Inversion Challenge November 2013-November 2014

Girl, that is FANTASTIC growth!! Are you using any other growth aids or is that from investing only?!?! You just motivated me to stay on task because although I have never documented my growth while inverting, I know it worked. If I were you I would just deal with the oil and crispness for now because that growth is amazing. You can always just oil the two days you shampoo, that way you're removing the oil after applying it In the past when I did the GHE, it did the opposite for me, made my hair crunchy so I couldn't understand the hype. I don't know of its products or what but when I GHE lately, my hair feels great! Sent from my SM-N900V using LHCF
I have been using JBCO oil! I use it to prepoo with and massage my scalp with before I moisturize. I had put a little spout on the bottle, so I would use a little at a time. This week, I started back with the inversion thing. Barely did it at all this year. I also take nature's bounty HSN but I have been taking that for several months now. I really believe it is the jbco, plus the massaging and doing the GHE pre poo. I started noticing my new growth was getting thicker a week or two ago. I thought that was odd, since I just texlaxed on oct 22.
I have been using JBCO oil! I use it to prepoo with and massage my scalp with before I moisturize. I had put a little spout on the bottle, so I would use a little at a time. This week, I started back with the inversion thing. Barely did it at all this year. I also take nature's bounty HSN but I have been taking that for several months now. I really believe it is the jbco, plus the massaging and doing the GHE pre poo. I started noticing my new growth was getting thicker a week or two ago. I thought that was odd, since I just texlaxed on oct 22.

Yeah the jbco is pretty thick on its own and definitely works to add thickness and growth, its a staple.

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Hello Ladies the new challenge will start on December 1st. What do you think; should i create a new thread for the new year or do we continue in this thread come December 1st?
Hello Ladies the new challenge will start on December 1st. What do you think; should i create a new thread for the new year or do we continue in this thread come December 1st?
Hi, I'm in again. Maybe a new thread with the near year and a link to this thread in there somewhere for reference.
Inversion Day #3 completed. Sprayed my hair/roots with my swag mist (distilled water, veg glycerin and EO), GHE for about 2 hours and inverted w/o.

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