inversion method

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alright...just did it. that was #4.

uggggh i feel like it's not gonna work for me...i'm just being a negative noodle nosed nerd

it will work
it will work
it will work
it will work
it will work
it will work
it will work
it will work


I was kinda thinkin' the same thing :yep:, but then I thought, this is actually kinda exciting to think my hair can grow an inch in 7 days. Makes me wanna walk on my hands and be inverted all day, Lol. No,not really :nono:. I'm going on night 4.The anticipation is killin' me!
If this works then I will reach my 2nd goal of BSL by Dec. WooHoo!

  • 4c - all natural since 2011
  • Current length 2" past APL after wash (haven't straightened since spring 2013 so not sure if I reached my goal yet. I'll know in Dec.)
  • Challenges: BSL Dec. 2013, Inversion method. Goal thick and long (WL by Dec 2014, sooner if inversion method prooves positive) hair.
fancypants007 do you do this daily or is this for 7 days once a month?

I have been doing it at least 5 days a week. Since reading this thread a couple of days ago, I tried bending over to touch my toes for 4 minutes and then the next day I bend over my kitchen sink for 4 minutes. I didn't like either position because it was uncomfortable. That's why I decided to continue to lay on my slantboard which definitely reverses body position and causes blood flow to the scalp. Since I started oiling my hair in the AM and PM, I probably will start laying on my slantboard for 10-15 minutes, 7 days a week. In the PM, I oil my scalp and then massage it for 5 minutes and afterwards, I lay on my slantboard. It's one of the best things we can do for our bodies. Google and do research on it.
I've been watching this thread since its inception and have decided to jump on the inversion bandwagon. I'm still very skeptical but I guess it doesn't hurt to try.
I've been watching this thread since its inception and have decided to jump on the inversion bandwagon. I'm still very skeptical but I guess it doesn't hurt to try.

Yep its really nothing to it and if it works great! If it doesn't no love lost. It seems like fun and just something to do.

Day 2 completed for me today. I am gonna do the seven day and see.
Is it necessary to massage the scalp everytime or can you do that 2-3x a week and then invert the full 7 days? I do scalp massages 2-3 times a week but not every day because of the way I wear my hair sometimes.

I guess styling it everyday for one week a month doesn't sound too bad. But I can get lazy.
I normally lay on my stomach (on my bed) and hang my head down with no issues.
Last night I decided to try it differently- instead I laid on my back and let my head hang that way...


As I slowly got up, I immediately noticed I had a headache.
I laid down for 5 minutes and it was gone, but I am not about that life.

I used to get bad headaches when I was younger, and I did not want to relive that again.
Okay, so I am upside down as I am gnipyt this LOL. No seriously, I am so glad that I cam across this thread. I remember that years ago when I used to take a high-intensity aerobics class (okay, so I am dating myself), there was this Italian girl with BEAU-TI-FUL hair and after the class, she would take out a vial of something, apply it to her scalp, bend over from the waist and massage vigorously (to the point where everyone thought she looked nuts) and then go to a corner of the studio and stand on her head/shoulders. One day I got up the nerve to ask her about her little routine and she told me that her hair had fallen out when she was a teen (due to something - I forgot) and her grandmother back in the "old country" told her to do this. (I always attributed inverted posses to the eastern countries/cultures like India, China, the Mid East etc. -- I guess sending blood to your scalp is good old ancient wisdom from around the globe.)

Anyway, I have an inversion board (never took it out of the box because it's so freakin heavy) and one of those head stand helpers that is collecting dust under bed -- after reading your comments and recalling the above, I am gonna dust it off and see what happens.
Okay, so I am upside down as I am gnipyt this LOL. No seriously, I am so glad that I cam across this thread. I remember that years ago when I used to take a high-intensity aerobics class (okay, so I am dating myself), there was this Italian girl with BEAU-TI-FUL hair and after the class, she would take out a vial of something, apply it to her scalp, bend over from the waist and massage vigorously (to the point where everyone thought she looked nuts) and then go to a corner of the studio and stand on her head/shoulders. One day I got up the nerve to ask her about her little routine and she told me that her hair had fallen out when she was a teen (due to something - I forgot) and her grandmother back in the "old country" told her to do this. (I always attributed inverted posses to the eastern countries/cultures like India, China, the Mid East etc. -- I guess sending blood to your scalp is good old ancient wisdom from around the globe.)

Anyway, I have an inversion board (never took it out of the box because it's so freakin heavy) and one of those head stand helpers that is collecting dust under bed -- after reading your comments and recalling the above, I am gonna dust it off and see what happens.

Yes, Yes and Yes. Blood flow is essential and inversion therapy contributes not just to hair health/length but it contributes to overall health, so pull out those contraptions because they are soooo pricey now. I prefer doing the slantboard opposed to standing on my head with my body lift because it's more relaxing. For those who are interested, I substituted my ironing board for my slantboard until I got money to order one and it was just as effective. I just propped it on my sofa and adjusted it so it could support me. The wider part I put on the sofa and the narrower part on the floor. Your feet are elevated and the blood will flow to the scalp. Getting off that thing is another story. Just rolled over on my side and proceeded to stand up. I don't have any problems with light headness, dizziness whily lying on my slantboard.
OMG -- LOL -- the first time that I tried inverting, I had read about sitting backward and upside down in a folding chair. Well. The only folding chair was in the attic, no one else was in the house or due for a could of hours. Got in that thing, legs got stuck and COULD NOT get up. Then I started to panic. Heard the postman put the mail in the box and started to yell for help then got hold of my senses -- told myself that if I got into this pose, I could get out. Calmly and while focusing on core strength I was able to get up. I was probably like that for all of 10 or 15 minutes but it felt like an eternity. Moral of the story: the first time that you try this, have someone else around (or at least within earshot). :spinning:

Yes, Yes and Yes. Blood flow is essential and inversion therapy contributes not just to hair health/length but it contributes to overall health, so pull out those contraptions because they are soooo pricey now. I prefer doing the slantboard opposed to standing on my head with my body lift because it's more relaxing. For those who are interested, I substituted my ironing board for my slantboard until I got money to order one and it was just as effective. I just propped it on my sofa and adjusted it so it could support me. The wider part I put on the sofa and the narrower part on the floor. Your feet are elevated and the blood will flow to the scalp. Getting off that thing is another story. Just rolled over on my side and proceeded to stand up. I don't have any problems with light headness, dizziness whily lying on my slantboard.
Relaxed today! I did gain a nice spurt of growth. I won't contribute all of it to the inversion method, but I KNOW it certainly did help!


After inversion


Before inversion
I think I'm going to straighten my hair this weekend. I was going to wait but I really want to see if this works. Plus I really hate my hair today. I promise not to use anymore heat until next yr. If I do this inversion thing next month, it will be a pull test.
Pass, it's not that serious to me but then again, I'm a germaphobe. :lol: youwillrise

haha...i dont stand on my head or anything like other people. i simply bend over...the only thing touching the floor are my shoes. i dont invert myself that far (im not flexible enough to even touch my toes and bend straight down) no big deal

but i didnt even do it because i ended up not feeling like it.

but i generally just bend over and hold onto my skin isnt touching the floor or the wall or other surfaces.
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I think I'm going to straighten my hair this weekend. I was going to wait but I really want to see if this works. Plus I really hate my hair today. I promise not to use anymore heat until next yr. If I do this inversion thing next month, it will be a pull test.
Can you do a roller set and wrap your hair?
so like i said, i ended up not doing it at work.

i might try my bed and see if i like that position better than the bending over thing.

although, i'm not sure because ive heard of people having issues doing it on bed (watched one video where someone said that a person went temporarily might have to pass on that one)

i'm definitely not doing any head stands

might just stick with what i'm doing...dunno if it's working...but...
so like i said, i ended up not doing it at work. i might try my bed and see if i like that position better than the bending over thing. although, i'm not sure because ive heard of people having issues doing it on bed (watched one video where someone said that a person went temporarily might have to pass on that one) i'm definitely not doing any head stands might just stick with what i'm doing...dunno if it's working...but...
If you have health issues don't do it. When I did it I had no issues and could of easily gone longer
If you have health issues don't do it. When I did it I had no issues and could of easily gone longer

i have no issues with just standing up and bending over/down a bit...i come up slowly when i'm done and i'm never alarmingly dizzy or anything

but as far as the bed goes...might be a little too much for me.
so like i said, i ended up not doing it at work.

i might try my bed and see if i like that position better than the bending over thing.

although, i'm not sure because ive heard of people having issues doing it on bed (watched one video where someone said that a person went temporarily might have to pass on that one)

i'm definitely not doing any head stands

might just stick with what i'm doing...dunno if it's working...but...

sorry but i couldn't help I bust out laughing @ the bolded because as i read it i remembered trying it on my bed first (hanging it off the bed) which didn't go well i almost broke a couple limbs trying to get up.

Anyway i just completed Day 5 Inversion and i promise you that every single day since i've started this i feel crawlies in my head a few minutes after inverting. I hope i get some growth or else.
so decided to try the bed...its a no go. went for a minute and a half before stopping. so i still havent done a full length inversion today and not sure i feel like it now.