"All that hair and you do nothing with it"......

Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"....

People who say stuff like this are definitely jealous. Sometimes I have friends who want to do lots of stuff to my hair, but it gets annoying having to tell them to back off. However, this board is just a reminder to keep my hair healthy. Keep up the work!
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"....

my aunt, who has lost her hair to chemotherapy, tells me yesterday, "wow your hair is so pretty, u lost a lot of weight too. But u need a perm! (i am 7 weeks post relaxer)" I didn't say anything but i wanted to say so bad, "Um... Longer time between touchups equals longer hair for me."

So happy I kept my cool.
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"....

ChoclatePrincess said:
I know someone who had some tracks glued in and she didn't know how to take them out properly and took out a lot of her hair. I usually get my hair fully blown out. You say you do your hair at home, what do you do?

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I do the same thing they do at the salon, wash and deep condition, then set it on rollers. Then I'll either lightly blow out my roots and leave ends curled or I'll wrap it then put a silk scarf on at night.
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"....

People tell me my hair is long and pretty all the time I say thanks and move on. I had a friend whose real hair literally looked like a weave. I know hair, So of course I wanted to look at it closer because I thought she was joking with me.(People lie about having weaved hair all the time)not that I ask because I don't care if they do or dont. She showed me it wasn't a weave before I asked her to show me (keep in mind I was 19 at the time). I wasn't hating I wanted to know how she got her hair to look that good period. I like the way the poster said exactly my hair is long because I do nothing with it. If someone touches my hair who cares! obviously I have something they want. Ladies let's keep in mind that this board is a valuable resource one that greatly enhances all of our hair efforts and not everyone knows about this resource instead of thinking someone is hating on you tell them about this great resource so they can enjoy long "real" hair as well! Thanks! ladies happy hair growing
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"....

(sigh) It's the style vs. health argument all over again. People need to realize that following the trends and "doing" all this stuff to your hair is only going to hurt it. Have patience ladies; we can show them by example!
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"......

Nutmeg said:
adrienne0914 said:
girrrl, get used to it because it only gets worse as your hair gets longer. i try to take it all as a compliment because i know that most people aren't used to seeing black women with long hair that is their own. things are slowly changing though.

when someone says, "all that hair and you do nothing with it," my response is usually, "that is precisely the reason i have all this hair... because i do nothing with it."

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Yes! Exactly! It's the same logic that applies to being rich: rich folks have money because they don't spend it on stupid/frivolous/unnecessary things, and because they reinvest their money in relevant, important ventures that are appreciatory. The women on this site have healthy and/or long hair because they ascribe value to their hair, and when something has value to you, you treat it with care. You dedicate yourself to preserving it and you invest in its health, vitality and its ability to accumulate, just as a rich person would do with their wealth.

It's like being hair rich...

Yes! That's it! LHCF=hair richness!

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I totally agree with your post! I get asked "why don't you do anything with it" on occasion; that's usually meant by perming or straightening my hair somehow.

and notice these are the types of peeps that can exasperate ya - ask you how you have such nice, healthy looking hair and which products you use and then dismiss all your advice (that they ASKED for!) by saying rubbish like "oh you got dat good hair anyway" GRRRR!
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"....

Ha! That's right girl. I hear you on the clean hands.

Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"......

Good answer. I don't say that when family members make comments though. They don't say much about my bun anymore, but at one time it was annoying as all get out to be told that while the bun is okay occasionally you shouldn't wear it often and that you look better with your hair done.
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"....

prettyblac said:
If someone touches my hair who cares! obviously I have something they want.

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Would you say the same thing if someone touched your butt?

As far as I'm concerned hair is a part of me and strangers, even friends do NOT have the right to put their hands on me without permission.
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"....

UmSumayyah said:
prettyblac said:
If someone touches my hair who cares! obviously I have something they want.

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Would you say the same thing if someone touched your butt?

As far as I'm concerned hair is a part of me and strangers, even friends do NOT have the right to put their hands on me without permission.

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LOL! My close friends know they can only go near my hair if they ask. Since I was little my mum said not to let just anyone up in my hair. I take this to include some hairdressers now
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"....

people ask if my hair is real even though its not even long yet, i guess in some ways its a compliment because our hair looks so smooth and healthy that "it cant possibly be real" yet thats disturbing because they are bashing AA hair
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"....

UmSumayyah said:
prettyblac said:
If someone touches my hair who cares! obviously I have something they want.

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Would you say the same thing if someone touched your butt?

As far as I'm concerned hair is a part of me and strangers, even friends do NOT have the right to put their hands on me without permission.

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UmSum....that's funny!
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"......

ccd said:
Ok,I'd like your input this was a comment that made me a little upset...more annoyed than anything. Now I know, it wasn't said to be mean but I was definitely irritated when a "family member" made this statement, meanwhile continued to say how she can't get her hair to grow so she wears braids and weave!!!! So I just took a deep breath and told her to be gentle with her hair, take vitamins and deep condition.....but that really ticked me off !

Then!!! later that day I was shopping and this lady comes up close to me and says "is that all yours...then tugs at my hair!!!!ARGGGGG

Has anyone made annoying comments to you? how do you handle that!

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Some people need to recognize that touching a stranger is a NO NO. I wouldn't be so polite if that were done to me. GRRRRR, it hate when people do stupid stuff.
Re: \"All that hair and you do nothing with it\"....

It kinda catches me off guard really...It's such a violation to me...but I never know how to respond besides giving the person look like "don't even think about it!"