This is a spin-off (from the Israel thread in the Off-Topic Forum)


Well-Known Member
I wonder if anyone else was interested in the genealogy of the people mentioned in the thread. I also wondered if it is also possible to trace everyone's lineage based upon the clues provided by the Bible, Torah, and/or the Koran :

Actually, (religion aside), they are ethnically the same people, so are many Ethiopians, north & east africans and I think some west african tribes? (Look up Operation Solomon) There are all considered Hebrews (or Jews) ethnically, but not everyone of them practices Judaism. If I'm not mistaken, they got divided because one sect is a descendent of Isaac and the other Ishmael. Present-day "Jews" are said to be descendents of Isaac.(I took a class about the israeli-palestinian conflict and its orgin, but its been a while).

Off topic: I've always wanted to study the Bible, Koran, and Torah to trace where these people went to. All of the various tribes seem to overlap in all these three books and by comparing ancient geography to present day geography, their lineage can be traced. Also if you've ever read the old testament in depth, have you ever noticed that many of the descendents are named or renamed after there perspective lands/kingdoms (i.e Jacob->Israel, Ham->Canaan (sp?), Cush or Kush (the name of a well known kingdom during the time of ancient Egypt) Peleg (because in his days the earth was divided (note that coming from the Greek translation Pelegos/Pelagos means islands, does that mean this is when the pangea occurred) -these can all be found in the 10th Chapter of Genesis. It's all sooo very interesting :yep:

This is another interesting conclusion that I came that I posted on another forum previously and had almost forgotten about it. I trying to read the Bible in its entirety, and hopefully I'll eventually read the Torah (I want to learn Hebrew in order to read it in its original text), and the Koran (I''ve been learning Arabic over the past year). Although Gen chapter 2 maybe a recap of creation of adam and eve, I truly think more people were created at one time (after reading almost all of the Old Testament and taking notes of different events) and that Adam and Eve are specifically mentioned because this is the descendence from which the Christ was to come (and they began the specific line of God's chosen people):

How many of you realized that Adam and Eve were NOT created on the six day. This startling revelation and others occurred to me as I was reading my Bible the other day. In Genesis 1:26 God said " Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let THEM (note this is plural because it provides an important point later on) have dominion over the fish of the sea....Now in the following verses it states that God created man in his image, MALE and FEMALE and said to THEM "be fruitfal and multiply the earth". From the context of this passage, it appears as though he is talking to multiple males and females. As we know this series of events occurred on the sixth day and on the seventh he rested and sanctified that particular day.

Because Genesis and the entire Bible follows a series of chronological events, the next chapter is crucial to understanding this principle. In the beginning of Genesis chapter 2, it first speaks of how God had rested on the seventh day, BUT it wasn't till after he had rested that the creation of Adam and Eve is even mentioned (Gen 2:7). Thus one can conclude from this evidence that these men and women created on the sixth day were created independently of Adam and Eve (who consequently would produce the generations of God's chosen people).

Need further proof... In Gen. Chapter 2, after the Cain had received his punishment for murdering his brother Abel, he states in verse 4:14 "that everyone that findeth me shall slay me" and he was made an outcast in the Land of Nod were he eventually found a wife. Who is this "everyone" and how would he have found a wife in another land if Adam and Eve had only subsequently produced Cain and Abel

In addition to this, there are some other intruiging series of events that occur in Genesis as well. Considering that my perception of God as an infinite and eternal deity who we can only comprehensibly understand through our very limited intellectual capacity, the exists a tangible correlation between the story of Creation and the Big Bang theory. For one thing, in Geneisis 1:3-4, it states that God created light and divided the light from the darkness (on the 1st day-note that this whole thing was created int he mist of a void), BUT how could light have been divided from darkness, if the two great lights and the stars (Gen 1:16) were not created until the 4TH day.. UNLESS, the first light created was caused by some cosmic blast in this mist of this void from whence the two great lights were formed and everything else were subsequently formed by God. By comparing the theories of evolution and the sequence of events that occur in Genesis, the order in which they occur are very much the same.

Now I know that the Bible states that our world and the universe was created in 7 days; however, to me for a being of infinite years old, one day of God's could have easily been a million years for us. Hell, a millinium for us could be the blink of His eye. The only way we can conceptualize this information is if it were put in layman terms WE COULD understand. Its not that God couldn't created the world in 7 days, but HE did create it in 7 days by HIS TIME, NOT OURS which could have been well beyond the limits of our comprehension. Because we are limited in this manner the only way it is comprehensible for us and the early people reading and writing this Bible was for God to put things in terms that we could easily understand. It really is something to think about

I really wish Aramaic wasn't a dead language so I could learn it and read the original version of text. The closest thing that exists today to the original is the Ethiopian Christian text and whatever is locked in the Vatican :ohwell:

Ok, back to your regular scheduled programming :look::drunk:
Hi, Kbl. You pose very thought provoking and debatable questions so your thread would probably be best suited for the OT forum. We don’t debate here. We fellowship and encourage one another in love.

But in defense of the Bible, the inspired, infallible word of the living God, please go here for questions pertaining to Cain’s wife. You’ll also be able to find answers to other questions often raised by nonbelievers to discredit the Bible. Be blessed. I pray that God leads you to the right answers in your quest for knowledge.
Hi, Kbl. You pose very thought provoking and debatable questions so your thread would probably be best suited for the OT forum. We don’t debate here. We fellowship and encourage one another in love.

But in defense of the Bible, the inspired, infallible word of the living God, please go here for questions pertaining to Cain’s wife. You’ll also be able to find answers to other questions often raised by nonbelievers to discredit the Bible. Be blessed. I pray that God leads you to the right answers in your quest for knowledge.
Why do you feel the need to defend the Bible when what she posted was from the Bible? She referenced the scriptures, did she not? And what is up for debate here, I am confused.
Hi, Kbl. You pose very thought provoking and debatable questions so your thread would probably be best suited for the OT forum. We don’t debate here. We fellowship and encourage one another in love.

But in defense of the Bible, the inspired, infallible word of the living God, please go here for questions pertaining to Cain’s wife. You’ll also be able to find answers to other questions often raised by nonbelievers to discredit the Bible. Be blessed. I pray that God leads you to the right answers in your quest for knowledge.

This was not a topic for debate, but to provoke thought. Nor is there any need to defend the Bible. It was just some things that were very interestign to me and I wondered had anyone else came across this. I strongly believe in God and I'm just truly fascinated about how it all began. For an entity that is infinity in itself, I have a hard to time believing that God's time works according to our perception or schedule. Your talking about God here, he is time. I still believe there are some things that have been edited or lost to time that will eventually be revealed to answer a lot of questions. And if not I hope I get to heaven so that I can sit down and ask Him :grin:
This was not a topic for debate, but to provoke thought. Nor is there any need to defend the Bible. It was just some things that were very interestign to me and I wondered had anyone else came across this. I strongly believe in God and I'm just truly fascinated about how it all began. For an entity that is infinity in itself, I have a hard to time believing that God's time works according to our perception or schedule. Your talking about God here, he is time. I still believe there are some things that have been edited or lost to time that will eventually be revealed to answer a lot of questions. And if not I hope I get to heaven so that I can sit down and ask Him :grin:

Sending you a PM. :grin: