Inspired by Sylver2 -- The Long-Term Stretch Challenge

I am officially SIX MONTHS POST!!!!!

This is my longest stretch ever. I am attempting to transition for two years instead of doing a BC because I do not like my hair short. But it feels good to have made it this far.

:woot: :dance7: :band2:

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How is the stretch coming along ladies?

I have two months down so far.. (my ticker below is a bit off).

I have no clue how long I will be going this time. It really depends on the manageability.
I last relaxed on August 8th, so I am approaching one solid year post relaxer. Things are going well. No major tangling- roller settting still isn't much of an issue. I've been wearing twists for 2-3 weeks at a time and they work great. I just keep my hair moist and I KIM. Right now, it's looking like I wont relax again until December.
I will be 17 weeks post this week ;)

I have been wearing a bun since April and my edges have been looking a bit busted lately..
I can't wait to see beans4reezy's hair!
I will be 12 weeks post this coming weekend. 24 more to go after that. I did not PS as I usually do the first half of the year but I am not playing this second half. :):) I am currently in cornrows with extensions.
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Aug 4th will be 11 months post. I'm still trying to decide if I want to keep going or what. I have mixed emotions. I can't believe I lasted this long. I've grown used to my routine and I haven't straightend my hair since April. I will have lots of picks to post. I just take pictures with my phone of different styles and texture shots of my bun styles. My hair is a lot thicker and longer. When I stretch my hair it's at the bottom of my bra strap. I will post all pics 4 Sept 2011 my 1 year stretch day.:yep:
You one-year stretchers are so awesome. One day...maybe even in 2012, I will stretch for 12 months. Right now, I stretch for 6 months, then 3 months, then another 3 months, and repeat.

Has anyone considered making another thread for 2011/2012? This thread is so long and I think the OP is inactive.
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I agree I almost forgot about this thread.

I enjoy reading you ladies updates. I have fallen off the long stretches for now since I started self-relaxing. My last stretch was 10 weeks and before it was 20.

You one-year stretchers are so awesome. One day...maybe even in 2012, I will stretch for 12 months. Right now, I stretch for 6 months, then 3 months, then another 3 months, and repeat.

Has anyone considered making another thread for 2011/2012? This thread is so long and I think the OP is inactive.
I must say to all you ladies wearing your hair out, or even those bunning--i commend you! I'm about 12 weeks post and I am struggling!!! I can deal with the rest of my hair fine but my edges & nape look atrocious LOL. Any suggestions on techniques/products to slick these suckers down??! I'm wearing a daily bun right now- too hot for a wig or sew in & I cant get a braid appointment for another week. I don't want to look a hot *** mess until then...

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You one-year stretchers are so awesome. One day...maybe even in 2012, I will stretch for 12 months. Right now, I stretch for 6 months, then 3 months, then another 3 months, and repeat.

Has anyone considered making another thread for 2011/2012? This thread is so long and I think the OP is inactive.

Sylver2 pops in every so often. I do believe she is still around.

How is the stretch coming along ladies?

I have two months down so far.. (my ticker below is a bit off).

I have no clue how long I will be going this time. It really depends on the manageability.

I'll be 16 wks post on Tuesday. My last texlaxing was very light so, my NG is acting like it's been longer than 4 months. I'm hoping to texlax at 6 months, if I can last that long.

I know they say to start stretching slowly but has anyone just dived right into it?

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I think I sorta did. My first stretch was 12 wk but, that's not really a stretch for me. My last stretch was 38 wks. That got tricky at about 7 months post. I vowed then not to go past 6 months unless I was officially transitioning. My ng was hard to manage and I thought there was a crazy amount of breakage during shower detangling. And also, there was a thread going around (can't remember offhand who started it) that talked about her stretch damaging her hair. That was right around the time that I was struggling with my detangling issues. So, I decided to give up my quest for a year (which I was going to try to do). For me, I think 2x a year will have to work for as long as I remain texlaxed.
I'll be 16 wks post on Tuesday. My last texlaxing was very light so, my NG is acting like it's been longer than 4 months. I'm hoping to texlax at 6 months, if I can last that long.

I think I sorta did. My first stretch was 12 wk but, that's not really a stretch for me. My last stretch was 38 wks. That got tricky at about 7 months post. I vowed then not to go past 6 months unless I was officially transitioning. My ng was hard to manage and I thought there was a crazy amount of breakage during shower detangling. And also, there was a thread going around (can't remember offhand who started it) that talked about her stretch damaging her hair. That was right around the time that I was struggling with my detangling issues. So, I decided to give up my quest for a year (which I was going to try to do). For me, I think 2x a year will have to work for as long as I remain texlaxed.

NJoy did u notice any significant damage?

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@NJoy did u notice any significant damage?

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Yes. I did notice my hemline seemed thinner from breakage (plus I'm layered). But honestly, I can't blame that all on stretching. I can say that I had 3 detangling nightmare's that contributed to that but, I was also under a LOT of stress during the latter part of my stretch. I spent about 4 months at my mom's side, at least 13 hours a day until she passed away from cancer. So, I wasn't taking care of my hair at all. I wasn't giving my hair the moisture it needed and there was one time when I braided my Celie braids together and the shed hairs tangled. I dunked my head in the bath and the braids locked together. Instead of patiently trying to detangle them, I ripped them apart, thinking that in the grand scheme of all that I was going thru, it was only hair. :ohwell:

And then, of course, janeemat posted her thread on her long stretch damaging her hair so, that coupled with my neglect and the hair that I was losing in the shower made me end my stretch. I said I'm not going past 6 mos at a time but, I think I am going to try to hang in there again. And if I can make it to the one year mark, I may just officially transition.

I want the thickness so, I'm going to give my hair the extra attention needed for a longterm stretch/transition. We'll see. I'm JUST getting to the point that things have settled down to a normal pace in my life. I thought I'd texlax by the end of this month but, my hair seems to be doing fine, even tho I did just have a detangling nightmare. I think that nightmare was from me STILL neglecting my hair. But, that was the eye opener that I needed to make the decision to get on the ball or relax. Even with texlaxing, my hair still has a mind of it's own and acts like I've done nothing to it. So why texlax at all? Either do a corrective or transition. Looking at it like that, transitioning makes sense for me. But again, we'll see. (I say that a lot in this thread :grin:)
20 weeks post and wondering where everyone is? Ladies, check in! :look: A back to back post is lonely.
I am 4 mths post: 16 wks and stretching until the end of the year.
@blackberry815: I cut off my overprocessed hair in the summer of 2009 which left me with mostly natural hair but I knew I was going back to relax since I didn't know anything about haircare. I was just tired of my thin, limp, over-petroleumolized (made up word) hair. I went 6 mths before relaxing which put me at neck length and stretched another 6 mths which had me at shoulder length. Since that time, I stretch for a minimum of 6 mths.
A lot of people focus on technique, but when it comes to stretching, I consider products too. I have to have some super duper detangling products and that makes me enjoy my stretches. HTH
I am 4 mths post: 16 wks and stretching until the end of the year.
@blackberry815: I cut off my overprocessed hair in the summer of 2009 which left me with mostly natural hair but I knew I was going back to relax since I didn't know anything about haircare. I was just tired of my thin, limp, over-petroleumolized (made up word) hair. I went 6 mths before relaxing which put me at neck length and stretched another 6 mths which had me at shoulder length. Since that time, I stretch for a minimum of 6 mths.
A lot of people focus on technique, but when it comes to stretching, I consider products too. I have to have some super duper detangling products and that makes me enjoy my stretches. HTH

Mmm hmmm. And what super duper detangling products have u found that work well? Quit holdin out afrochique. :lick:
LOL NJoy: I told you about Silken Child Leave-In Detangler. That is my super duper lol. I don't know if it works for others but it has changed my stretching life. :D :D
I also shampoo using CON detangling and conditioning shampoo which I use on my hair. I know shampoo is for the scalp but I put it on my hair in sections and finger detangle. I then use HE Hello Hydration conditioner.
LOL @NJoy: I told you about Silken Child Leave-In Detangler. That is my super duper lol. I don't know if it works for others but it has changed my stretching life. :D :D
I also shampoo using CON detangling and conditioning shampoo which I use on my hair. I know shampoo is for the scalp but I put it on my hair in sections and finger detangle. I then use HE Hello Hydration conditioner.

:lol: My bad. You're right. Just making sure I don't miss out on any super duper detanglers. Especially doing these long stretches. :grin:
How are the "long term stretchers doing"? Let's see some updates on how you are managing all of the ng.


61 weeks post and counting!! It's a jungle in there, but I am still trying to hold out until December.

Right now - I am not touching my hair too much. I wash/dc once every 4 weeks (yeah, I said it) because, its all too much for me to handle right now. I keep my hair in either twists- or in a bun, if I want to spice things up:lachen:

HE LTR leave - in is keeping my hair super soft during this stretch.

No extensions, wigs, pieces, add ons- I'm doing this hard core Sylver2 style this time around....I can't wait to see my results! December cannot come quick enough.

61 weeks post and counting!! It's a jungle in there, but I am still trying to hold out until December.

Right now - I am not touching my hair too much. I wash/dc once every 4 weeks (yeah, I said it) because, its all too much for me to handle right now. I keep my hair in either twists- or in a bun, if I want to spice things up:lachen:

HE LTR leave - in is keeping my hair super soft during this stretch.

No extensions, wigs, pieces, add ons- I'm doing this hard core Sylver2 style this time around....I can't wait to see my results! December cannot come quick enough.

Wow! 61 wks post?! :spinning: AND holding on til December? :spinning: Tell the truth. You're transitioning! :look: Wow! I can't wait to see your hair in December. Go girl!!!

61 weeks post and counting!! It's a jungle in there, but I am still trying to hold out until December.

Right now - I am not touching my hair too much. I wash/dc once every 4 weeks (yeah, I said it) because, its all too much for me to handle right now. I keep my hair in either twists- or in a bun, if I want to spice things up:lachen:

HE LTR leave - in is keeping my hair super soft during this stretch.

No extensions, wigs, pieces, add ons- I'm doing this hard core Sylver2 style this time around....I can't wait to see my results! December cannot come quick enough.

You are kidding right! So you are really going to relax again? You are a real pro.

61 weeks post and counting!! It's a jungle in there, but I am still trying to hold out until December.

Right now - I am not touching my hair too much. I wash/dc once every 4 weeks (yeah, I said it) because, its all too much for me to handle right now. I keep my hair in either twists- or in a bun, if I want to spice things up:lachen:

HE LTR leave - in is keeping my hair super soft during this stretch.

No extensions, wigs, pieces, add ons- I'm doing this hard core Sylver2 style this time around....I can't wait to see my results! December cannot come quick enough.

wooow!! love that. it's hard as heck too :lol: i can't wait to see also. congrats on this. so will u relax in December fo sho??
Just ended an 86 week stretch.... :antlers:

It got so wild and crazy in there I broke down and just big chopped my ends during a moment of impulsiveness.

I guess my Sylver2 stretch inadvertently became a long term transition:lachen:
wooow!! love that. it's hard as heck too :lol: i can't wait to see also. congrats on this. so will u relax in December fo sho??

Girl, you aren't lying! This IS hard, but the payoff is soooo big- I hang in there. Definitely going to relax in texturized hair really gives me the best of both worlds!:yep:
Just ended an 86 week stretch.... :antlers:

It got so wild and crazy in there I broke down and just big chopped my ends during a moment of impulsiveness.

I guess my Sylver2 stretch inadvertently became a long term transition:lachen:


Girl, I'm thinking anyone over 52 wks is actually in a transition until they decide they're not. :grin:

CONGRATS!!!! and got any pics for us? :lick:
I'm on the fences right now and very apprehensive. I am currently 16wks post, which is when i normally relax, but this time around my finances won't allow me to do so. My last stretch of 6 months last year didn't go so well. You would think by now i would have this down to a science, but i don't because i'm still learning. To make a long story short i was following one of my hair idols on her blog and i copied her washing method. This is the biggest obstacle i face while stretching, losing too much hair in the detangling process (because of the way i wash it).

Well low and behold she shortly experiences breakage and so did i. My ends along with my edges were horrific and still are suffering since then. But i started searching youtube and have found a better alternative (untried but i know it WILL work).

I guess i'm just scared. I don't want or need any type of mini setbacks. I'm not really "taking care" of my hair. I wanna stretch til the end of the year and self relaxing is out of the question. At the point i don't wanna put my hair is noone elses hands either...
Girl, you aren't lying! This IS hard, but the payoff is soooo big- I hang in there. Definitely going to relax in texturized hair really gives me the best of both worlds!:yep:

it def was for me. My hair was the longest and healthiest it ever was after my 1 year stretch. only thing is i spent so much time on my hair during that year..that i became completely disinterested in my hair lol have yet to regain it back lol
I'm on the fences right now and very apprehensive. I am currently 16wks post, which is when i normally relax, but this time around my finances won't allow me to do so. My last stretch of 6 months last year didn't go so well. You would think by now i would have this down to a science, but i don't because i'm still learning. To make a long story short i was following one of my hair idols on her blog and i copied her washing method. This is the biggest obstacle i face while stretching, losing too much hair in the detangling process (because of the way i wash it).

Well low and behold she shortly experiences breakage and so did i. My ends along with my edges were horrific and still are suffering since then. But i started searching youtube and have found a better alternative (untried but i know it WILL work).

I guess i'm just scared. I don't want or need any type of mini setbacks. I'm not really "taking care" of my hair. I wanna stretch til the end of the year and self relaxing is out of the question. At the point i don't wanna put my hair is noone elses hands either...

Wow. That really is a tough place to be. Sorry that you went thru the setback. I can see why you're apprehensive. :bighug: