Is Hair length and health dependant upon the hair product or the hair technique?

which one makes for long healthy hair

  • technique

    Votes: 31 17.4%
  • good products

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • a combination of the two

    Votes: 142 79.8%
  • magic

    Votes: 4 2.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
I'd say technique, that's why I could never be a product junkie

I also believe that products won't make your hair longer or healthier because many of us used grease with mineral oil and pink oil as kids and still had long healthy hair.
I say a combo of the two.

no point in having GREAT products but you don't know how to use them
no point in great hair technique but using products that aren't beneficial to your hair.
Definitely a combination of both. Products that dry your hair and cause it to be brittle and break are counterproductive. And despite the best products, if you rake a rat tail comb through your hair and apply too much heat, you probably won't have much hair either.
I chose technique, because you can use the best products in the world, but if your not choosing healthy styles, rough combing, not sleeping in a scarf, overprocessing your and just overall not making good hair care choices, you hair still would not thrive.

On the other hand, many people have long and healthy hair, and they may use mediocre products, or even little to no products, but thier regimen usually consists of some sort of protective styling, little to no heat, and basic washing and conditoning. Basically leaving thier hair alone and it grows and grows.

I do believe that certain products do attribute to the hair's health, beauty, body, shine and manageability but it will grow fine without them.
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I say technique
Because what's the point of buying great products if you're not using them properly on your hair.
Definitely a combination of the two. I've noticed a total turn-around in my hair since I started using quality, salon brand products. I used to think that drug store products were just as good as the more expensive stuff.... Not so much :nono:
I Voted A Combination of the Two. Naturally, using proper Technique i.e. low manipulation and Tools at the proper time, with the proper heat settings,if you use heat is extremely benefical for the Health and Growth of our Hair.

But I also think that knowledge of your Hair, Maintaining a Proper Diet and using Specific Products geared towards your Hair is also a necessity for both overall length and health.:yep:
A combination of the two - technique is important - how to comb, brush, relax, straighten, wash, condition, dry, style - we know using the correct methods are extremely important and make a significant difference in the health and look of our hair. Bad technique is death to healthy hair. Additionally, good products that work best for each individual's hair are equally important. The ingredients in hair products are most important.

I recently purchased a highly raved conditioner for co-washes because I wanted to try it. $4 for 16 ounces opposed to $54 for 16 ounces of my usual. The difference - water, water, water, water - thin watery conditioner which works okay, but it's not for me. I like my thick, rich, creamy moisturizing condition. In the trying of the new one, I found I used far more because it was so thin. However, there are others for whom this product works wonders. When we talk product, once we move beyond the basic necessary ingredients, we're talking personal preference.

One other necessary part is knowledge. Gymfreak (one of my favorite hair-growing scientist) made a post this morning explaining the signs of damaged hair and what is needed to counteract the damage. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! Trials and error is all good, but nothing beats knowing the reasons why.
I think that it is definitely technique because I have seen plenty of beautiful, healthy, long heads of hair that used "bad" products but had great regimens. Women had beautiful hair for centuries before hair products as we know them were even created.

Most people aren't ready/willing to except that hair products aren't the key to beautiful hair.
As Newflowers said, knowledge is super important. You need to know what ingredients do, why a product works, and which techniques will benefit you the most. You have to learn about the hair's characteristics and your special needs.

Then, you can focus on health and retention. Like everyone else said, it's a combination of both technique and products. Health is affected by your manipulation of your hair and by the products you use, but products are less important. Retention is all about technique, IMO.

But, knowledge is first. That's why I don't suggest anyone buying any new products until they do some research on their hair and what it might need. Otherwise, it's just a waste of money and time which just leads to frustration.
:think: I think it depends on your hair. There are people that straighten with hot combs and I know my hair wouldn't be able to take that. There are people here that use mineral oil, doesn't work for my hair.

You have to do whatever is good for your hair.
I have to agree with MSA and Newflowers...its about 1. Knowledge/Healthy Lifestyle 2. Technique 3. Products. I know that since coming to the board I have learned how to incorporate all three into my life. But if you definitely don't have the first 2 then it doesn't matter what you do after that. In my personal experience if I wasn't living a healthy lifestyle then my hair suffered. If I wasn't learning about my hair and what it needed then it suffered. If I wasn't using the right techniques due to ignorance then my hair suffered. Products have helped my hair since I'm getting the right ones now but my hair did okay with "average" products and making sure I did the first 2 things.

I know my hair will grow with time. I am learning to be patient again.
Definitely a combination of the two. I've noticed a total turn-around in my hair since I started using quality, salon brand products. I used to think that drug store products were just as good as the more expensive stuff.... Not so much :nono:

ITA, I wish I was able to use the cheap commercial brands, unfortunately they don't do anything beneficial for my hair. :nono:
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ITA, I wish I was able to use the cheap commercial brands, unfortunately they don't do any beneficial for my hair. :nono:

ITA also - sometimes I wish I could use and get the same results with less expensive products, but each time I try, there is always disappointment and the knowledge that I have wasted my money.
I voted a combination, but its more about technique :imo: pre-LHCF I had a lot of great products but just didn't know how/when to use them, my hair was growing but had serious dryness issues
I'd say technique, that's why I could never be a product junkie

I also believe that products won't make your hair longer or healthier because many of us used grease with mineral oil and pink oil as kids and still had long healthy hair.

I agree completely
my hair was thriving w/ pink oil when i was younger

its about how you handle your hair
i recently bought lots of products but im just not gifted at taking care of my hair!!
im really bad i at it so i end up ruining it more which is why i might give up and go back to my old habits
I think that it is definitely technique because I have seen plenty of beautiful, healthy, long heads of hair that used "bad" products but had great regimens. Women had beautiful hair for centuries before hair products as we know them were even created.

Most people aren't ready/willing to except that hair products aren't the key to beautiful hair.
So true
Way before Chi silk infusion was created, way before emergencee protein treatments was bottled me and my sister had thick healthy hair sitting on the floor after a wash for our mother to put Dax in our hair.
And way before Dax and Madame CJ Walker folks had thick long hair.
I think as long as you are healthy, eating well and just keeping your hair clean and protected, your hair will grow and be healthy no matter what products you use. Some people have a whole ritual and regimen of things they run down everyday and still have hair that grows at an average pace. The products sit on top of the hair and scalp. I think the real health of the hair comes from way deep within and can only be really effected by health through diet and exercise. Check the regimens of some of the longest haired girls on here...they hardly do anything to their hair and use a minimal amount of products. In fact they don't even seem to be that active in the hair forum! They might pop in and out a few times but they're mostly in other forums. I think one thing is a given: It's hair, it grows. That's what it does.
Products for styling is a different story. But products to make your hair grow :nono:. It's all in the technique.
I say its majority technique.

The key to hair care is being consistent with the things that work. It doesn't have to be all about a product as long as you understand what your hair needs and WHY it needs it at any given point in time. You can accomplish that spending 20 bucks total at sallys or going all out at Ulta. Personally, from my personal experience with my head and from watching this board, many of us think that if we do the right things more often, we will get better and faster results and that is not always true. Conditioning of course is essential but hair is only going to absorb a given amount of product at a time. I think as a whole we go overboard on some things in an effort to have the hair we won't in the time frame in which we want it. Sometimes in our efforts, we actually aggravate the problem we are trying to fix even more.

Products are tools, and any tool is only as useful as the person using it.
Who voted for magic! :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

I did. I couldn't resist.

Folks really do think it's magic. Even people on this board. Everyone's looking for a "holy grail" product or that specially blended growth aid that will help them sprout 3 inches in a month. Or they want to fry their hair every week and then complain about not retaining length. Or they trim their hair every other day and then wonder why they're still SL.

Apparently it's all about magic instead of logic.
I did. I couldn't resist.

Folks really do think it's magic. Even people on this board. Everyone's looking for a "holy grail" product or that specially blended growth aid that will help them sprout 3 inches in a month. Or they want to fry their hair every week and then complain about not retaining length. Or they trim their hair every other day and then wonder why they're still SL.

Apparently it's all about magic instead of logic.

Not all folks think that!:rolleyes:
I voted both.....and agree with most of the ladies......And some of use do use Logic......we all know we can't expect 3 ins of growth in one month.....some of us use the term "holy grail" because maybe it's a product that has helped our hair not just in growing, but with conditioning, shine, moisturizing......maybe that's why?!?!:rolleyes:
I say both because learning new techniques at LHCF and using the right products has led to undeniable growth and retention.
I would definately say technique :yep:

I can use any old shampoo and conditioner as long as it says "moisturizing" or "for dry or damaged hair" on the bottle. They have those in every brand...

But no products can help you if you rake through your hair with a fine toothed comb on a daily basis and follow up with a deep frying in oil + flat iron :lol:

Being gentle with your hair is number one! :)