Inspired by Sylver2 -- The Long-Term Stretch Challenge

Ladies, I can't hang any more. I plan on relaxing next weekend at 11 weeks. I was hoping to make it to 24 weeks, but I am having a hard time managing my hair. I think the previous relaxer left my hair a bit under-processed and the ng is just becoming a tangled mess! Good luck to all. I'll be rooting for you!

Girl ya gatta do what ya gatta do to keep your hair on your head. Hope to see you back in here soon though:yep:.
I moisturize with Elasta QP Mango Butter and seal with HairVeda's Almond Glaze this combo works wonders for me! I don't really see any breakage using this and detangling prior to washing on dry hair is much easier.

ill definitely try out this Elasta QP Mango Butter
ive heard so much about it
yet another product to buy!
Week 9 here and I did some trimming yesterday. I flat-ironed for a change too. I guess I don't know my hair type or either it's not growng because it's still pretty good looking. My scalp hurts like heck but the hairs are still pretty straight, except for my edges are curly.

ETA: hair stayed straight 1 day and puffed up. i'm now co-washing and bunning daily.
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I've been living in twist outs and buns for a while now. But just like I'm bored with my DC (love it just want to try some new things), I'm bored with those two styles. So last night I decided to try a flexi rod set.....:yep:, yep you heard right, LOL..
I'm so pleased, its nowhere near as pretty as it will be on my probably my third try :grin:, but its good enough to take me through a few days maybe even a week. I'm very pleased, I'll pin it up mostly and eventually bun it, but at lease it has a different look to it. My 20 weeks post NG (as much as I'm in love right now) is just about completely hiddden.
SC... are you transitioning or just stretching?

sorry i just saw this. i've been busy with school. i'm only stretching. i think my last relaxer was late Jan. or early Feb. :spinning:

right now i have about 1-1.5 inches of new growth and mad tangles. the last time i washed i seperated in 4 sections and still had tangles. i don't understand what's going on. i normally don't have this many issues. its like our water changed or something. my daughter's hair is harder too.

i'm debating on relaxing or not right now. with all the coils i'm more tempted to play in my hair. i also work out so it's hard to keep a style.

i'll probably go one more week and then decide :yep:
I'm starting to experience some breakage/shedding combo :nono: but I'm not giving up :yep: It's the long strands of relaxed hair not just single strands but multiple - It's not a lot but it still exist.

Any suggestions or advice? I may need to up my protein and see if that works.
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Saturday made 16 weeks for me. It's getting harder to hang on guys!! I have never stretched this loong. Starting to see broken hairs--getting scared. But I love to play with my ng.
Hello Ladies,

I'm 1 day away from 8 weeks and I feel a little new growth, but it's not giving me problems. Last week, I noticed my hair was a little too soft/mushy. Yesterday I clarified and did a 5 minute protein treatment with Mega Tek. I did a 1 ponytail rollerset and airdried for a bit then I sat under the dryer. My hair feels much stronger now. Tomorrow is my normal wash day and I will wash, DC and do a rollerset. I hope it turns out nice.
Saturday made 16 weeks for me. It's getting harder to hang on guys!! I have never stretched this loong. Starting to see broken hairs--getting scared. But I love to play with my ng.

when r u seeing broken hairs? when u comb? holw often r u combing?
I want in...I want to go a will be a year in Feb 2010. Crossing my fingers. I think I can do it w/ protective styles of course :yep:
Just checking in... I'll be 21 weeks post on Saturday, I'm almost 5 months into my transition - yay!

Cowashing is my best friend :-)
I'm relaxing on saturday for my prom. I will be six months then since my last relaxer, and then I start the count all over again :( lol. So much for transitioning, lol. We will see how this long stretch has helped or not helped my hair....
Reporting in...19 weeks post as of today. Still about 6 more to go. Things are going really well. Experiencing some hair anorexia because my shrinkage is ridiculous. Well of course I understand about shrinkage but you know how that can be. I have about 2.5-3inches of new growth. I think closer to 3 inches. I measured in this small mirror at work. Will measure again once I get home. I'm texlaxed and use heat and/or flatiron only a few times a year. Also my hair is wet 5 days a week and airdried in a bun. So rationally it's understandable that I'm having the hair anorexia but thinking I'm losing my edges and my hair is starting to fall out?? I need to get a grip!!!
I will be 19 wks this saturday and that is the day I will (hopefully) braid my hair so it will stay braided (with redo's throughout) until I come back from Disney in September at least. I have braided my hair from May to Sept/Oct for the last 3 summers and it really helped with my growth (use C&G) I texlaxed when i last did my hair in Jan but a lot of sections really didn't take so it seems like I didn't relax my hair. I am hating my demarcation line on my ends though. I keep trying to baby my ends and those sections that are acting funny. I have discovered coconut oil and love it to death. I flatironed this month for Mommy's day and length shot and that will be the last of my hair being out. But CW, and taking collagen and silica has helped me deal with this without wanting to scalp myself or relax. My Ng isn't hard at all.

That little sprint of 90 degrees we had in April further convinced me that my hair needs to go into the witprotect program. Sweat + NG+ personal summers + heat = an unhappy me :nono:. So I am looking forward to having my braids (but not the 7+ hours to put them in).
I finally made it into my 4 month relaxer stretch today and this was only made possible through my braids, cornrows and flat rows. Now I have to work through my next 4 months.
To BlondebyDesire

How are you detangling your hair? What works for me is to split my hair down the middle to wash/condition. I make sure to condition the new growth as well as the relaxed ends. To detangle I use my Jilbere shower comb to lightly detangle the relaxed portion. I don't touch the new growth.

After my hair has air dried, I take very small sections and pull apart the new growth. Imagine you're pinching a baby's cheeks (index finger to thumb/using both hands). I gently "pinch" separate the new growth and all shed hair simply slides out. I experience nearly zero breakage doing this, it only releases the shed hair that caught in the new growth.

Remember your regi and keep up with it. Some parts of my regi (hard Aphogee,clear color rinse) are associated with relaxer time or close to it. It's easy to forget to do those things when you're stretching.
Checking in. As of Monday I am 17 weeks post. I am falling in love with my newgrowth. I wash once a week and co-wash 2-3x per week. I have been wet it. My miracle product is V05 condish. It detangles like a dream.
OMG! Why didn't anybody tell me sooner about washing and conditioning with my hair braided up. It is off the chain. Thanks a million Sylver2! I am not losing anymore excess hair in the comb and I am over 16 weeks post. My hair is still super soft I think from the hennaing which I will be doing today since I took my flat rows down. I am excited about the additional 4-6 months stretch up ahead now and I don't have to be looking at it with a sense of dread anymore. WOW! Awesome.
To BlondebyDesire

How are you detangling your hair? What works for me is to split my hair down the middle to wash/condition. I make sure to condition the new growth as well as the relaxed ends. To detangle I use my Jilbere shower comb to lightly detangle the relaxed portion. I don't touch the new growth.

After my hair has air dried, I take very small sections and pull apart the new growth. Imagine you're pinching a baby's cheeks (index finger to thumb/using both hands). I gently "pinch" separate the new growth and all shed hair simply slides out. I experience nearly zero breakage doing this, it only releases the shed hair that caught in the new growth.

Remember your regi and keep up with it. Some parts of my regi (hard Aphogee,clear color rinse) are associated with relaxer time or close to it. It's easy to forget to do those things when you're stretching.

I hate that 2 step Aphogee but I know that it's one of the only treatments that will help to protect my demarcation line where my texlaxed hair meets my new growth. I don't care all that much about the one where the bone straight hair meets the texlaxed hair. I want it off my head anyway, so I'll slowly trim that off as I get deeper into my stretch.
I have been checking this thread out almost daily....It has been so much help to me on my stretch....Im sixteen weeks and still going...Im scared to join or make a date..I might crash and burn...Hahahaha
I hate that 2 step Aphogee but I know that it's one of the only treatments that will help to protect my demarcation line where my texlaxed hair meets my new growth. I don't care all that much about the one where the bone straight hair meets the texlaxed hair. I want it off my head anyway, so I'll slowly trim that off as I get deeper into my stretch.

I think it is necessary, especially for fine-haired ladies. I tried to phase it out of my routine and replace it with moderate protein and the results were not good.:nono: