much stronger and wiser. Plus he wanted me back and I turned him down flat so I got the last laugh!!! Q
God knows best.... you just can't see it in the midst of your ache.
One day when you heartbreak is just a bad memory, you'll say THANK YOU JESUS!

Say that.....(I need a smiley waving a hankerchief like the ladies do in church when their praising the preacher :lol:)
o yes i had a heartbreak like that i left him cause he was a piece of sh!t but omg it was soo difficult to get over months and more months i would cry until i thought my heart would physically break into a thousand little pieces, til i couldnt breathe anymore, put a brave face on for my summer job but cry in my sleep and wake up with puffy eyes and make up excuses to worried co workers on why i have puffy bloodshot eyes y'all it was bad i was only 17 at the time and i thought he was the love of my life and he hurt me soooooooo bad im over him now thank God but like all disgusting pigs he tries to come back..i would rather cut off all my hair and eat it than get back with him

Even for a little while he had contrl of the relationships i had after him cause i was convinced it was going to end badly before it even started but now im so much better now and i dont have that negativity anymore. I am no longer afraid to fall in love
I am nursing a broken heart and it hurts. I just want the pain to go away already.:wallbash: I am so tempted to nurse it with a bottle of wine, or a sleeping pill. I just want to sleep and not feel the pain, but sleep eludes me.
I am a believer and know that I will be okay, but for right now I just hurt. Hopefully sooner rather than later I will be able to look back at this time in my life and say I am a better woman.

girl it does get better...there was a time when i thought i wud not be free of that man but im sooo free right now take as much time as you need (((hugs)))
That's why I dump them first!! :grin:


dumping them first does not free you from heartbreak not every woman hangs on to the man hoping for better days some (like me :grin:) see that things will never get better and even though you are in love with them you know that love alone will never be enoough so you leave but it hurts jus the same
Your post made me cry..once again, lol.

Losing my ex is pretty much like a death. Even though he's still alive and breathing, I know nothing will ever form again. I lost a best friend who knows pretty much everything about me. This post came just in time for me, only 2 days before I was completely let go of. Thank you. You wrote things I needed to read for myself.
If there is, I sure haven't felt it yet x.x...I can relate though. I'm only 17, but I've been there, twice. The first time took me 6 months to get over, and I remember it affecting my school work and social life. I couldn't be happy around friends, it was harder to concentrate. I just was like going through the motions. Now, I'm getting over another guy. I remember crying so much, even breaking down in front of one of my teachers when I was walking the halls early morning. I remember waking up and him still being the first one I thought about, and this fiery pain in my chest that would not go away. But eventually it did. But I agree, it's the kinda pain I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy either. Right now, I'm trying to finish moving on without being angry or bitter at him and subsequently all guys..Anyways...first post. Just felt like adding onto this thread since I could relate really well. My heart goes out to any lady who also is going through this at the moment. It'll pass in time.
Yeah, I can relate... We broke up several times, each time was easier than before, but it still hurt like hell. This last time didn't hurt as much. I don't feel heartbroken over the relationship, but the fact that I'll never see my best friend again hurts like hell. He was my best friend for five years, but now he hates me and thinks I'm a drain on society... and I just don't understand how it could come to that. As much as he hurt me, I still wish we could be friends because I think that with all the romantic things out of the way, we would be able to be friends again.
I'm still getting over one. I've done the wine and a nice sleeping pill..but I still felt the same way afterwards. torn apart. Time does help to ease it a little. also dating others helped me keep my mind occupied.
heartbreak hurts like hell thats for damn sure.

Thanks Sylver I hope that time can/will heal heartbreak, yours, mine and all other ladies.:yep:
I read a quote somewhere:
"Time heals all wounds, give time, time"
Excellent post!

i am so happily married, but i can relive the heartbreaks i've had over my lifetime like they were yeaterday and they hurt back then moreso than even childbirth - without the anesthesia.

i don't even wish heartbreak on my worst enemy.

my deepest sympathy goes out to women struggling to get over heartbreak - i'm not talking about women flirting with the idea of leaving or continuing to be a sucka for the man, but women that may have been completely dumped or had to leave because they just HAD to and are suffering tremendously.

it's like getting over the flu - you have to stay inside, in bed preferably, cry, scream, write,'s best when you have a friend that can listen to you and help. it's NOT good to take drugs or drink at that point. but it's like detoxing - it IS detoxing - getting that man out of your system...

so that one day...ONE can look at that man and greet him with a warm "hello" knowing that he's put one of thee toughest challenges in your life and you made it, you have survived!

that's a great feeling.

but heartbreak has got to be worse than anything i've ever felt in my life. someone once told me that for every day you've spent with a guy, it'll take 2 to get completely over him. that's rough...and that's about right.

some may think they are over the heartbreak, but their actions with subsequent men display otherwise.

most men deal with heartbreak by going onto the next relationship. some deal with it by stalking. both are dangerous...especially for women and especially the first one. at least when you stalk you come face to face with the reality that he doesn't want you anymore. some women just HAVE to see it to believe it. however, going onto the other relationship is just phony. you'd be sitting there with this rebound dude in a daze with a phony smile and faking affection thinking about your former and just hurting painfully inside.

it's just best to get over heartbreak as if it were a disease.

i just had to put this out there for all my sistas who are going thru or about to or haven't YET but will (and you will).

just stay strong and know that you aren't the first one that has had crazy thoughts and has gone through heartbreak and, eventually, you will overcome.

there is just one rule - one bonefide rule that one must never, ever, ever, EVER break when going through heartbreak:


that's why it's good to just stay and bed and remove yourself from society for a while - a good time to use your sick days and vacation days, lol!

Yeah heartbreak is a killa. I can attest to bibles stories of folks doing craziness because of it. I never really understood until I was faced with the situation. All in all, betrayal by anyone hurts to the 1000000thpower. ANYONE. Husband, friend, significant other, family etc etc. And Its not so much of the action(s) OR what was said at the time- it’s the actual betrayal, having someone go behind your back. Im dealing with this right now for the 2nd time in my life. It aint’ easy. AT.ALL.
I think the only thing that might hurt more would be the death of a really close friend or my parents. Love is such a crazy can have you on cloud 9 but when you fall off, that hurts like nobody's's actually a physical hurt. We all go through it to get stronger and appreciate the good one that comes along. Eventhough it seems like the end of the world at the time, I think it's healthy for every woman. How else can you appreciate Mr. Right if you've never had Mr. Wrong? Great post OT!

Heartbreak by a man pales in comparison to the death of a parent, trust me. Not having my mom anymore is like not having one of my arms.

When you don't have your man you have your parents. But when they are gone who (what person) do you lean on and who will care as much for you as your mom or dad (if you had good ones)?

Right now, any other heartache experiences I had in my life are very much put into perspective after the life altering event that I've just been through of burying my mom and I am 25.

You will love again. There are plently of men out there you just have to wait on timing. But you only get one mom or dad.
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This is just what I needed to hear! I just recently ended my relationship with my ex and it is hard. I just cant get over how he could lie and cheat, and still profess his love for me. I had to let him go though. I couldn't be with him knowing all that I know. It just wouldn't be right. I just try to take it one day at a time.....
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Thanks for bumping. Most of the time I don't know if I will ever love anyone else again. I feel so out of touch and I don't even know who I am anymore.
My gosh I'm so shocked didnt know other people felt this way.I have only had to deal with one heartbreak in my life and omg ! It was the most dehabilitating thing ever I remember just tears and physical pain and a feeling of being suffocated and left to die a slow death. Praying to god because I thought this pain would never go away and I just couldn't Imagine having a pain like this and still being required to live a normal life. It's so vivid even though it happened 2 years ago.

Who knew its get better, one day you just wake up like it was a dream. Like a cloud just cleared out and you could see again. Thank god for what I went through I thought I was a strong person before ... But wow I didn't even know the half of how strong I really could be.
It gets better, it has been 3 months for me and I can't believe how great I am doing, I got a new job new hair new clothes been going out, life is good, every now and then it is hard. I had to admit to myself that I was in an abusive relationship I could never say that before as I was too proud, I thank God every day I know that if I stayed with him one more year he would have put me in hospital, I pray for his new gf though I hope she will be ok.

The hardest part was forgiving myself for staying with him for so long.
This is all so true ajoyfuljoy I went to a funeral in August where one of my childhood friends had to bury her mom at 24. It was heartbreaking.

Heartbreak by a man pales in comparison to the death of a parent, trust me. Not having my mom anymore is like not having one of my arms.

When you don't have your man you have your parents. But when they are gone who (what person) do you lean on and who will care as much for you as your mom or dad (if you had good ones)?

Right now, any other heartache experiences I had in my life are very much put into perspective after the life altering event that I've just been through of burying my mom and I am 25.

You will love again. There are plently of men out there you just have to wait on timing. But you only get one mom or dad.
To answer the OP, NO! not even child birth without anesthesia and I've experienced them both...that heartbreak felt like the life was being sucked outta me.

Experienced heartbreak only once so far.
Heartbreaks are VERY Spiritual. The really do make you strong, they grow you, they teach you and they bring out the best in you if you go thru it right. Take time to heal, don't grow bitter.
Heartbreak is no joke. Fortunately, I have moved on but when I was going through it I could not eat. Sleep was cruel and my dreams tortured me! When you are heartbroken the nights are the worst! You now have nothing to do but face your pain. The world is asleep and you cannot keep disturbing people to cry. The silence is destructive. The empty side of the bed was so loudly empty! I literally had the runs for a month straight and lost 20 LB! And to be quite honest my heart actually ached. It was a burning feeling in my chest. I did not know how to move on from someone I spent 13 years of my life with. Every street was him. Every song was him. So many movies. So many laughs. So many things I wanted to continue to share but could not because we were over.

If you told me a year ago, I'd be over my ex with a man that loves me HARD, I'd call you everything but a child of God. I mean, who was better than my ex? Who would love me like him? I felt he was my only shot at love. LOL! Sike! :rolleyes:

He did me a favor. Sometimes when we go through heartache we cannot see the purpose of it. But, there always is. While I am not signing up to re-experience heartache again :nono: it strengthened my faith and showed me, there is never a time God is not with me directing my steps towards becoming an overcomer.
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Heartbreak is no joke. Fortunately, I have moved on but when I was going through it I could not eat. Sleep was cruel and my dreams tortured me! When you are heartbroken the nights are the worst! You now have nothing to do but face your pain. The world is asleep and you cannot keep disturbing people to cry. The silence is destructive. The empty side of the bed was so loudly empty! I literally had the runs for a month straight and lost 20 LB! And to be quite honest my heart actually ached. It was a burning feeling in my chest. I did not know how to move on from someone I spent 13 years of my life with. Every street was him. Every song was him. So many movies. So many laughs. So many things I wanted to continue to share but could not because we were over.

If you told me a year ago, I'd be over my ex with a man that loves me HARD, I'd call you everything but a child of God. I mean, who was better than my ex? Who would love me like him? I felt he was my only shot at love. LOL! Sike! :rolleyes:

He did me a favor. Sometimes when we go through heartache we cannot see the purpose of it. But, there always is. While I am not signing up to re-experience heartache again :nono: it strengthened my faith and showed me, there is never a time God is not with me directing my steps towards becoming an overcomer.

beautiful. Nothing to add.