Inversion Challenge 2017 & Beyond


Well-Known Member
Hello to all the faithful ladies that kept the 2016 Challenge alive, 2017 challenge begins on Jan 1st and will run through till Dec 31st 2017. Assuming that last year some of us have gotten such good results, (I have) the challenge will continue for this year as requested by many challengers. For this challenge there will be four check in periods at the end of the following months: March, June, September, December. If possible please post starting pics by the end of the first week of January.

:welcome4: to our new Challengers, here you will get lots of support for your concerns in this challenge.

It's a tall order and if we remain committed if we should get some good growth so ladies both old and new challengers lets keep this challenge lively, fun and full of awesome results!

Please feel free to post your hair Stats:
Big Chop
Current Length
Oils/Growth aids used

Challengers are listed below:


I really don't like posting strict rules since everyone won't be able to adhere to them.
To do the challenge you can warm your oil of choice or any product of choice that ie (networks: Xcel21, which I have so far gotten Amazing results from) in the microwave for 15 seconds, or place bottle in pot or bowl of hot water to warm it; apply to your scalp then Invert doing the position you feel most comfortable in. Its your choice to oil or not, massage or not before or after inverting

:needpics:so i implore you to take Before and After shots because that's where the proof is:yep::yep:. A productive hair growing season to all challengers and I pray we all have great stories and progress pictures to report.

Side Note: This year was extremely challenging for me (I prefer to not go into details) and I promise you ladies I'll do better in the year to come and be more active. Thank you all again for holding the fort. I'd like to wish you all a peaceful and fun filled holiday.
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I have joined and have put in my details!

Hair: Natural

Current Length: Waist/WHIP (depending on which section I pull)
21 inches in back, 22 inches in front

Photos with:
  1. gray shirt taken July 25th, 2016(natural hair pulled down)
  2. brown shirt taken Sept 23, 2016 (light blow dry/heat stretched, no product, shrunken)
  3. white shirt Sept 24th, 2016 (light blow dry/heat stretched, no product, shrunken)
I use XCEL 21, sulfur oil and take vitamins when I'm organized.


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Thank you, @PureSilver ! I pray that 2017 will be everything good for you that 2016 wasn't!
I'll have to come back with LC pics. I also need to measure my results from the last thread. Here's a copy of my post from the other 2017 inversion thread:

Hair Stats:
Natural, 4a, fine hair
State your starting length:
8.5 inches, almost APL
Oils/Growth aids used and also include if you are doing any scalp massages:
Wild Growth Oil, castor/olive/jojoba oil mix, Mielle Organics Sweet Almond Oil. I bought some Xcel 21 to use in my inversions, but I have only used it once. I will probably use it more once my hair is in a protective style (don't have to worry about reversion).
Supplements= I take various brands of hair skin and nails vitamins regularly.
Scalp massages = This is the best part of the inversion method, in my opinion. I like to use my electric scalp massager from Vitagoods.

ETA: starting pics!
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Mildly Texlaxed 4a/b Hair
Starting Length Between APL and BSL
Using Netwurks Excel 21, Ayurveda oils and my own oil blend on my scalp for massaging before inversions.

My oil blend will include a few drops each of onion and garlic oils, gotu kola extract, peppermint and lavender essential oil, MSM, vitamin C, a smidgen of cayenne pepper in a few ounces of my ayurveda/evoo oil. Shake well before every use.
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It's helpful to note:

You are bending over for a period of 4 minutes a day, for 1 week per month.

(For new folks who aren't familiar with the Inversion Method)

In whatever position that you feel most comfortable doing. Chair, Bed etc.....

I lean my head over my bed for the 4 minutes. And do a light massage with Oils.

I'd like to hear how others are doing their's if possible?

Thank you!

Thank you for resuming this challenge.:flowers:
So this is taking the place of @Aggie 's thread? Just making sure I'm on the same page....thank you for adding me @PureSilver !

Here are my starting stats:
Texture: Natural
Current Length: SL...Nape - 8.5 on the right and 8 on the left; Ear - 10.5 on both sides; Crown - 11.5; and Front - 10 on the right, 7.5 in the center, and 8 on the left.
Oils/Growth aids used: Xcel-21 and a growth oil mixture. I will also take a HSN vitamin
It's helpful to note:

You are bending over for a period of 4 minutes a day, for 1 week per month.

(For new folks who aren't familiar with the Inversion Method)

In whatever position that you feel most comfortable doing. Chair, Bed etc.....

I lean my head over my bed for the 4 minutes. And do a light massage with Oils.

I'd like to hear how others are doing their's if possible?

Thank you!

Thank you for resuming this challenge.:flowers:

Thanks @IDareT'sHair

I tend to just stand and then pretty much dangle my arms with my head inverted and stay like that for 4-5 minutes. I have inverted for as long as 7 minutes one time but I didn't like the dizzy spell afterwards :nono:.
So this is taking the place of @Aggie 's thread? Just making sure I'm on the same page....thank you for adding me @PureSilver !

Here are my starting stats:
Texture: Natural
Current Length: SL...Nape - 8.5 on the right and 8 on the left; Ear - 10.5 on both sides; Crown - 11.5; and Front - 10 on the right, 7.5 in the center, and 8 on the left.
Oils/Growth aids used: Xcel-21 and a growth oil mixture. I will also take a HSN vitamin
Yes that is correct @gvin89. This is @PureSilver's baby and truthfully, I prefer to simply post and not start threads. My days for starting/running threads are few.
Hair stats: Bsl, 4b, keratin treated

Oils/growth aides: I rarely put oil on my scalp, because of buildup. I use Xcel21 in a dropper bottle twice a day.
I try to do a short scalp massage daily.

Supplements: I am currently taking One a Day, b12 gummies and Purvana max hsn
@pygym_puff thank you for your prayers and well wishes. Thank you @Aggie for stirring the pot, I needed the boost.

I will be posting my stats at the end of the month and boy oh boy I can't wait. I know I will get to APL or past it next year this time. It's just a matter of consistency with regimen and product usage. Looking forward to awesome results and reviews next year
Thanks @IDareT'sHair

I tend to just stand and then pretty much dangle my arms with my head inverted and stay like that for 4-5 minutes. I have inverted for as long as 7 minutes one time but I didn't like the dizzy spell afterwards :nono:.

I did a 5 minute test run today using the same position Aggie described above. When the time is up, I drop my bottom to my ankles and slowly hunch my back and come up. That seemed to alleviate any motion sickness. I am learning to be more gentle with myself in all that I do. I start my first inversion in January!
I cant wait. Here are my stats. I will post a pictute when I take down my protective style on Jan. 8th (faux locs)
Fine strands
Goal is WL (5 inches 2017)
I will be using JBCO, coconut oil, jojoba oil, tea tree oil, peppermint oil with with sulfer powder.... (heated in hot water)
Also using Xcel 21
I will be using 2 inverstion methods. 1) Hanging my head off the bed while massaging my scalp for 5 mins 2) standing and inverting my head. I dont let my arms dangle I wrap them behind my back/waist. I dont want the blood to rush to my arms, only my head. (I hope this will make a difference)
@Chicoro suffering from hair anorexia, with all that lushness you still desire more while some of us and praying to the hair gods for a measly half inch per month. Lovely hair lady, just lovely!

Awww, @PureSilver, shhh...:shhh: stop messing with me and illuminating my hair issues with a bright flashlight. :busted:
I know. I got hair anorexia bad. :giggle: Off to go purchase more products for my short hair....:shopping:

And thank you for the compliment regarding my hair! That's sweet of you!
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I'm in Ladies after seeing @Aggie's results.
My hair is relaxed.
Length is between SL and APL.
My oils of choice will be grapeseed and castor oil.
I've actually been doing it wrong, I've been inverting whilst massaging but now I see that I'm supposed to massage and then invert. Will adapt immediately.
I am so excited that I couldn't wait until January! @Fotchygirl, I jumped OFF! that fence when I saw Aggie 's fantastic results as well.

Today was day #4 of #7 of inversion, for the month of December for me. I massaged my scalp today with some Moringa oil and inverted standing up with my head hanging down, like @Aggie, for about 5 minutes. No issues and it felt good to do this. I set my timer so I don't come up too soon. The time passes pretty quickly, too.

I get motion sick, light headed and headaches very easily which is partly why I didn't try inversions before. Yesterday, I had a low grade headache for a few hours. I did the inversion differently and I was on my tummy and hung my head over on the couch. I won't be doing that position anymore. Thus far, the standing way works best for me!
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I am so excited that I couldn't wait until January! @Fotchygirl, I jumped OFF! that fence when I saw Aggie 's fantastic results as well.

Today was day #4 of #7 of inversion, for the month of December for me. I massaged my scalp today with some Moringa oil and inverted standing up with my head hanging down, like @Aggie, for about 5 minutes. No issues and it felt good to do this. I set my timer so I don't come up too soon. The time passes pretty quickly, too.

I get motion sick, light headed and headaches very easily which is partly why I didn't try inversions before. Yesterday, I had a low grade headache for a few hours. I did the inversion differently and I was on my tummy and hung my head over on the couch. I won't be doing that position anymore. Thus far, the standing way works best for me!

I'm so happy to hear you can do it without too much issues @Chicoro. The standing way works better for me as well. I tried sitting on the edge of my bed and hanging my head from the edge of my bed and both ways made the time feel unbearable :nono:. Music from my phone helps pass the time for me and almost enjoyable as well :grin:.
Current Hair Stats Natural/4a&4b/Fine Strands/Medium Density
Starting Length: Full shoulder, not yet APL
Oils used: Chi Tea Tree Oil primarily, Coconut Oil, or Hot Six oil. Just really depends on the day.
Supplements: I will be taking Mineral Rich Plus Aloe and Great Lake Gelatin Collagen as well as
Scalp massages: Will use my fingers and handheld massager.


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I will be starting again on Sunday for 7 days. I still have to make my special oil blend though. I will work on that maybe on Saturday.