inversion method

I don't feel any tingling, but I do feel a pulse in my scalp. I don't use any oils. My hair would be a slick factory. Am I doing something wrong?
Oh, I have being to this wrong the whole time.
I've been massaging my scalp whilst inverted.
I will carrying on though.
yodie, I didn't feel anything either, but it still worked for me.

melissa-bee, there is no right or wrong way to do this method. If massaging during the inversion works for you, massage on. Let us know your results.
I haven't done my session for today yet but i will be sure to and check in before the day ends. I'm glad there is some positive feedback, it gives me hope.

Thanks ladies & HHI
I did the inversion method at the beginning of this month but I'm not sure if I got any growth. But of course I'd like to believe so!(I did a length check but I cant tell if its my imagination or something I did different so I dont wan't to go based off of that, too many variables.)

Either way I plan on doing it again next month right after a fresh hair do. This time I will be more diligent so I can get better before and after shots.
Good luck to everyone!
i think i will try this just for fun! so i need to read the beginning of the thread and watch some videos. i guess i will start today!
I'm going to try my best to do the inversion every month at least until January. I actually measured my hair at the beginning of inversion week and again today and I really think my hair grew an inch or so. Ok so my comparison photos are terrible but hopefully you all can get an idea and I'll do better with the photos next month. :-)


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froreal3:grin: from the BSL challenge mentioned "the inversion thing" which led me to this inversion thread. I agree with youwillrise:yep:, this inversion thing has raised my curiousity, so I did some research. Sounds like it makes sense so I'm gonna try it.

Started Mon. 14th - Sun 20th. I measured just the front of my hair because my hair is in track braids for wigs right now. Measured 11 1/2". I've been bending over doing the touch your toes thing for 4 min. and it is so relaxing:yep:.

Is there anything wrong with doing 4+ minutes? Don't feel the blood rush to my head like everyone else states. I actually try not to fall asleep in that position. Others have stated doing this once a month, why is that?

  • 4c - all natural since 2011
  • Current length 2" past APL after wash (haven't straightened since spring 2013 so not sure if I reached my goal yet. I'll know in Dec.)
  • Challenges: BSL 2013
I'm going to try my best to do the inversion every month at least until January. I actually measured my hair at the beginning of inversion week and again today and I really think my hair grew an inch or so. Ok so my comparison photos are terrible but hopefully you all can get an idea and I'll do better with the photos next month. :-)

No one Curr about you getting an inch on already gorgeous waist length hair

JK congrats i dont know why i havent been doing this
is it bad that i just got home and the first thing i'm doing is inverting? lol.

gonna get my oil warmed & ready.
gotta find a song to listen to while i do the inversion - it really helps get you through it.
is it bad that i just got home and the first thing i'm doing is inverting? lol.

gonna get my oil warmed & ready.
gotta find a song to listen to while i do the inversion - it really helps get you through it.

youwillrise - Nope! That's what I did. I passed the time playing candy crush while dangling my head over the side of my bed. :grin:
did my inversion a little while ago.

so...there's number 3.

just letting the oil soak into my scalp for a bit...then i'm gonna wash

(if it were regular, plain oil, i would just leave it...but it's stinky, strong oil with sulfur and tea tree and i dont wanna be smelling like that lol)
froreal3:grin: from the BSL challenge mentioned "the inversion thing" which led me to this inversion thread. I agree with youwillrise:yep:, this inversion thing has raised my curiousity, so I did some research. Sounds like it makes sense so I'm gonna try it.

Started Mon. 14th - Sun 20th. I measured just the front of my hair because my hair is in track braids for wigs right now. Measured 11 1/2". I've been bending over doing the touch your toes thing for 4 min. and it is so relaxing:yep:.

Is there anything wrong with doing 4+ minutes? Don't feel the blood rush to my head like everyone else states. I actually try not to fall asleep in that position. Others have stated doing this once a month, why is that?

  • 4c - all natural since 2011
  • Current length 2" past APL after wash (haven't straightened since spring 2013 so not sure if I reached my goal yet. I'll know in Dec.)
  • Challenges: BSL 2013

Beautifulwildflower, doing more than 4 minutes at a time can put you at risk for other health problems.

The blood rushing to your scalp shocks your hair follicles and causes the growth spurt. Doing it more than one week per month causes your body to get used to it and then it's not as effective anymore.
Day one! I'm actually going to do the inversions with GHE and I'm not heating the oil may do it next month. Today I leaned off the side of the bed on my back tomorrow I might do downward dog or a back stand. We will see. :-) I'm not taking pictures but I did just measure. The back of my hair is 9 inches left side is 8 right side 7 and right is 8.5 (all over the place). I need to make a length shirt but my week is busy. I'm trying to get to waist or hip length by next Dec. I only actually need 9 more to be at waist and 13 more for hip length. I'm 5'6 but I have a short back. Wish me luck.
i just did it for 4 mins this morning. i am going to do it one more time Saturday and then that will be it for the month. i didn't massage or anything. i will try that next time.