Inspired by Sylver2 -- The Long-Term Stretch Challenge

As of today I'm 12 weeks post and the NG feels and looks it did last year when I was about 4 months post so HSN vits work for sure:yep:. I'm very busy nowadays though so I bought some more conditioner to help me through. I am thinking about co-washing regularly but the water is hard though so I really doubt I'll be doing that. What I really want to do is just leave my hair alone like I used to before. I just don't have the time to be messing with it now.
I'll be 12 weeks post on May 18, thought I was further along than that. I went to get my hair washed and my stylist asked me what I was waiting on, lol... Anyway for the rest of this month I'm wearing my fabulous wigs. I'm treating my hair as if I have a sew in. Keep the hair cornrowed, won't take the braids out until the end of the month. Wash my braided hair and condition it, moisturize ends. Do the same for the hair that's left out in the front. I will try my hardest to make it to August but I don't know. We'll see...
I don't like that my edged so their own thing, even with the scart method. My buns look nice and full but my edges always look a curly mess.
I'm in for 6 months its been 3 months so far and I don't know whose hair this is on top of my head..because it can't be mine:grin::grin: i can still get my fingers through it..but it damn sure is not laying down my back:lachen::lachen::lachen: Any body else out there thats got hair that grows a wicked fro:spinning::spinning:
I'm only nine weeks in and I am already experiencing the miracle of shrinkage! I discovered last night that rollersetting my hair going forwards at nine weeks post is asking for trouble. So from now on, I will be rollersetting going backwards.
I ended up cowashing in like 5 mins today just before I went out because without it...:nono:. When it was half dry, I just put it in a pony tail and went out the door. Putting my hair in the pony tail was so easy AFTER I co-washed so now I'm thinking 2x a week - at least. Rinse hair, slather on conditioner, comb through gently, rinse out conditioner, moisturise, air dry, pony tail or bun, out the door.
I don't like that my edged so their own thing, even with the scart method. My buns look nice and full but my edges always look a curly mess.

ITA. My kitchen (nape) seems to have a mind of its own too. I have to remind myself that this is so worth it.
I'm at 7 weeks today and I'm sitting under the dryer. I did a ponytail rollerset, after I dry I'm going to do a saran wrap treatment. If my hair isn't nice and smooth, I think I'll be doing braidouts and curlformers (and the occasional blowdry and flat iron) going forward.

ETA: I got lazy and did not do the saran wrap treatment. I just put my hair in a flexi-8 clip for the week.
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I will be 8.7 months this sat and I tell you I am not too happy about taking out the braids. I know my ng has a mind of its own. I have to do a Henna Gloss Treatment and hopefully I will be able to do a braid out or a twist out or something. When all else fails I have my wigs.
I made 16 weeks post this week. My goal is 20 weeks, but I'm going through a shedding phase now. My hair normally sheds more during the winter, but I guess the cycle is changing.

I plan to stick it out.
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So I'm 9 going on 10 weeks and my new growth is out of control (as it usually gets around this time). Anyway I just realized that I have to detangle prewash instead of post with conditioner. My shedded hairs had been causing knots and dreading and even with conditioner it was just too much so I detangle now on dry moisturized hair prior to washing and I seemed to not lose so much hair. Sectioning my hair has also helped tremendously!
wow last time i strecthed 10 weeks and my relaxer "didn't take"(is that the right term?)
so i was underprocessed
at the end of the 10 week stretch i had a bunch of knots and build up in my hair due to the stupid ors pack
so my ng was there from the first day
now im like 7 or 8 weeks post and i have so much ng gosh
my ng has been driving me nuts the last couple of weeks
to tame it i co wash or wash and either dc with humectress or just do instant conditioner
humectress makes my ng so soft and i can face another day
but the results wear off and then my hair is a mess again
so i think im gonna relax at 8 weeks and then maybe stretch? i don't know if stretching is the answer for me though cuz of that one bad experience
So I'm 9 going on 10 weeks and my new growth is out of control (as it usually gets around this time). Anyway I just realized that I have to detangle prewash instead of post with conditioner. My shedded hairs had been causing knots and dreading and even with conditioner it was just too much so I detangle now on dry moisturized hair prior to washing and I seemed to not lose so much hair. Sectioning my hair has also helped tremendously!

what do you moisturize with?
my tangles are out of control too even with like 1/4 of the bottle of conditioner on one freaking spot!!!
Just a vent ladies..........It's so hard to resist the urge to relax. This is my first stretch as I've said in other posts and although I think its going great to be my first, I started missing my creamy crack today! I was sitting here thinking about how much progress I know I've made and how I should just go ahead and relax. Considering before this I relaxed every 10 weeks at the longest, being that I'm about to hit week 20 I'm feeling like, "hey 20 weeks go head and relax, why not!" on one hand, but then on the other, "You made it to 20 weeks, you can go ahead and push out the remaining 19"..I'm trying to make it to my bday...The classic Angel/Devil on the shoulder complex.....I cowashed, DC'd and ponytail air dried today. I'm addicted to cowashing and love my twist outs, but I'm starting to get bored. I bun often as well. I stopped rollersetting at home a few weeks ago.....I've gotta get out of this rut, I thought about Flexi-rods...but I don't know. I've seen sisters here with flexirod sets with longer hair and I love it on them but I don't know if I'll like the outcome on my length.....
Ok, I'm done, I just needed to get that off my chest....
So I'm 9 going on 10 weeks and my new growth is out of control (as it usually gets around this time). Anyway I just realized that I have to detangle prewash instead of post with conditioner. My shedded hairs had been causing knots and dreading and even with conditioner it was just too much so I detangle now on dry moisturized hair prior to washing and I seemed to not lose so much hair. Sectioning my hair has also helped tremendously!

I learned this too. I detangle during my prepoo with my ORS hair mayonnaise. This cut out all knots and dreads
I am currently stretched at 9 months....

If i can wait it out until august, it'll be a year long stretch....
i will try.

i just have to make friends with my denman more, and comb more of my tangles out...
i just get very tired of combing clumps of hair in my shower....
hi is it too late to join?? i'm only a month out today but i wanna try and push til Sept for 5 months...if i can make that i plan to keep going.
I am realizing that while my hair is flat rowed, it is much easier to wash and condition because I don't have to comb it at all and I am still able to clean it well. I love stretching like this. I think it will become a staple part of my stretching process.
what do you moisturize with?
my tangles are out of control too even with like 1/4 of the bottle of conditioner on one freaking spot!!!

I moisturize with Elasta QP Mango Butter and seal with HairVeda's Almond Glaze this combo works wonders for me! I don't really see any breakage using this and detangling prior to washing on dry hair is much easier.
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I would like to join this, i hope its not too late!! I am 9 weeks post and Im gonna say I will stretch to August right now.. if all goes well, i may stretch even longer.
I am realizing that while my hair is flat rowed, it is much easier to wash and condition because I don't have to comb it at all and I am still able to clean it well. I love stretching like this. I think it will become a staple part of my stretching process.

What is a flat row? Is that like a corn row?
Ok, y'all. I am getting nervous. This coming Monday, I will be 5 weeks post and I have tons of new growth. I usually start itching to relax around week 6 but I need to be strong.

I purposely did not purchase any Phyto II boxes so that I will not get tempted.

Off to look at Sylver's video for some inspiration ...
hi is it too late to join?? i'm only a month out today but i wanna try and push til Sept for 5 months...if i can make that i plan to keep going.

Nope... not too late... and where you are in your stretch counts toward your stretch total!

Welcome aboard.

ETA: ljamie4 I added you too!
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Ladies, I can't hang any more. I plan on relaxing next weekend at 11 weeks. I was hoping to make it to 24 weeks, but I am having a hard time managing my hair. I think the previous relaxer left my hair a bit under-processed and the ng is just becoming a tangled mess! Good luck to all. I'll be rooting for you!
Ok, y'all. I am getting nervous. This coming Monday, I will be 5 weeks post and I have tons of new growth. I usually start itching to relax around week 6 but I need to be strong.

I purposely did not purchase any Phyto II boxes so that I will not get tempted.

Off to look at Sylver's video for some inspiration ...

really? at only 5 weeks post? wow your hair grows fast as heck then
u gotta get a stetchin regimen together since u donnt stretch. this longterm thread is not ideal for you. if u r touching up every 5-6 weeks then u need to shoot for something like 8 weeks. thn 10 and so on.
really? at only 5 weeks post? wow your hair grows fast as heck then
u gotta get a stetchin regimen together since u donnt stretch. this longterm thread is not ideal for you. if u r touching up every 5-6 weeks then u need to shoot for something like 8 weeks. thn 10 and so on.

I agree with Sylver...

I used to relax every 6 weeks. My first time stretching I went to seven weeks, then 8, then 9, then 11... I stayed at 11 for a while before I felt comfortable enough pursuing something longer than that. It took me figuring out that I have to be really really gentle when I do my wash-n-sets when I get past week 9 or so or I will take my hair out. Also, deep conditioning is a must.

I think you should transition to stretching because your hair has different needs at 12+ weeks post than it does at 6 weeks post. Just plunging into a stretch is asking for trouble.
I am 3 days away from 16 weeks post my last relaxer and getting excited by the minute at how successful I've been at it:yep::grin:.