Is it just me or has the forum died down quite a bit...

I feel like a stranger now. A lot of my friends/older heads don't post anymore. I only lurk now on occasion. I used to post a ton :(
^^I know!^^
There were quite a few ladies that had been on LHCF for years and posted frequently, and now I can hardly find 'em.
Now I lurke in, and post very little. Ugh I hate this all happened as soon as I FINNNAALLY paid the $$ to be part of the party. :(
Hey Ladies I just created a thread in Off Topic on how I was able to speed up LHCF and avoid loading problems. I changed my internet browser I was using. I went from using Internet Explorer to Safari. Like night and day. No problems no frustration!

As per LHCF, I am not posting any updates until year end. I am grazing APL and plus no camera (will get one), I know by year end there will be no doubt from anyone that I am APL! Also I just renewed my subscription, had no qualms doing so. I don't want to miss out seeing anybody pics if they post. So I plan to be here another year slow and all.

I am now more exploring other sections in this forum that are peaking my interest like the Relationship section.

ETA: I just saw that lboogie2679 also posted she switched her browser and was fine. I haven't read all the post yet. As well as amwcah mentioned she changed to Chrome Internet browser.
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As tmhuggiebear stated I too am a little tepid now posting pics because people are stealing your photos for their own agenda. I will post a pic but hopefully the copyright all over the pic will be a deterrent.
I've noticed a difference too. I myself have been posting A LOT less in this section. Now I mostly post in the entertainment or off topic sections. It both has to do with the lack of thread topics which interest me nowadays and my growing frustration with my own hair. When I first joined earlier this year I couldn't get enough of this section. I read through so many threads for hours upon hours. There seemed to be so many users and activity too, but I have noticed whenever I do casually peek back this way, it seems much less active than before.

I think someone hit the nail on the head when they said people have discouraged newer users from asking questions. I know I kind of got this vibe a couple of times when I asked questions or made threads. I understand the whole search button thing. I DO use the search button as a newbie, but a lot of the times I still didn't really find a particular response I was looking for, so while it's the same question, or a similar question, I'm looking for different answers and opinions! I think that's how a lot of other new users feel/felt as well. Luckily I've been around enough forums by now to know how it goes; new users are typically discouraged no matter what so, LOL.
Well it's died down to me too... I didn't mind the upgrade BUT it was when I stopped seeing other posts going on and realized I had a working reggie then I kinda backed off and then I noticed people trying to start mentoring or bigsis lil sis things in hair and other forums and people not really being into it so that was a turn off too. I thought we'd be more family-like. *shrugs* if nothing changes I'll leave it alone after my expiration
I think the forum has definitely died a little, especially if someone has stable regi or grown their hair to their desired length. I remember when I used to be in class I couldn't wait to get home to see what the talk of the day was LHCF. I guess its time to reinvent ourselves LOL.
The forum dying a bit isn't anything new. It happens all the time. Comes in waves. People come, settle down, throw a party...then they leave. And for a spell, it's slow as newbies come on and start to feel their way around, and oldies moan the loss of the fun crowd or just find the forum a little less fun w/o some people. Also if the hair forum is the only place you hang out, of course you'll find things slow coz most people move on to other forums once they've mastered their haircare regimen.
I know I stopped coming on here after they removed the google search option. When I search it gives me nothing close to what I was looking for. I hated it! I became frustrated because that was how I navigated the site mostly. Now every 2 pages I get some type of 500 internal error. My membership is up in January and I probably won't renew. I'm on youtube more than anything else now.
There are many reason for the mass exodus...

I don't know why in the world they removed google search, thats was it for me. I don't want to sound overly critical about something that might sound petty but.... Seriously there is a reason why Google search engine is the most popular in the world. Oh well. Also there are too many social-analytical discuss about hair or being black and they are usually pretty one sided and cynical that kind of turned me off. I miss when most of the topics were about hair. I hang out at KISS forums.. its not so political. Vibe feels fresh and new. I love this site still, nothing can be prefect.
for me, the upgrades were (are) hella confusing, and i feel like a bunch of ppl whose posts i looked forward to no longer post.

my regimen is set, so LHCF isn't really on my radar much anymore.
There were so many people I wanted to respond to in this thread, but after waiting three days, I'm kind of over it........................:-/

I would like to move on to another forum....there are other good one out there, but this community is the largest. It's also one of the few that's not dominated by one person (the founder's) haircare views.

I liked the upgrade overall....I think it had little to do with why people left. It's actually going to be hard to do without some of the features now.
its not as diverse as it was before. When I joined there was a good mixture of relaxed natural, weaves, and wigs.. Now its mainly natural. Plus this new lay out is CRAZY... Im kind of over it!! I hope the adminisrtators are paying attention to this thead
I agree with your last paragraph. :yep: I will miss some features.

Like you, there were so many posts I wanted to respond to but also got over it and can't remember what they are.

Am I the only one who never cared for the Google Search we had on the forum? I think anyone who'd ever used the Advanced Search that that has always been on the forum since I joined in 2003 would know just how much more efficient it was than the blinking Google Search people mourn over. I hated how Google would be so extra with its results that were so unrelated with what I wanted. The only time Google served me well was earlier in the previous upgrade when the Search function was a bit rusty, and THEN I used the Google but that only served me well IF I typed "" and then what I needed to find. Then as the upgrade progressed, that stopped working too.

In the last couple of weeks, original search was back to working as normal (read: efficient). To me anyway.
Nonie/Solitude and others -- thank you for hanging around in the hair care forum as long as you have. I also personally thank both of you for the advice you've given me along the way.

Nonie, I too agree, venturing out to some of the other forums keep the overall LHCF experience fresh. I know that I'm a newbie but I can see how one would burn out if you were frequenting the same forum day in and out even after you've reach goal lenth and have a developed regi. As you mentioned, with all things there are phases. I guess we're just on the downswing of it all. Maybe we'll upswing soon.
Wha tis going on with this site?? Every time I come here, there are glitch problems, upgrades, dowgrades, the site is shut down, someone received a bug/virus etc. Don't get me wrong this is a great site, but I may not be paying my 6.50 next year if this continues. there is always something wrong with this site :sad:

I have been to free websites that have more people than LHCF and don't encounter these types of problems. I'm just sayin.
This really is the last push for me again the forum was down for a whole weekend. The forum feels so fragmented and disconnected these days. And to think i recently repaid my subsciption :nono:
I think a lot of the weirdness going on today is as a result of the forum settling back after the downgrade. I can't get to most of the pages on the forum, and get an error message instead. But that won't really bother me unless this is still going on a week from now.

But as far as the thread topic, I will chime in as one of those who's noticed the slow down in activity. I've been here years, and I've seen lots of changes. And the vibe of the forum ebbs and flows. But in all my years here I don't think I ever felt that things were starting to get boring/mundane until a few months ago (and I'm not just referencing things in the hair forum).

I was really busy for some weeks and wasn't on here much, but then it seems like I logged in one day and things were different. The forum activity seemed to be way down. I actually wondered if a mass "banning" had happened that I wasn't aware of. Some things people have posted seem to hint at this possibility.
PositivelyRadiant the reason you've been seeing all the issues is because our wonderful techie, Nikos (Yes, I think he's awesome because I know I'd not burst my butt the way he does with the little thanks is gets) has been at work trying to improve our forum. First, because of how big the forum has gotten, he did an upgrade that he hoped would improve the site's security and efficiency. The changes brought some awesome features but also pissed people off who hate change. As with a lot of upgrades, there are glitches that Nikos worked hard to fix...and most of them did get fixed. Still, Nikos determined that the new system isn't all that it was cracked up to be and so decided, much to the relief of many, that we'd go back to the old system. So that's what's going on now. A downgrade to the old system. And because he gives a damn about the security of the forum, I am guessing he's ensuring that that is in place first before sitting back and letting us enjoy our forum as before.

And how do I know all this when I'm not a mod? Because during the upgrade that we are now leaving, I came to the forum to find I coudn't post. I couldn't even view my profile or send messages. All a bunch of us paid members could do was chat in the chat room. Nikos came to the chat room to let us know he had turned us all into "lurkers" until he'd made sure our private info was secure. That he would care so much to inconvenience us a bit just so that our private info was safe made me respect him more than ever. And I don't even know what prompted him to do the upgrade but I do recall that a few weeks before that, there were complaints of the forum infecting people's computers. Never happened to a lot of us, but Nikos was listening and actually researching the claims and reporting back his findings. So perhaps that's what led to the upgrade.

Another thing that makes me know that Nikos puts his heart into the running of this forum is how accommodating he was of people's requests during the upgrade. If someone complained about how something displayed, he'd change it and ask "Is that how you want it to look?" or something along those lines. As if that person is the only one around or bugging him with questions. That he actually takes time to take care of us when he too has a life outside of LHCF like a lot of us and can't just take a hiatus when he pleases I think is something we all need to be aware of.

What's more, Nikos created an Admin Forum where he posts updates of what's going on for anyone interested. And when the forum is down for longer than normal as it was this weekend, there was information posted every so many hours so you'd know he's not just lunching.

Ellepixie, hope ^ explains a bit.

SEMO you and I are >>here<<

CherriePie, not sure which time you're talking about but just before the downgrade started, Advanced Search was working as well as it always worked. I'm not sure about now, but I wouldn't really expect it to be a priority in the scheme of things that Nikos is working on now.
CherriePie, iSpy used to be there with the old system, so I don't think you'll get to miss that at all.