"Is all that hair yours? Why don't you do something with it?"


New Member
Has anyone ever asked you this question? Someone just asked me it today, and I was like :look:. It's actually a comment that I get often. People will usually start off saying something like "Is all that hair yours?" :yep:. Then they'll say something like "with all that hair you'd think you'd do something with it!" :blush:. What more do you want from it? You want it to roll over and bark like a dog? I do plan on eventually wearing my hair in certain styles, but certainly not everyday and not just because you want me to. As for right now I'm trying not to manipulate my hair that much so that I can achieve my growth goals :).
yeah, that rubs me the wrong way too. When they do, I think to myself, Yeah, do something to it like what you are doing to yours to make it look as dry, broken and busted as it is.
:lachen::lachen:"What more do you want from it? You want it to roll over and bark like a dog?"

That was funny, Muffin.
I know, right! You know it's getting bad when even my MIL (from Japan!) is like Uhhhh why don't you wear your hair out? What's with all the wigs? Your hair is long. :lachen:
I know, right! You know it's getting bad when even my MIL (from Japan!) is like Uhhhh why don't you wear your hair out? What's with all the wigs? Your hair is long. :lachen:

Yeah, and the funny part is that most women with long hair (at least people in my area) wear their hair hair piled high in messy, makeshift buns on top of their heads (both white girls and black girls). No one ever says anything to them, but because I like to wear my hair in neat, low buns or braided and pinned up I need to "DO SOMETHING"? I don't think so, lol.
Shake them haters off, babe! You're one of my inspirations. Your hairstyles are very cute. Especially the two little buns. I'll be so glad when I can do that!!
Has anyone ever asked you this question? Someone just asked me it today, and I was like :look:. It's actually a comment that I get often. People will usually start off saying something like "Is all that hair yours?" :yep:. Then they'll say something like "with all that hair you'd think you'd do something with it!" :blush:. What more do you want from it? You want it to roll over and bark like a dog? I do plan on eventually wearing my hair in certain styles, but certainly not everyday and not just because you want me to. As for right now I'm trying not to manipulate my hair that much so that I can achieve my growth goals :).

I've been there. Especially when I used to keep it in a ponytail back in the day. I leave it down most of the time but nothing stylish.

I was the girl known "For always having such cool hair" because I wore A NEW STYLE EVERY DAY 5 DAYS OF THE WEEK! It was a personal challenge to never wear the exact same style more than two days in a row. Then I cut it all off to go natural. WHY!?

I know why...but in retrospect I'd have "found myself" some other way. Sigh.
I hope nobody ever has the nerve to ask me that because my answer won't be nice.
I really don't do well with unsolicited advice/comments.

This is just like that "other" stupid question I got after I did the bc: "So, what are you gonna do with it?" :wacky:

I'm gonna train it to speak 5 languages and take out the trash! :rolleyes:

This is just like that "other" stupid question I got after I did the bc: "So, what are you gonna do with it?" :wacky:

I'm gonna train it to speak 5 languages and take out the trash! :rolleyes:

:lachen::lachen:What a weird question to ask someone! It's impossible to know whether they are talking about your newly natural hair or your relaxed ends. And the funniest part is that most of the time they expect a legitimate answer :nono:.
I hope nobody ever has the nerve to ask me that because my answer won't be nice.
I really don't do well with unsolicited advice/comments.

i had this convo with a friend of mine, but it was about her roomie (who is coincidentally an LHCF member). "she has all that hair and never does anything with it."

thank goodness she doesn't know how long my hair is. since i always wear it curly everyone just assumes it is neck length and i like it that way.
I think people are just in awe of long hair and fantasize about what they would do with it and wearing it in a bun is not on the top of their list.

They really don't understand that you have been able to achieve your length by protective styling and taking care of your hair.

Even in my family I have been told, you should go get your hair done. I don't see it as a negative though, my family is just excited to see me enjoy my hair and they know just how short my hair was.

It's almost like you have arrived (longer, healthier hair), so what are you going to do.
People used to ask me that all the time except it was "You got all that hair and don't know what to do with it". This would usually be one of the rare times I wore it down and I'd be thinknig how cute it looked lol.

Don't worry about them. "Doing something" to it all the time probably involved too much manipulation and would make it all fall out. I think people think real hair should take all the abuse of weave and wonder why people who actually have a lot of hair don't do what they usually see done with weaved up heads.
OMG, Yes, yes, yes!!!! And don't forget, "If I had your hair, id . . . " fill in the dots.


Ay yi yi.
I think people think real hair should take all the abuse of weave and wonder why people who actually have a lot of hair don't do what they usually see done with weaved up heads.

Good observation. I had never thought of, articulated it like this before, but I think you are so on point, KC!
yes from when i was younger
i would get 'if i had your hair i would do this that and style it all the time' and i would say if you did all that then you wouldn't have any hair from all that styling .
it would shut most people up
i don't mind though cause it gives me a chance to give them some hair knowledge so they can get all that hair but some of them dismiss what i say and i get anrgy and say something like well then you won't have anyhair but i try not to say that
Thanks ladies. It's good to know I'm not alone. I was beginning to think that I really don't know what to do with all this hair, lol. I just think it's envy. They wish their hair looked similar to ours, and since it doesn't (probably because they do all the things that they suggest we should do to our hair to their own hair :nono:) they feel the need to question the way we do our hair. A couple of weeks ago my mom was like "How come you never wear your hair down. If I were you I'd wear my hair down all the time and swang it back and forth!" Yeah...no, :grin:. I guess they feel we should be proud of our hair's length and show it off, but it's just not functional to do that all the time.
People used to ask me that all the time except it was "You got all that hair and don't know what to do with it". This would usually be one of the rare times I wore it down and I'd be thinknig how cute it looked lol.

Don't worry about them. "Doing something" to it all the time probably involved too much manipulation and would make it all fall out. I think people think real hair should take all the abuse of weave and wonder why people who actually have a lot of hair don't do what they usually see done with weaved up heads.

I never looked at it that way before. It makes a lot of sense. They confuse naturally long hair with long weaves they may get and they just figure it's all right to treat them both the same. So it is actually THEY who wouldn't know what to do with all of our hair :lachen:. Oh the irony ;).
Some people just want to say something, and then come out the mouth with nonsense. What I like to tell them is..."I keep it simple. That's why I have all this hair."
I get that comment too, I say yes it's mine and when they ask why don't I do something with it, I just shrugg my shoulders and say I am fine with it pulled back in a bun :ohwell:. I want to ask.. Why? Do the way I wear my hair bother you????
What is "something"? I sure would like to know...

What is this mysterious concept that they'd like to see happen? But yes, Muffin...I WOULD like to see it roll over and bark like a dog. That was hilarious.
I GET THAT SOOOOO OFTEN. OMG! IT BUGS THE CRAP OUT OF ME.... "if I had your hair, I would..." Um... no you wouldn't lol.
I don't think it's a stupid question. I look at heads all around me where I wish they would "do" something with their hair from time to time. It's just boring and usually not very flattering on the person. *shrugs* but it's their hair so...

ETA: My hair is not "long" but people are used to me wearing my hair down like in my siggy 24/7. This week I have a lot going on so it's been in a rollerset pulled back with a banana clip and though I still get compliments b/c it looks like I did "something", people have been commenting on how they like my hair down better. I take it as a compliment either way. :)
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My cousin who has very course long hair got this often...they use to call her Chewbacca (sp) in College and asked why she never did anything with it. I think this must've bothered her over the years because now she wears her hair between shoulder and APL.

On another note, you can't win...if you have short hair they say your hair can't grow, if your hair is long, they say too much hair! lol