Inversion Challenge November 2013-November 2014

Just finished day 13. This is exactly one week of growth for me (I'll also use it as my starting pic). It typically takes about 2/3 weeks for me to get this much growth as I'm a slow grower.


I don't think I'll be measuring progress by how many inches I've gained as my hair is only about 3 inches now. My hair has thinned a lot since starting my latest (and must stressful) job. You can probably tell from this pic how thin my hairline is. It has always been very thin and in other threads I've detailed the issues I've had with my hair but it's at it's worst point ever since starting this job. My goal is to thicken my hair back to it's pre-new-job density and most particularly to regrow my hairline so that's how I plan to track progress.
I measured my hair yesterday. I'm at 5 1/2 inches and in some places I'm closing in at 6 inches!!!

Both my mom and sis were raving about how fast my hair is growing. I was floored when my sis said something; because she NEVER gives a compliment, so it must be growing:lachen:

I BC at alittle pass 4 & 5 inches last month. So that means since starting inverting, I've gained a 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inch in growth. I usually only grow about .25 a month and on rare occasions 1/2 inch.
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First pic is 2 days post relaxer

Second pic is from yesterday. Day 30 for me ended on Sunday.

It was a good run. Will i do it again. Yes but i will tweak my method. I will do it again in October. I'll be inverting again later this month for 7 days after my 1 week break.

For those interested in my results.
pelohello sheanu HairPleezeGrow KERC1974 PinkSunshine77 LexiDior BranwenRosewood @follicefanatic

What do you guys think?

Personally, i expected a little bit more but since i'm a slow grower i'll take what i got.

Why am I just now seeing this? This is good steady growth especially since you are on the slow growth team like me. I think you did great.
I have just completed Day 1. I took a couple of months off from inverting because I was obsessing about length.

Anyway, I just used an app call "The Hair Diary" created by another LHCF sister. Her name is Marand13. Please support her if you can. You can download her app from the Google Play Store.
I think me being super lazy is causing me not to have results with this method. I don't massage my scalp with warm oil . I just invert randomly. But some say they do this and nothing. Idk if mine will come later this month or it doesn't work for me at all. Apart of me want to start over this month and do the warm oil. I just don't like massaging my scalp because I fear tangles, even if I'm just inserting my fingers carefully
I saw one of my classmates talking about it and she is on day 4 and already has an inch, and says she warms up her oil, maybe that's my problem
I inverted for day 6 but didn't yesterday bc of a migraine. Will start again next month, think I'll start applying warm oil as well. It'll be perfect for the cooler months.
I hope this works because I'm going hard this time. I'm inverting and massaging the oil four minutes and I feel tangles. If I get 3inches for 3 months, that will be amazing and hair will be waist length in no time, might relax early: look:
Lilmama could you massage while in celies? That might help avoid the tangles. Or gently holding the chunk of hair taut while you massage. Like how Naptural85 washes her scalp. Hth
the massaging does feel good, but i still feel like i mess up my hair doing it no matter how i massage gently. It is ok for now, but i can only imagine when i get some more new growth how it will be. I will be inverting later on today so this is not an inversion update lol