Internet dating. Pros and cons. What do u think?


New Member
I have recently been looking at some dating sites. I want to get back into the dating pool which I've only dipped my feet into. But meeting random men is very frustrating because right now it's a numbers game. I get approached all the time but I don't like the caliber of men. And even when they are nice they still aren't meeting my standards. I've found that with the internet dating sites you can filter out the men that are even allowed to approach you. I LOVE that.

How do you feel about internet dating?


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i've tried internet dating before and haven't had much success. i could form friendships from it but not dating relationships. maybe i'll try again later but i tend to have better luck in real time.

some of the men use dating sites just to "up their numbers" as one of my guy friends told me. they just want more girls to hook up with and aren't interested in relationships.

some of men who use them are painfully shy and have -no- skills when it comes to talking to a woman. hence why they take their chance on the site. that's fine and their effort is appreciated but how 'out of the social loop' are you willing to put up with?

and then there are some men who are genuinely looking for a relationship and want to reach out beyond their circle of friends in order to have a higher chance at meeting someone. they're not socially awkward, or have some unsightly appearance, or are 20 pounds fatter than their "most recent" 5 year old photo.

the big question is... why are they online? online dating is becoming more acceptable but it's still not the norm.

just like in real life, there is a lot of weeding out to do, despite any filters that you list. lots of people have success with online dating. i know of at least 3 couples who met online. one of which is married.

i say give it a shot. you're just casting your net a little wider. nothing wrong with that.
Internet dating can be great because the beginning is all conversation. If the man is as dumb as a box of rocks that comes thru pretty quickly.

I met my dh thru the net, so perhaps I am biased. I liked being able to file people quickly into a "no way" or "for further consideration".

I would suggest to get on some of the sites that match people by personality/values/etc.

Happy -dating.
Like dating IRL I have had good ones and duds. The current guy I am seeing I met online. We have been enjoying each other since Feb.

I remember when we met IRL, 1st thought was d a m n he looks like Gary Coleman. LOL No he doesn't look like GC, he is a cutie. It took me until the end of the evening to realize my eyes were playing tricks on me. I just had a mental picture of him and to meet him the only thing that I was correct on was that he was black as tar (I wuv dark men) and beautiful teeth. Everything else was off, I thought he would be really tall, he is 5'10" and that he would be heavier. He is not skinny but he is around 190, but solid and some other things.
I never tried it because it wasn't popular back when I was single. If I was single however I still don't think I would do it.
Bumping for more responses..also which sites are good to go to?

I met my SO on Cons are that many men and women are only looking for a "good time" and are not remotely interested in marraige. Some are already married so be very careful. Ask a lot of questions about their background, etc. Also if they are evasive about certain questions you ask, RUN!!!

Others that are older and have some idea of what they really want in my opinion, tend to be a bit more serious about a meaningful long-term relationship that has a strong possibility of ending in marraige. I believe if online dating is to be pursued, one has to already know what they really want in a mate. They have to be realistic in their expectations and they also have to know how much of themselves they can give.

Understand that compromise is a big part of a real relationship on the part of both parties involved. You need to know what your own values are and what values you are looking for in a mate. I find that having common religious beliefs play a major role in the relationship working out, in other words, look to have as much commonality with the other person as possible.

You won't find someone exactly like you but you'll find that the relationship will be a lot more agreeable over the long haul. They say that opposites attract each other, but they don't really know how to compromise with each other over a period of time. My SO and I are equally yoked in a lot of ways but not all which adds spice to the relationship and makes for interesting discussions, lol.