interesting experience shared by my personal trainer

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
So, I have a 30-something, male personal trainer. Good guy, college educated, and FOINE. :lick: (Sidebar: Although he is very attractive, I have zero interest in trying to date him. He's basically like a brother to me at this point.) He has his own fitness company and does personal training full-time. He hasn't *made it* yet, but he's on his way because he hustles. Anyway, a lot of times we talk about relationship issues and I always give him a hard time because he "dates everybody" :rolleyes:, which is to say he dates every race of woman except black women . . . well, let me rephrase, it's not that he doesn't date black women, but he finds that he mostly ends up in relationships with non-black women. I always give him a hard time about this and he tries to give me his perspective about the type of resistance he gets from black women. He shared two stories with me recently:

Story #1 - He was out riding his bike and a sister in a Benz rolls up. They both stop at a red light. She smiles. He smiles back. "Nice bike," she says. "Nice smile," he says back. He then gives her his card. When she sees that it's a card for his personal training business, she laughs and then drives off.

Story #2 - He recently went to a happy hour sponsored by some friends of his. When he got there, Beckies were all over him. But he saw one sista in the spot, so he made it his business to go over and speak to her. Things were progressing well until he gave her his business card. He said her face fell when she saw that he was a trainer. She then blew him off and he was mad because not only did he miss out on dealing with her but then also the numerous Beckies trying to holla at him :lol:

When he told me all of this, I explained that even though he is clearly an educated person - clean cut, well-spoken, etc., etc. - the idea that he's a trainer might be a turn off to some of us because there are so many black guys who are "meat heads" who are really superficial and aren't about anything. Also it could be that the women are turned off by the fact that this is how he makes his income because it's not "steady" like a regular 9-to-5 job. I don't think that made him feel any better, though. *lol* He was like, "Man, see THIS is why I don't deal with sisters . . . they don't even give you a chance!"

Do you agree with my assessment of the situation? What are your thoughts about this whole thing?

I think it's general lack of knowledge about what personal training is about.
From what I understand it can be very lucrative.
Or maybe they took it as an insult. I mean he gives them his card and he's a Personal Trainer. I would feel bad knowing that what I thought was a connection turned into his opportunity for a new client. IJS

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maybe they were looking at him as trying to drum up business instead of trying to get to know them on a personal level....
OR maybe they are weary of dating an attractive man who's job consist of stretching and "working out" other women. Insecure women would have problems with his profession especially if they aren't as focused on fitness as he [obviously] is.

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maybe they were looking at him as trying to drum up business instead of trying to get to know them on a personal level....
I think this is it. I have met guys from all types of professions and if we are not at a professional mixer, I have never received a business card. He really needs to chill with the cards and just give them his number, yeah yeah even if it is on his card.

I am turned off by guys who say their profession all the time and give their resume in the introduction. "Hi, my name is Charles, I am an attorney. I work for Don, Don, Tom's law firm, downtown in the lawyers building." Um ok.
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I think this is it. I have met guys from all types of professions and if we are not at a professional mixer, I have never received a business card. He really needs to chill with the cards and just give them his number, yeah yeah even if it is on his card.

I am turned off by guys who say their profession all the time and give their resume in the introduction. "Hi, my name is Charles, I am an attorney. I work for Don, Don, Tom's law firm, downtown in the lawyers building." Um ok.

THIS. :yep:
I think they just didn't think he was on their level. Personal trainer isn't the same as corporate to some and that means he's not gonna be rolling in the dough. Let's be real. I think we're neglecting to mention that there are plenty of black women out there that wont date you based on something like that.

There can be many reasons of course and I'm sure that wasn't the reason for every black woman he's approached, but there are plenty of attractive/and some successful gold diggers out there.

This brings to mind an online blogger I used to check out that was Black/Native America and attractive. Most of the women he dated weren't black. He made a comment that if Black women saw him with other races they'd get upset, but whenever he tried to get with a black women he was always rejected. So why keep getting rejected when there's other women around that would actually want him.
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maybe they were looking at him as trying to drum up business instead of trying to get to know them on a personal level....


There a lot of people who flirt to hustle (networking). And, if someone gave me their card as a personal trainer, I'd wonder if he was telling me something about my body and if he was truly interested in me versus getting business.

Especially if there isn't a personal cell phone number attached and he didn't explicitly ask me out.
Personally, I'm also thinking that this is one of those men who have one or two bad experiences with black women and then blame it on all of us. It's not that serious. If he doesn't want to date BW, fine. But there are plenty of WW out there who would also have the same reactions (if it was related to job/salaries). One WW in finance stated that she is not dating anyone who doesn't match her resume. Period.

He probably doesn't remember the WW who didn't approach him or had the same kind of reaction.
How does he hand off the card?

Often times its not his profession, but his delivery.
Long time ago in SS I had a guy do this, but it left me uneasy cause I wasnt sure he wanted to.continue talking or he was networking so I did.not. call him.
1. Glib, why are you wasting your breath talking to a black man about dating out? You are wasting your breath AND making yourself look like a Jill Scott with a burning soul (which I know you are not, but HE will see you that way :down: )

2. All this :pray: Oh Please! Please share your magnificence with a BW! :pray: <- Not a good look.

3. Being so invested in who he dates makes him feel like he is so very important. This will gas his head up all the more. The last thing we need is more BM with giant egos :nono:

4. He is unlikely to be honest about it with you. Frankly, people pursue who they want. He wants non-black women. All the :blah: about it is just that :blah:

5. His talk of how he graced a BW with his card even though there were WW around sounds like he considers it a charitable act to attempt to get at a BW (esp when there are "better" options around :rolleyes: )

I dont' think it's a wise practice to ask BM about how they date out. They are unlikely to really be able to hear you anyway... all they hear is more Jill Scott stuff and get pumped even further up. :nono:
He should ask for their numbers instead of giving them buisness cards...souonds like he's advertising from jump.

This!!! I would much rather someone ask for my number instead of whipping out his business card. It's confuses the intent - are you networking or trying to get to know me personally? Plus, I don't call men. You need to be writing down my number or something. I've noticed that when men do this, most of the time its accompanied with some sort of pompousness or arrogance...idk. I usually throw them right in the trash. Excuses...
1. Glib, why are you wasting your breath talking to a black man about dating out? You are wasting your breath AND making yourself look like a Jill Scott with a burning soul (which I know you are not, but HE will see you that way :down: )

2. All this :pray: Oh Please! Please share your magnificence with a BW! :pray: <- Not a good look.

3. Being so invested in who he dates makes him feel like he is so very important. This will gas his head up all the more. The last thing we need is more BM with giant egos :nono:

4. He is unlikely to be honest about it with you. Frankly, people pursue who they want. He wants non-black women. All the :blah: about it is just that :blah:

5. His talk of how he graced a BW with his card even though there were WW around sounds like he considers it a charitable act to attempt to get at a BW (esp when there are "better" options around :rolleyes: )

I dont' think it's a wise practice to ask BM about how they date out. They are unlikely to really be able to hear you anyway... all they hear is more Jill Scott stuff and get pumped even further up. :nono:

:yep: reading stuff like this makes me feel like my life and relationships are so much less stressful now that they arent subject to the thoughts and opinions of black men anymore... i feel so "above" it now, glad i dont have to deal with it anymore :look:

and :lachen: :lachen: at jill scott with a burning soul.... :rofl:
Honestly I couldn't be bothered with a man like this :nono:. You have to be a very patient and curious person to go on with a fellow about such things. I believe that IF he really wanted to date black women he would find a way to make that happen. He is dating who he wants to date, period. He doesn't want help or advice, he is enjoying talking about how much non-black women want him -- and he wants them too:yep:.
Ive dated personal trainers in my hey day and yes after I figured out what type of personal trainer they were—then I would can be a very lucrative career path if you have the right clientele or are with the right company—a private upscale health club or etc

Dude sounds corny to me..i hate—did I say I hateeeee..when ppl start talking to me about their job when we are not working--you dont have to wear your job/career on your sleeve…geez lol

I don’t know ya homeboy glib..but whats funny is certain types of men the mollys and mings can have them…—don’t fault every sistah for ya lame *** approach…and don’t hand me ya business card if I didn’t ask for it…wouldn’t you ask for my personal number or contact info..wouldnt we exchange personal contact info…

I hand ppl my business card when we’re doing business—and that’s where dude went wrong with the sistahs come correct or don’t come at all..busta lolol

He should ask for their numbers instead of giving them buisness cards...souonds like he's advertising from jump.
:yep: reading stuff like this makes me feel like my life and relationships are so much less stressful now that they arent subject to the thoughts and opinions of black men anymore... i feel so "above" it now, glad i dont have to deal with it anymore :look:


hasn't personal trainer become the new rapper/model/actor? i know if i was given a card like that i would assume he just worked out at the gym every once and a while with his friends, giving fitness advice. i probably wouldn't think he had any actual certification.
He gives them his card right after saying hi!? :lol: And it says 'personal trainer' on it? OMG there are so many things wrong with this scenario. Why can't he just continue talking for a while and ask for their number? :spinning: If a personal trainer gave me his card, I would immediately think he was calling me fat and offering me his services! OR I would think he was trying to network. Why do people give out cards anyway? Bragging already, are we? smh.
In my opinion, business cards are for business. Also, why is he handing out his number instead of trying to get the sister's number? When a guy gives me his number instead of getting mine, it tells me he wants me to do the calling, and consequently, the chasing. Not going to happen.
There's a stereotype attatched to personal trainers.. Most are stereotypical hoe$. They try to talk to EVERYBODY.

I noticed this going to Bally's, My sister's ex was a training H., friends constantly complain of this. Icing on the H-cake? I love my brother! My brother is GORGEOUS. MARRIED with children. A PERSONAL TRAINER and has always been a H.:look: And so is his trainer friends.:look: So maybe that's where the laughs came from. I steer clear of them.
I'm thinking 3 things:

1)If a guy is waiting for me to call him, I don't care who he is..he'll be waiting forever. I like to be pursued. I think it's the man's job.

2) It seems like he has a lot of these business cards. How many women does he pass it out to?

3) He might think his personal training business is the ish (I don't know if he does). But if he does, it can come across as him showing off. Meh.