Invited To People's You Don't Know Wedding


Well-Known Member
My coworker invited me to her son's wedding. Which is fine, I don't mind and I think she's really great.

I just don't understand why. Like I've never met her son or her daughter in law. I understand in other cultures this may be the norm but i don't think it's the norm here (or maybe it is and I don't know???)

She invited a couple of my other coworkers too. Is this a normal occurrence?

If i don't schedule my oral surgery that week I'll go, but i was confused.

Did ya'll let your mother/mother in law invite people?
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Mother in laws usually invite their close friends but I wouldn't think co-workers would be in the group. Perhaps she feels close to you and wants to share this important occasion with you?
Also she's not just the mother in law, she's the mom too. I let my dh's mom invite as many people as my mom.
that's true! let me amend. And that's nice. :)

Maybe she thinks you're closer than you actually are
I would say i'm closer to her then some of my other coworkers. I just didn't know people did this.
Okay I won't feel awkward about going then.
Were formal invitations printed and did she give you one? If she did give you one, sure. I'd say send the response and go. If she didn't, I'd say don't.

The neurotic in me would be worried that the couple didn't know mom was inviting people. Extra people at a reception can mess up seating arrangements, catering, etc.
Were formal invitations printed and did she give you one? If she did give you one, sure. I'd say send the response and go. If she didn't, I'd say don't.

The neurotic in me would be worried that the couple didn't know mom was inviting people. Extra people at a reception can mess up seating arrangements, catering, etc.

Yes, she gave me a formal invitation. Thanks

She is one my jobs events planners so i dont think she'd invite me if it would mess up the reception.

Is she African?
No she's white
Yes, people do that in my experience.

When I got married my father wanted to invite some of his friends & co workers. My DH is the Director on his job so we get invited to his co workers weddings and their children's weddings .

It's a big day one of the biggest days in a parents life so if possible they would want to invite co workers & friends also especially if their paying for any of it .
Girl, you are loved and appreciated! you don't know WHY the guy you're seeing is attracted to you and you don't know WHY this woman wants you to attend a personal event. Accept it, you're great :D
I was invited to the wedding of my department supervisor's granddaughter the week of the wedding, and I had never met them before. My supervisor was planning the wedding and she knows I love weddings! I actually knew a lot of people at the wedding and my work-wife was also invited so I had a great time.