Is The Friendship Worth Salvaging?

How was the trip, any updates?

So another one of my girlfriends flew down on the 2nd day of my trip and we had a good time together!! The mosquitoes were relentless, it was the absolute worst. Even with bug spray they tore me up. But we had a nice time chilling on the beach. I'm glad someone was able to go with me.

As for my friend. We're still cool but I've fallen back from her though because she just keeps getting simpler and simpler. We decided to go out to eat together to show love to a mutual friend who got a bottle girl side job at this hookah lounge.

We agreed to meet there at 8:00pm. I'm there at 8:00pm. 8:15 I don't hear anything from her but I'm not too bothered by it because my friend who is the bottle girl is keeping me company. At about 8:25 though I decided to call her just to make sure was okay. She told me she had a wardrobe malfunction as she was heading out the door and had to change clothes.

She showed up at like 8:40! 40 minutes late!! I had already ordered my food and had started on my drinks. I'm visibly upset and annoyed and I asked her why she just didn't call me to tell me she was going to be late. at 8:25 I was the one who had to call her. She literally was like "yeah you're right I should've called." I was so annoyed that I ended up leaving after I was done with my food.

She's a nice girl, she really is. But her thinking skills just aren't there. She's probably always been kinda slow and I was just letting it roll off me, but after the DR events I think my annoyance for it is just heightened.
So another one of my girlfriends flew down on the 2nd day of my trip and we had a good time together!! The mosquitoes were relentless, it was the absolute worst. Even with bug spray they tore me up. But we had a nice time chilling on the beach. I'm glad someone was able to go with me.

As for my friend. We're still cool but I've fallen back from her though because she just keeps getting simpler and simpler. We decided to go out to eat together to show love to a mutual friend who got a bottle girl side job at this hookah lounge.

We agreed to meet there at 8:00pm. I'm there at 8:00pm. 8:15 I don't hear anything from her but I'm not too bothered by it because my friend who is the bottle girl is keeping me company. At about 8:25 though I decided to call her just to make sure was okay. She told me she had a wardrobe malfunction as she was heading out the door and had to change clothes.

She showed up at like 8:40! 40 minutes late!! I had already ordered my food and had started on my drinks. I'm visibly upset and annoyed and I asked her why she just didn't call me to tell me she was going to be late. at 8:25 I was the one who had to call her. She literally was like "yeah you're right I should've called." I was so annoyed that I ended up leaving after I was done with my food.

She's a nice girl, she really is. But her thinking skills just aren't there. She's probably always been kinda slow and I was just letting it roll off me, but after the DR events I think my annoyance for it is just heightened.
wow she doesn't sound like a "nice girl".
A wise person in this thread said something along the lines of.. she's going to set you up with something that'll cost you what she thinks you owe her.
It starts with wasting 40 mins of your time. Now she's asking about a trip in December which she probably has zero intention to attend. Finally, she will end up cutting you off.
Good to hear you had a nice time in DR. Sounds like are doing just fine without a booooo friend.
She's a nice girl, she really is. But her thinking skills just aren't there. She's probably always been kinda slow and I was just letting it roll off me, but after the DR events I think my annoyance for it is just heightened.
I have someone that I'm friendly with who is simple like this. It's hard to do the thinking for both of us. Like, I have to say things slowly and break things down like I would for a child. She has been homeschooling her kids since the pandemic started. I have always, always encouraged any mom to homeschool but she was the first one I had to hold my tongue with. She's a nice person but I have to distance myself sometimes because of the frustration I feel in her presence.

Having said that, this friend of yours sounds like a mix of selfish and simple, never a good combo. Probably best that you fell back.
wow she doesn't sound like a "nice girl".
A wise person in this thread said something along the lines of.. she's going to set you up with something that'll cost you what she thinks you owe her.
It starts with wasting 40 mins of your time. Now she's asking about a trip in December which she probably has zero intention to attend. Finally, she will end up cutting you off.
Good to hear you had a nice time in DR. Sounds like are doing just fine without a booooo friend.
Nah none of that would ever be her intention. This is someone I’ve been cool with for 15 years. We’ve lived in different cities for the majority of those years. We live in the same city now though. But she’s not that kind of person. I’d bet every penny in both all three of my bank accounts that she’d never do anything like that. It wouldn’t even cross her mind. She’s a genuine girl but clearly she’s just kinda dumb.p
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I don't doubt she had a legit issue that caused her to be late but not calling is her being passive aggressive because she feels like you wronged her. It's not simple. You're being too kind OP.
Ladies, I'm no longer going to be responding to this thread. As the only person here who actually knows and interacts with this young lady, it's very interesting to read the kind of ulterior motives some of y'all think she has. I don't have anyone in my friend group who would take these kind of lengths to "get me back." It actually makes me chuckle. But it also kind of saddens and surprises me to read that friends might do these things to one another. It makes me grateful for the mature women I have in my life and I'm thankful that God has protected me from these kind of "friends."

But thank you all for your input. I enjoyed my trip the the DR with my other friend.
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