Is it just me or has the forum died down quite a bit...

^^BlackHairDiva, are you talking about today? That just started this weekend. I think the OP was just talking about this being the case before the downgrade started.

BTW, Cherrypie, sorry for slaughtering your name in the last two posts I wrote. :hide:
I rarely post but Nonie thnx for that ppst above about Nikos and the work he has done. Idc if people get mad at what i'm about to say but I have never heard people complain so much in my life. "omg the forum was down for a whole weekend! I will not be subscribing again..blah blah blah". Ya'll sound so it that serious? it's a hair website! like seriously?!?! go outside, workout, read a book! It is not the end of the world. The site was clearly down since yall complained so much and they changed the forum back to the old format. Some of yall are still complaining about the format so much ya'll didn't even notice the board is back to the old format! Ok theres been a few problems with the website..they're clearly working on it and getting things fixed. Stop being so negative.
LHCF functionality is pretty bad now as a result of the downgrade just after the dust seemed to have settled on the upgrade and - I'm typing with no idea if I'll be able to post, but ... I suppose that will get smoothed out eventually. I've noticed that a lot of hairboard users are college students and as semesters wind down, traffic slows too. And there's a lot more competition these days with blogs and youtube. There is no one sole source anymore. People get around.
I must admit that i complained too and even thought about leaving, but all in all its not that serious to me because if it was i would not keep coming back. I lurk on other boards but i like this place the best, its like home to me. I really do appreciate what nikos is trying to do and realize that i do have to be patient. People do come and go and when everything settles down im sure things will start flowing again. I am willing to wait it out and see how it goes.
I haven't been on the site in a long time...firstly because I have a regimen...but more importantly because a lot of the posts were full of ad hominem attacks on people and not talking about issues...I also feel like a lot of people now are natural and there aren't as many people who are relaxed. I don't have a problem with natural vs. relaxed, but I don't see the point to come to the site when I know there's going to be very little that I can use on my hair. Furthermore, I feel like every post ended up being a fight between naturals and relaxed heads and it got pretty old. I'm in a class now and I'm bored so I figured I'd see what was going on, but I was surprised to see so few people on the site...I'm not going to renew my subscription next year.
ashleymichelle1 wrote:

I rarely post but Nonie thnx for that ppst above about Nikos and the work he has done. Idc if people get mad at what i'm about to say but I have never heard people complain so much in my life. "omg the forum was down for a whole weekend! I will not be subscribing again..blah blah blah". Ya'll sound so it that serious? it's a hair website! like seriously?!?! go outside, workout, read a book! It is not the end of the world. The site was clearly down since yall complained so much and they changed the forum back to the old format. Some of yall are still complaining about the format so much ya'll didn't even notice the board is back to the old format! Ok theres been a few problems with the website..they're clearly working on it and getting things fixed. Stop being so negative.

Thank you!
Nonie I know how website updates and glitches work, thanks. I actually design intranet sites for my job. I just wish I could get to my PMs. Yea, I'm annoyed. Yes, I'll get over it.
divachyk - you're welcome. If it wasn't for LHCF, I would never have even tried to grow my hair out. Youtube helped as well, but reading the thousands of posts on here is how I was really inspired.

Nonie - ITA with what you said, can't quote you for some reason.

On a side note (not at you, Nonie), I find it kind of strange to read people's complaints about other people complaining. This is getting out of hand and I'm thoroughly confused! But, it's cool. It's getting towards the end of the semester, so I am kind of busy like someone said....I'll be back. I may threaten, but I'm not going anywhere!
lol they need to bring the old forum back or else I predict that this site will not be around for much longer, especially the search function. I'm always on Hairlista and KISS, they have such a nice upbeat and FRIENDLY and DOWN to EARTH environment over there, and its free. lol I pay to post over here, yet I hardly ever do.
Thank you Nonie!

I never knew iSpy was here originally.

Hey! Where's the thanks button?

Maybe i'm going through withdrawal, or having separation anxiety. LOL
Yup, I totally agree. I know that I got really turned off with the new setup around here. It was difficult to find things and then the log in time was crazy. I know that they've been tweeking the site, but it became annoying after a while.
i'll still renew my subscription...i paid 6.50 last december and lurked for a few weeks, got my inspiration to go natural and then found my real hair home on curlynikki...i just started posting here actively within the last couple of months after being totally absent from this site for the whole yr, not even lurking...but it was worth the 6.50 because if i didnt see all the naturals with super long hair on here last year then i wouldve never got the inspiration to go natural...and i like posting here sometimes and getting encouragement and following other ppls journeys and getting boils down to less than 2 cents a day so thats not a huge loss to part with to me...when im closer to my goals (atleast longer than apl) then i'll probably go back into lurk mode for a while and then come back after i reached my goal, but i'll stay around for now.
I do think it has slowed down quite a bit. I know I haven't been visiting as much either, but that has been to all the changes being made and the site being down so I just didn't bother trying to log on anymore.
This thread has somewhat gone OT, hasn't it?

My 2 cents -- I work in IT (my full-time job) and teach computer technology as an adjunct instructor (part-time job) so I know the work that goes in upgrading, downgrading, resolving, troubleshooting, etc. I know that nikos has worked his butt off to assist us. Most times the work of IT goes unappreciated because there is always a handful that are not happy. I know both sides of the coin -- (1) IT must work hard to resolved outages to please customers because outages are not acceptable yet (2) sometimes that's not as easy as it sounds because IT problems are sometimes hard to resolve based on how complex they are...but you know what, customers don't want to hear that, all they want to hear/know is WHEN WILL IT BE FIXED. And, with web design, as I've done before, no matter how hard you try, you can't please everyone. Someone will always complain about the look, the layout, the design, etc.

To be honest, minus a few minor things here and there, I loved the upgraded look but the downgraded looks works for me too. I'm not complaining, just stating my opinion. At the end of the day, I have more to worry with (and so should you) than what LHCF layout looks like.
Cherrypie wrote:

Hey! Where's the thanks button?

Maybe i'm going through withdrawal, or having separation anxiety. LOL

LOL @ CherryPie! That's one of the flourishes that may come back. We still can't automatically quote (I don't know if we can read old posts) so I think that's a bit more important than the Thanks button. (IIRC, there are people who'd be happy if the Thanks button never returned. :giggle: )

Divachyk wrote:

This thread has somewhat gone OT, hasn't it?

My 2 cents -- I work in IT (my full-time job) and teach computer technology as an adjunct instructor (part-time job) so I know the work that goes in upgrading, downgrading, resolving, troubleshooting, etc. I know that nikos has worked his butt off to assist us. Most times the work of IT goes unappreciated because there is always a handful that are not happy. I know both sides of the coin -- (1) IT must work hard to resolved outages to please customers because outages are not acceptable yet (2) sometimes that's not as easy as it sounds because IT problems are sometimes hard to resolve based on how complex they are...but you know what, customers don't want to hear that, all they want to hear/know is WHEN WILL IT BE FIXED. And, with web design, as I've done before, no matter how hard you try, you can't please everyone. Someone will always complain about the look, the layout, the design, etc.

To be honest, minus a few minor things here and there, I loved the upgraded look but the downgraded looks works for me too. I'm not complaining, just stating my opinion. At the end of the day, I have more to worry with (and so should you) than what LHCF layout looks like.

Thank you, Divachyk, for a IT's POV. After doing Pascal and then C programming many moons ago, I totally take my hats off to computer scientists/information techies. I think y'all have more patience than most and a passion for what you do.

I, too, had no problem with the upgraded forum. It took a while to figure out some features and there were a few glitches but I loved a lot of the features that came with it like the Mention feature and its notification (when it worked) because it saved you having to read every post to find one that was addressing you. One of the things. I wonder whether that can stay. I also liked how tidy the Thanks feature worked so that you didn't have to scroll over a huge block to get to the next post and if someone cared to see who the thankers were, you could click on a link.

Oh well, I was fine with the old one too, so I'll be happy with either form.
^^Excuse the hanging sentences in my previous post that made no sense and the crazy grammar. I can't edit so that's my excuse and sticking with it. :p

Lizelies wrote:

i'm not complaining but it is pretty funny that this is the only thread i can access right now.

There are actually more accessible threads. Just look at the dates of the last post of each thread, and the ones with today's date are accessible, if I'm not mistaken. In other words, threads started today can be opened and posted in.

hairedity wrote:

I'm just happy that the "GO" button is back :-) Hip-hip.... don't ask much, do you? :grin:
I'm glad the old site is coming back.

I also have my hair regimen down pat, but that doesn't stop me from entering the hair forum. Things don't seem to be kicking in other forums either. The main reason I stopped posting as much was because I couldn't keep track of where I had posted and who replied to my posts (or not) with the "upgrade." The search feature didn't work well for a minute in the beginning, but it actually got a whole lot better in the past few weeks. I just couldn't stand posting on an interesting topic, then not being able to find it when I came in the next day because 1) there was no "thanks" I could go to show that someone may have responded or that there was high activity in a thread, 2) the "find my posts" feature never worked for me so I couldn't go back to a thread that way, and 3) I couldn't use the search function (when it worked well) unless I remembered the exact name of the thread. It was just too much work to keep up a conversation and I even spent a long while once trying to find one thread that I later found was deleted by the OP in the first place.

Whatever LHCF does I just want the "Find (My) Thanked Posts" back or at least fix the "Find My Posts" so that I can carry on responding to threads without having to subscribe to every one I happen to reply to for feedback. These features actually got me to post more. It looks like LHCF is on the right track though with the downgrade though. I'm optimistic.
Nonie: The only problem with the Mention was that not everyone seemed to remember to use it, or knew how to. But I liked that feature a lot. It would be cool if we could get a Mention every time we were quoted or something similar to that.

I think it's just because the Mention feature was fairly new that people didn't remember to use it or know how to use it. But it was catching on. I don't skip over many threads but I don't think there wasn't any thread I went into in the last week that wasn't using the mention feature. So in time, it'd have become second nature just like quoting someone so we knew who you were talking to was kinda the norm.
^^Argh! WTF did I just write????

I meant to say, I don't think there's any thread I went into that wasn't using the Mention feature.

I need the edit button. I can't manage w/o it. I'm gonna hurt myself trying. :cry4:
Well I joined during the summer and had much more free time. Maybe thats the reason for some. Also...I feel like I have a solid regimen going. I don't really need to hear about new products or things of that nature. So I may just lurk for about 20 mins then log off.
You can pretty much open and post in any threads now. nice. at least that's what I just discovered. I'm sure there are exceptions.