Is Hair length and health dependant upon the hair product or the hair technique?

which one makes for long healthy hair

  • technique

    Votes: 31 17.4%
  • good products

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • a combination of the two

    Votes: 142 79.8%
  • magic

    Votes: 4 2.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I would definately say technique :yep:

I can use any old shampoo and conditioner as long as it says "moisturizing" or "for dry or damaged hair" on the bottle. They have those in every brand...

But no products can help you if you rake through your hair with a fine toothed comb on a daily basis and follow up with a deep frying in oil + flat iron :lol:

Being gentle with your hair is number one! :)

YEAAA....I'ma go with the girl with the super long hair....
I would definately say technique :yep:

I can use any old shampoo and conditioner as long as it says "moisturizing" or "for dry or damaged hair" on the bottle. They have those in every brand...

But no products can help you if you rake through your hair with a fine toothed comb on a daily basis and follow up with a deep frying in oil + flat iron :lol:

Being gentle with your hair is number one! :)

This is exactly what I seek when looking for conditioners and I handle my hair extremely gently when washing, styling, moisturising,etc. I definitely didn't handle it like that before I started taking care of it.
I say Technique. I have seen enough ppl who don't use the best (not most expensive, but most hair friendly/healthy) products, but still get results.
Technique, hands down. Products merely support the technique and make a proper technique easier to accomplish. :yep:
If you do not know how to handle your hair and the appliances you use on your hair; your hair will never, ever look the way you want it to!
For my hair personally it's 10% product / 90% technique.
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Where are all the product pushers? Products have the most votes but in the thread almost everyone is saying technique. I am curious about what the other side thinks.
Where are all the product pushers? Products have the most votes but in the thread almost everyone is saying technique. I am curious about what the other side thinks.

I said my peace. This self-proclaimed PJ say great hair is a product of both technique and high-quality products. At least that's what works for me personally.
Where are all the product pushers? Products have the most votes but in the thread almost everyone is saying technique. I am curious about what the other side thinks.

Well....we actually voted for a 'Combination of Both.' I think it's preference as to what types of Products you like to spend your $ on. Currently,due to the unhealthy state my hair is in right now, I prefer to use Higher End Salon Products.

Not to say that I could not get healthy results with other products. For me, it's a matter of Personal Preference in Products and Technique, Tools, and But most of All Knowledge of Your Hair.

Some people like Mercedes and some people like Hondas. But they all arrive at the same destination. It's all about how you "choose" to get there:yep:
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As I've said previously, I've tried using lower end products, and I've treated my hair in exactly the same way as I do when using the higher end products and the cheaper brands do nothing for my hair so for me it's just a futile process.

I see quicker and better results when using better products and for that reason I will stick with the brands that work for me.
Where are all the product pushers? Products have the most votes but in the thread almost everyone is saying technique. I am curious about what the other side thinks.

Good question.

Myself, I love high quality products. That's why I use natural stuff. Why buy some expensive conditioner that has a drop of olive oil and a bit of honey mixed with synthetic fillers, when I could just use the pure, unadulterated stuff.

Great products are definitely worth it...once you have the technique down.
I say a combo of the two leaning more toward tech though. im not a pj, i have a few products that work for me. i have been bsl forever,so when i changed the way i started doing my hair(thank you teri ! ). now can see mbl and maybe even wl in my future .
For me I'd have to say a combination of both.

Because there are certain products I need in order to carry out my kiss it simple techniques. I could NEVER detangle my hair with water alone, I need a good conditioner to aid me. I couldn't air dry my hair without a good moisturizer and sealer, and without my shea butter I couldn't keep my hair to a level of moisture that would allow it to not break while it's in its protective styles and what not.

:yep: Definately a combination of both for me.
Good question.

Myself, I love high quality products. That's why I use natural stuff. Why buy some expensive conditioner that has a drop of olive oil and a bit of honey mixed with synthetic fillers, when I could just use the pure, unadulterated stuff.

Great products are definitely worth it...once you have the technique down.

Firstly, I agree that it is definitely a combo of the two...I always used higher end products (I actually thought all the stuff sold in drugstores were for "white" people only) but I had HORRIBLE techniques. I think I probably would have been bald if it weren't for the fact that I always tied my hair at night and I used products with a little substance, which protected my hair from me!

Also, I completely agree with this don't have to spend lots of money on salon brands to get a quality product. I've tried several products (suggested from the forum) that work very well on my hair that come from a grocery store, and are not nearly as expensive as some of the products sold in a salon with the same ingredients. Many of the reasons salon products are higher is due to the name/shelf-life/convenience factor...obviously my mashed bananas/baking soda/acv rinses aren't going to last as long as a joico conditioner (and the bananas are definitely a lot messier), but for me, I don't see a difference between using an all natural ingredient product (that I made in my kitchen) that costs less "per serving" and the salon products...good thread, by the way.
I say technique ebcause there are many people on this board who use cheap not so good products, but get excellent results. (VO5 Suave Helene's Cholestoral) I think just as long as your moisturizing and sealing, deep conditioning, and throwing in a protein treatment or two, your hair will thrive.
Wow. I don't think I have ever been quoted so much. Seems like some folks are getting defensive but I was just honestly curious

Well....we actually voted for a 'Combination of Both.' I think it's preference as to what types of Products you like to spend your $ on. Currently,due to the unhealthy state my hair is in right now, I prefer to use Higher End Salon Products.

Not to say that I could not get healthy results with other products. For me, it's a matter of Personal Preference in Products and Technique, Tools, and But most of All Knowledge of Your Hair.

Some people like Mercedes and some people like Hondas. But they all arrive at the same destination. It's all about how you "choose" to get there:yep:

I understand where you are going with that but preferences aren't the same thing as what hair depends on to be healthy IMO. If different types of products/cars will both get you to healthy hair/the same location than the type of product/car that you use to get there isn't a factor. Maybe I am just missing something.
Wow. I don't think I have ever been quoted so much. Seems like some folks are getting defensive but I was just honestly curious

I understand where you are going with that but preferences aren't the same thing as what hair depends on to be healthy IMO. If different types of products/cars will both get you to healthy hair/the same location than the type of product/car that you use to get there isn't a factor. Maybe I am just missing something.

Hi vkb247! No Not Defensive at all. :grin:

But if you strictly look at the "Facts" re: The Poll, you will notice that the majority of the respondents actually voted for: A Combination of Technique & Product. And if you take the time to refer back to my original post, you will notice I referenced technique, tools, low manipulation, healthy diet etc..& product.

Some of us that did vote for a Combination of Technique and Product did in fact list a "Personal Preference" with regard to product usage and what we "prefer."

However, if you pay closer attention to the Poll results, you will see that a marginal number of respondents actually voted for Product Only.

You asked in your initial post: "Where were all the Product Pushers" - there was only like 1 or 3:ohwell:. So your question was really unclear?:perplexed

Honestly, I am all about the End Result.

So, If you get there with Technique-Its Good.
If you get there with Product-It's good.
And if you get there with a Combination of Technique and Product--Its Good.

IMO How we ALL Arrive at our (Destination) i.e. Healthy Hair Goals is a Matter of Choice.

It's All Good. I just want to Get There.:yep:
I totally understand where you are coming from.

I asked my question because there were more ladies who felt like it was primarily technique explaining about why they felt that way but I still wasn't clear about why those who felt that the type of products you use are key felt that this was the case. I wasn't specifically referring to those who picked product only, simply those who felt that products play a role. I just wanted more input and point of views especially because so many more feel this way.
I totally understand where you are coming from.

I asked my question because there were more ladies who felt like it was primarily technique explaining about why they felt that way but I still wasn't clear about why those who felt that the type of products you use are key felt that this was the case. I wasn't specifically referring to those who picked product only, simply those who felt that products play a role. I just wanted more input and point of views especially because so many more feel this way.

Thanks vkb! Actually statistically, speaking more Ladies voted for: Combination of Technique & Product.

The ladies that voted for Technique is like 25 compared to 119 that voted for a Combination.:yep:

Girl, at this point, I just want some hair:lachen:
I would say its a combo of both but I truly believe it is technique. I cant really say that there are actually bad products out there. I find that most will work if you use them in the proper way. With that said knowing how to use a product so that it will work for you is a technique as well as styling and maintaining your hair.

The first two times I went natural made me into a product junkie. i could never find the perfect product to work for wash and goes and curl definition. Now that Im transitioning hopefully for the last time Im trying to use up everything and find what my hair likes. When a product doesnt work the first time I try to use it to achieve a different style. No product so far has striked out on working for me.

Now techniques on how you maintain your length are truly what works. Doing certain techniques prevent damage and perserve your length. Product alone can not do that.
It's a combo of the two: 75% technique and 25% product.
i absolutely agree miss! although each individual's hair makeup presents a strong enough component to sway the results either way

some individuals have hair that responds entirely different than another's to the same exact product, using the same exact technique

for instance, something as simple as an identically styled weave install causes me to lose nearly half my dayuum hair each time, but the same stylist & installs allows my sister increased growth & retention

after 12yrs:spinning: we finally figure that one out:wallbash:'
I voted for technique. For MY hair, I can use any cheap product or any expensive product and as long as it's not detrimental to my hair (cause stiffness, straw-like texture, immediate breakage) then my hair will continue to retain. I've used salon brands, I've used the cheapest brands. My current staples are Vo5 for co-washing and a leave in, oils, and Lekair. Now I'm just searching for a shampoo that I can call my staple and my product staples will be set without breaking the bank. The key to healthy hair for me is making sure my hair doesn't dry out and doing low-manipulation styles.
Combination. Technique is important and product is as well. Technique = 70%. You can definitely sabotage your hair or be frustrated with great products and without technique.

BUT I believe it's more about product type (i.e. a rich conditioner instead of a thin one). Ingredients and consistency are what is important to me: cosmetic performance, price and brand are something I do not consider anymore, because the health of you hair is what works long term and makes it grow.
Also: 3 very effective products and a couple of oils with different purposes are all my hair needs, whereas having 50 different products is not something that gives me better hair. So, quantity is nothing if you don't have technique or if you don't know what you are putting on your hair and why it works or it doesn't.
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