Spinoff: Your First Heartbreak

What's 40 P @Lucie?

By the way, Your story is funny. Im sorry Puddin, I know it wasnt then. But you told it like a spoof, a parody of sorts. Lollllll.

Leesh, actually I burst into giggles with some cackling when I think about it. I view it as a parody. That dude that had no working bell to his building and we had to yell out SKIIIIIIIIIII YOUUUUUUUUU! Or Kenny. Whatever you could scream the loudest. He lived across the street from a crack head named Booger Cat. I mean really. :lachen:

40 P is 40 Projects. They are not far from York College in Queens.
I must say that I did break a guys heart though. I had broken up with my second boyfriend and tried to move on. I started dating this other guy and told him from the beginning that I wasn't totally over my ex. He was head over heels for me and I was kinda dating him for something new and different. To get over my ex. I still liked him though and we officially started "going together" a little while later. My ex was still trying to get with me and I wasn't having it.

So after months of dating him I started missing my ex. Maybe because he ended up getting a girlfriend. (A shame I know). But in my heart I still loved him. So we started creeping on the low.

I remember sitting in my room listening to Jazmine Sullivan, In Love With Another Man
and crying about the situation. I wanted him
back. So we decided to get back together and I had to sit my bf down and made some lame excuse about us not being compatible. I felt so bad about it especially after his friend told me how much I hurt him. But my heart wanted what it wanted.

Fast forward. The guy I went back to is the last ex that broke my heart. We stayed together for another 4 or 5 years only to find out he cheated on me in the end. I felt like I deserved it though. So it wasn't as bad as the first heartbreak but I did cry for weeks because he was like my best friend. Oh well.
@Leesh, actually I burst into giggles with some cackling when I think about it. I view it as a parody. That dude that had no working bell to his building and we had to yell out SKIIIIIIIIIII YOUUUUUUUUU! Or Kenny. Whatever you could scream the loudest. He lived across the street from a crack head named Booger Cat. I mean really. :lachen:

40 P is 40 Projects. They are not far from York College in Queens.

Lolllll....Lucie please write a book. Please, I'm begging you.

This is funny as crap. Skiiii youuuu is world renowned. (Crackheads too. :giggle:)
@Lucie lol at his name being Kenny. For some reason that made me laugh. Don't know why :lol:.

This thread shows Life goes on!

hopeful, around the time he broke up with me I kept seeing, "Dude you killed Kenny" t-shirts all over college. I had no clue what South Park was. If they didn't have a character named Kenny, I probably wouldn't have been interested to watch. :rolleyes: :lol:
Lolllll....@Lucie please write a book. Please, I'm begging you.

This is funny as crap. Skiiii youuuu is world renowned. (Crackheads too. :giggle:)

Leesh, I won't tell you about the ex I had named Beloved that had a ladder to get in and out of his basement. The WHOLE staircase was gone, like it never existed! I was so worried someone would forget and fall to their death.

I am soooooooooooo glad my bad boy phase ended after Kenny. :spinning: :nono: :lachen:And now I am envisioning him drying his pants on a broom over the stove burner. Wow! I am heartbroken for my awful past! :lol:
Leesh, I won't tell you about the ex I had named Beloved that had a ladder to get in and out of his basement. The WHOLE staircase was gone, like it never existed! I was so worried someone would forget and fall to their death.

I am soooooooooooo glad my bad boy phase ended after Kenny. :spinning: :nono: :lachen:And now I am envisioning him drying his pants on a broom over the stove burner. Wow! I am heartbroken for my awful past! :lol:

I am :dead: at this entire post!
@Leesh, I won't tell you about the ex I had named Beloved that had a ladder to get in and out of his basement. The WHOLE staircase was gone, like it never existed! I was so worried someone would forget and fall to their death.

I am soooooooooooo glad my bad boy phase ended after Kenny. :spinning: :nono: :lachen:And now I am envisioning him drying his pants on a broom over the stove burner. Wow! I am heartbroken for my awful past! :lol:

Lucie, Lucie, Lucie what am I gonna do with you. BELOVED, not Beloved...Im friggin dyin here, CPR please!

I tell you, the standards we have as youngsters. It makes you wonder how we survived to adulthood.
Leesh, I won't tell you about the ex I had named Beloved that had a ladder to get in and out of his basement. The WHOLE staircase was gone, like it never existed! I was so worried someone would forget and fall to their death. I am soooooooooooo glad my bad boy phase ended after Kenny. :spinning: :nono: :lachen:And now I am envisioning him drying his pants on a broom over the stove burner. Wow! I am heartbroken for my awful past! :lol:

I am :dead: at this entire post!

@MzLady78, I am still cracking up at this mess. I haven't thought about this stuff in so long.

Lucie, Lucie, Lucie what am I gonna do with you. BELOVED, not Beloved...Im friggin dyin here, CPR please!

I tell you, the standards we have as youngsters. It makes you wonder how we survived to adulthood.

@Leesh, IKR?! LOL! My poor dad would be mortified.

@Lucie, I meant to say, you look so natural and pretty in your avvy. Just radiant.

@Leesh, thanks lovie.

ETA: Sorry OP. I didn't mean to thread jack.
My first heartbreak was toward the end of my senior year of high school. I met this guy from another school district that I had seen around for years and thought was cute. It was one of those things where we would stay up all night talking on the phone almost every other night. He was a bit rough around the edges, which I liked. He asked me to go to his prom with him, and I had a horrible time and thought that things would be over from that point forward. Well not even a week later he shows up at my house out of the blue and we become inseparable for a good month. He was staying with family around the corner from my house so I got to see him almost every day.

Well, one day I noticed him and his cousin looking at photos of a few girls that went to my high school. It made me nervous because the conversations were always so secretive. Another friend named Jay began to come around during that time. I had known Jay since kindergarten so he seemed cool.

A few days later I show up to my bf's cousin's house the same time that I usually did, but no one answers the door. Jay, who lived a block over, noticed my car and summoned me over, where he then proceeded to tell me that the reason why no one was answering the door was because my bf was in there with another girl and he had been cheating on me. I was devastated. I went home so upset, and told my mom and cousin what had happened and they told me to leave him alone.

Well once Jay found out that I had broken up with my bf, he started calling and trying to hang out and take me on dates. He was literally stalking me. He would show up at my house unannounced at random times and call my house back to back during all hours until someone answered. It got so bad that my parents had to tell him not to come around or call the house anymore and blocked his number. I'm like, wtf? So you rat out your friend and then try to come at me? Nah son. I only spoke to my ex one other time after that a few days later to tell him we were done, but I was sick over it.

A few years later he hit me up on FB and gave the "I'm sorry. I was young and dumb" speech.
I wasn't going to post but, the more I thought about this situation... I had to!

I started dating this guy my freshman year of college. He was a former student (notice I didn't say alum or graduate). He lived about an hour away and would come down for parties. Anyhow, we continues to date into my Sophomore year. Again he would come down for parties but, not really to see me! He would make sure to show his face around my guy friends though! So anyway, one of my guy friends told me that he saw my BF's ex signing him in her dorm one night and them another friend told me that he was also talking to this girl I went to HS with... I was devastated! I don't think I ate for a week! So, we then transitioned into an on and off relationship that lasted much longer than I would like to admit. Of course I dated other people during this time. I remember I was at a party dancing with this guy I was talking to and the ex walked up behind me and just started dancing... The guy just walked away. Another time, I was leaving an event with my friend that came to visit and out comes the ex saying "don't get in that car..." Repeatedly! I was so embarrassed! I mean the guy was visiting me!!! Then yeaaaarrrs after I finished college, we tried dating again but, I was just dating period! That year I went to watch a basketball game at this sports bar with a guy I was dating and guess who was there... I'm embarrassed to say how this one ended!

Anyhow, we're FB friends and chat occasionally! He's married now and seems happy!
Only had one heartbreak thankfully. My first teen "love" lol. :rolleyes: He was older than me.

His ex gf told him she was pregnant towards the start of our relationship and he decided to give the relationship another go for family sake. 17 year old waaaaaaaaa:cry2: LOL. Anyhoo, that didn't work out and we got back together. He cheated on me maybe 1.5 years later with some girl and had a baby number 2 lol. He proposed to me about a month before telling me this, so I guess the guilt got to him:rolleyes:.Threw away the ring and burned his stuff after not being able to move on from it properly. I wonder how many kids he has now.:lol:

I did look on facebook for curiosity sake and I found someone with the same name, looks like him and same city. However gone downhill in ways I never would have imagined. His Mom would have a fit:lol: I don't actually wish bad on him really so it doesn't make me happy to see that.

Ever since that rude awakening I spent the rest of my dating and love life going for the exact opposite of him and my dad.:lol: I'm glad it happened really so I could learn from my naiveté.
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i guess i cant really contribute to this thread :ohwell: i am so self absorbed :lol:

:lol: Me too!

I mean I have had my feelings hurt, but I have tried my best to avoid a heartbreak, lol. Even in breakups, no heartbreak.

But, I like reading the stories though:yep:. Very interesting insight on love and relationships.
in high school. I was a senior and he was a freshman :look: my first real boyfriend..(i was a latebloomer)..anyway he just broke it off w/ me out of nowhere then i found out he was seeing this ugly train track wack girl. i was a virgin so i guess i figured it out. it was only 2 weeks before my prom and i had to go around begging dudes last minute. i finally got this fine dude from Dyckman P that had a crush on me to go. ...but i cried for 2 months straight because i had to see my ex and her everyday at school together :nono:
then i forgot about him and 91 became one of my best years ever! :grin:
My boyfriend in 8th grade. We had been together for months (years in grownup time) and I was in love with that boy. He always used to say he liked that I was a good girl. He pressured me for sex a few times and I always said no.

We were on the phone one day and he just up and said "we don't go together anymore."

My heart dropped. He wouldn't even explain he just said alright, talk to you later and hung up.

I didn't eat for two days. I couldn't. And my body physically hurt. Come to find out he dumped me because I wouldn't have sex with him. It hurt so much and I had to see him every day at school and his jerk friends laughed about it.

He's married and I'm actually friends with his wife on FB (she went to school with us too.) He's a good dude. He was just jerky back then. His wife told me he told her I was a really sweet girl, and that kind of made me feel better 20 years later. Is that weird?:lol:

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I was 14 when the most sought after guy in the summer program liked me. I was so happy because I grew up with folks telling me I wasn't pretty. My sexually active roommate told me to say to him "I want you" in his ear. So next time we were making out I said it. Then he started to unbuckle my pants and I got scared and stopped him. He was so confused. He broke up with me and started seeing this other girl in the program. It was 6 weeks of crying to Boyz II men "lonely heart." My friend tried to stop me from crying everyday after classes but I'd just lock the door as she banged on it begging me to come out...I still have the necklace he used to wear. This was about 20 years ago y'all. That mess probably has bad Juju on it....he's my FB friend and he's....not so cute now.

Then the next year in that same summer program, same mess, different guy. Always lost a guy to some girl who was giving it up.

College years- everytime I went to UMASS's Amherst's Funkathon, my mom had to come pick me up cuz I'd call her crying over some bf who had moved on. I hate UMASS lol.

Damn near 40 still crying over these fools.
I'm going to start picking cats soon...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who started young. :look: I've had a million boyfriends but only two broke my heart.

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i use to play Silly by denice Williams over and over back then :lol:

Silly Of me to think that I could ever have you for my guy
How I love you... how I want you...
Silly of me to think that you could ever really want me too
How I love you...

You're just a lover out to score
I know that I should be looking for more
What could it be in you I see
What could it be...
Oh, Love, oh, love, stop making a fool of me
Oh, Love, oh, love, stop making a fool of me

Silly of me to think that you could ever know the things I do
Are all done for you...only for you
Silly of me to take the time to comb my hair and pour the wine
And Know you're not there

You're just a lover out to score
And I know that I should be looking for more
What could it be in you I see
What could it be...
Oh, Love, oh, love, stop making a fool of me
Oh, Love, oh, love, stop making a fool of me


Silly of me to go around and brag about the love I found
And say you're the best, well, I cant tell the rest
And Foolish of me to tell them all that every night and day you call
When you could care less

You're just a lover out to score
And I know that I should be looking for more
What could it be in you I see
What could it be...
Oh, Love, oh, love, stop making a fool of me
Oh, Love, oh, love, stop making a fool of me
Lemme find out yall up in here jammin...

Go head sylver2, you blowin girl. You can sang. Aint heard a voice like that in a long while.

Dont forget, Wooooooo babayyyy...A 100% italian silk imported egyptian lace, nuthin babay, I said nuthin could compare...loves too weak to define, jus what you mean to me...I truly Adore youuuuuu.
Lucie I'm cracking up (not in a mean way) at your story! I grew all up and down Guy Brewer and knew a couple 40P dudes lol...90s ghetto at its best.

My first heartbreak was at 25....let's just say he was what caused me to enter into 4 years of celibacy! I darn neared turned into a nun because I didn't want to be hurt again (but when the grieving ended....Stella sho got her groove back hah!).
Duchesse, LOL! Those 40 P dudes were something else, huh?

Aww........ I am happy you are okay again. Heartbreak is something awful. But when it lifts it makes you realize just how strong you really are. :)
my first boyfriend, first love and first heartbreak destroyed my self esteem for years.

met the most popular boy in school. i had no idea who he was because i was a nerd. anyway he chased me and we started dating. all the girls in school wanted to kick my *** so i had to toughen up real quick. we were in love and joined at the hip for 2 years.
within that 2 years he cheated on me with every girl he possibly could. and i stayed. i thought that if i could prove to him how much i loved him he would stop cheating.

well when i finally had enough and broke up with him i instantly regretted that and tried to get back with him lmao. of course he was like hell no you hurt me girl lol. he had a new girl instantly.
one day my cousin called him and was like yea chebaby is over you and has a new guy(trying to make him jealous) but he was like so? guys only want her because she has big breasts. for years after that anytime a guy tried to talk to me i assumed it was because of my breasts.

i was depressed for what seemed like forever and every time i thought i was over him, here her comes back in the picture lmao. this went on(him coming back, me letting him) for 10 years:look:

i can laugh at how silly i was now.