Is it true...


Well-Known Member
Is it true that you don't marry the man you imagine yourself being with? such as your preferred body type, physical appearance, or hobbies?

My best friend's mom was never attracted to blondes... but my friend's dad is a blonde. My roommate is engaged to a tall, lanky, skinny guy and she said she has never been attracted to that body type... especially not curly hair like his.

And for me? Well, I've started talking to an old flame again after 3 years... and by now I've realized the type of guy I prefer to date: Big, muscular, athletic, health conscious. But he doesn't match that image: Slender, not athletic, incredibly smart and witty yet I'm still drawn to him...
well, you know what they say....opposites do attract! so yes, i think it's true....look at Janet & Jermaine, Mariah and what's his name, that Cannon boy...lets just call him Mr. Carey...

we always want what we want...what we get is a whole 'notha story ....
I can believe it.

I realize that the more I open up to people NOT my usual physical type, I actually have better relationships. Not because the people that fit my type are bad, but just that I would often excuse bad behavior by the men who were my type.

Just met a nice dude a few weeks ago... so far so good... and TOTALLY not my type physically... I'm working on it. ;)
I can believe it.

I realize that the more I open up to people NOT my usual physical type, I actually have better relationships. Not because the people that fit my type are bad, but just that I would often excuse bad behavior by the men who were my type.

Just met a nice dude a few weeks ago... so far so good... and TOTALLY not my type physically... I'm working on it. ;)

:yep::yep::yep: --> I'm in the same situation.
I can't stand it but it seems to be true. What I like (the pretty boys) are the hardest to handle and usually NO good. :nono: Lawd knows what I'll end up with. :rolleyes:
Yes but only insofar as most women have some non physical requirements (deal breakers) that will outweigh the superficial preferences.

My husband had all the non-physical requirements plus WAY more. Of course I had the generic tall dark and handsome preference, what I got was average height, blond haired, blue eyed, frat-boy looking, pretty boy (he jokingly calls himself a banana republic model).

I wouldn’t trade him for the world.
Personality wise, I never could/never did imagine being with anyone much different - he's got his own little quirks, of course.
Appearance wise - soooo not the man I thought I would be with - at all!
IMO, it's a toss up of either ones own maturity OR just flat out settling for less because GOD TRULY WILL give us the desires of our hearts. And that's NOT to say that it always has to come packaged up like a bronzed Ken doll....BUT all things are possible (and I'm speaking that one by faith).

I hear several women say that their husbands turned out to be even ABOVE what they imagined. One in particular who is engaged now said she just imagined ending up with someone financially stable and nice looking, but her beau is 3rd generation millionaire with looks and personality to match. Yet, with that said, she sent a lot of bruhs packing for not matching the standards she had set in her minds eye.
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