Inspired by Sylver2 -- The Long-Term Stretch Challenge

How are you ladies doing? I am currently 26wks post. I look forward to washing my hair monday. It's so disgusting with product buildup of more than a couple of weeks now. Other wise no issues.

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67 weeks. Girl, how are you managing? What's your hair looking like? In other words, DETAILS, oh Wise Stretcher. :worship2: Give up the goods. (and pics would be awesome :lick:)

Oh btw, checking in at 27 wks post. (I don't know why my ticker is off so much)

Girl, I am really not doing too much of anything. My hair stays in twists - for like four weeks at a time- sometimes more. Detangling, washing...too much right now. My new growth is so thick that when my scalp itches, I've got to dig real deep to get to scalp:lachen:

I do moisturize every single day- I stay on top of that- so my hair is really soft to the touch. At first I was using Herbal Essence LTR to moisturize, but the build up left my hair sticky..I now moisturize with a wonderful cupuacu butter blend I created. Hair is super soft with no build up.

But- I'm 71 weeks post right now and I have an appointment set up for December 24th. Last time my hair dresser relaxed my hair- she was really, really brutal. I mean, ripped through my NG. This time around, I am going to warn her not to be so rough- and if she still is- I am going to dump her and find another hair dresser. I didn't stretch for over a year to have you yank out my progress with your rough, mannish hands...but I digress....

UPDATE COMING IN FOUR WEEKS!!!! CAN'T WAIT! :spinning::spinning::spinning::spinning:
Girl, I am really not doing too much of anything. My hair stays in twists - for like four weeks at a time- sometimes more. Detangling, washing...too much right now. My new growth is so thick that when my scalp itches, I've got to dig real deep to get to scalp:lachen:

I do moisturize every single day- I stay on top of that- so my hair is really soft to the touch. At first I was using Herbal Essence LTR to moisturize, but the build up left my hair sticky..I now moisturize with a wonderful cupuacu butter blend I created. Hair is super soft with no build up.

But- I'm 71 weeks post right now and I have an appointment set up for December 24th. Last time my hair dresser relaxed my hair- she was really, really brutal. I mean, ripped through my NG. This time around, I am going to warn her not to be so rough- and if she still is- I am going to dump her and find another hair dresser. I didn't stretch for over a year to have you yank out my progress with your rough, mannish hands...but I digress....

UPDATE COMING IN FOUR WEEKS!!!! CAN'T WAIT! :spinning::spinning::spinning::spinning:

I hope that works out for you this time around. But I gotta say, I'm nervous for you. :nervous2:

Can't wait for your update!
I was prepared to texlax tomorrow @ 32 wks post but, I've decided to flat iron my roots instead. I'm planning my texlax on 12/11, before the last minute Christmas madness starts.
Hmmm, flat ironed roots wasn't enough. I had to go back and flat iron the length too. But the thickness from stretching and texlaxing is amazing! Night and day difference in my hair.

I'm planning to coat my strands with wheatgerm oil/EVOO mix to strengthen and moisturize my strands before twisting it up (2 strand twists) in preparation for my twistout this weekend.
Hi Ladies,

All this week I’ve been having the Natural Hair crave, thus I've been looking a lots of utube videos and reading up on long term transitions.

I'm not 100% sure yet but I will be making a mental note to really try to hold off from a relaxer long enough to see if I would like to make that plunge. I'll just take it 1 week at a time.

I don't want to just make this change because it's "in" now. So I’m really searching within myself for the answer. I have a 1 year old DD and I love her hair. I’ve promised myself that I will NEVER add any chemicals to it.

I haven't had natural hair since I was in the 6th grade - 26 years ago. I always told myself I wanted to cut my hair for my 40th (which is next year), I don’t think I'll be cutting but going natural is looking allot more promising.

I know I will find lots of info and support if I do make that ultimate jump.

Thanks for letting my ramble for a min. HHJ.
Merry Xmas! It's been awhile. How are you ladies doing on your stretch so far? I am currently 29wks post and plan on relaxing the 3rd of January. I really look forward to my relaxer even though I'm not having any problems.

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Doing ok over here. I'll be 36 wks post on Tuesday. The stretch is going pretty well for me so far because I get to be hair lazy with twists and wigging it when I feel like wearing a hair out style.

I said that i'm officially transitioning but, IDK. Fully natural hair at this length will mean more flat ironing than I'm prepared to do. I'm thinking twists to maintain but, I'm bored with that already. I'm gonna have to pray on this one. :look: But, again, I'm not in a rush to texlax either. I'm just coasting at this point.

I'm doing a S&D tonight so hey, I'm doing something. I may even do a nice DC. That's my update. 36 wks on Tuesday. By 38 wks at the beginning of this year I'd already had 3 major detangling incidents. So far, no troubles.
Did anyone relax yet? I was hoping to this week but things are not going to go as planned. I'm currently 30wks post. I shampooed, dced, and blowdried last week so it's been really easy.

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Did anyone relax yet? I was hoping to this week but things are not going to go as planned. I'm currently 30wks post. I shampooed, dced, and blowdried last week so it's been really easy.

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So, you're pushing it back? When are you planning to relax? Or are you planning to stretch a lil longer?

I'm 37 wks post today. Not having any problems and just gonna ride this out for a bit. Now that it's winter, I'm just gonna keep my hair covered and play things by ear. So for now, I'm hanging around. But it feels pretty lonely around here these days.

Where's everybody at? :perplexed
Thanks NJoy. I am not for sure. I would like to wait until I am back in the states. That should be sometime in May. I have been experiencing a lot of breakage. Plus I would like to learn more about my hair. I just started my hair journey in October. I need to get my protein and moisture balance down. So I will let my hair decide when I will texlax. I am all over the place.
Thanks @NJoy. I am not for sure. I would like to wait until I am back in the states. That should be sometime in May. I have been experiencing a lot of breakage. Plus I would like to learn more about my hair. I just started my hair journey in October. I need to get my protein and moisture balance down. So I will let my hair decide when I will texlax. I am all over the place.


Oh, I do remember you saying something about when you get back to the states. :yep: I suggest low manipulation and keeping that line of demarcation WELL moisturized.

I find that adding coconut cream and yogurt to my moisturizing DC treatments (always making sure I add honey, EVOO and wheatgerm oil) helps to tame my ng. But even then, I still don't manipulate it much. And for me, I can't detangle in the shower during a stretch. I have to moisturize and allow to airdry before finger detangling. Trying to detangle in the shower during my last long stretch caused me to use lots of hair. But, I was under a lot of stress too so, who knows. I do know it's going really well this time around.

Keep us posted on how things are going with your hair and what you're doing during your stretch. I may be going til Spring too ~ out of the convenience of low manipulation and hiding my hair for the winter. :yep:

Oh, I do remember you saying something about when you get back to the states. :yep: I suggest low manipulation and keeping that line of demarcation WELL moisturized.

I find that adding coconut cream and yogurt to my moisturizing DC treatments (always making sure I add honey, EVOO and wheatgerm oil) helps to tame my ng. But even then, I still don't manipulate it much. And for me, I can't detangle in the shower during a stretch. I have to moisturize and allow to airdry before finger detangling. Trying to detangle in the shower during my last long stretch caused me to use lots of hair. But, I was under a lot of stress too so, who knows. I do know it's going really well this time around.

Keep us posted on how things are going with your hair and what you're doing during your stretch. I may be going til Spring too ~ out of the convenience of low manipulation and hiding my hair for the winter. :yep:

Thanks for the advice. I baggy just about everyday. I also spritz with water and castor oil. I also might steam once a week.

So, you're pushing it back? When are you planning to relax? Or are you planning to stretch a lil longer?

I'm 37 wks post today. Not having any problems and just gonna ride this out for a bit. Now that it's winter, I'm just gonna keep my hair covered and play things by ear. So for now, I'm hanging around. But it feels pretty lonely around here these days.

Where's everybody at? :perplexed

NJoy i'll probably relax by the end of next week.
Still here @ 76 weeks post. I was supposed to get my hair relaxed last week- but someone rear ended me and I had to pay out of pocket (long story) I had to push my date back a couple of weeks.

Hoping, I can get it done by The 16th of this month. I am sooooo ready to relax.
Still here @ 76 weeks post. I was supposed to get my hair relaxed last week- but someone rear ended me and I had to pay out of pocket (long story) I had to push my date back a couple of weeks.

Hoping, I can get it done by The 16th of this month. I am sooooo ready to relax.


76 wks! :drunk: I can not WAIT to see your pics! Sorry about the accident and having to pay out of pocket. That sucks. I trust you're ok tho?
Finally relaxing my hair this coming saturday, I'll be 32wks post. I got my hair flatironed last friday and my stylist informed me that I need a cut instead of a trim. She just lightly dusted it that day and informed me of some breakage on the right side. This would be the second stretch in a row where all my progress would be cut off.

My ends are really bad, there's no lie about that. I will have to talk to her further indepth before hand.

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Finally relaxing my hair this coming saturday, I'll be 32wks post. I got my hair flatironed last friday and my stylist informed me that I need a cut instead of a trim. She just lightly dusted it that day and informed me of some breakage on the right side. This would be the second stretch in a row where all my progress would be cut off.

My ends are really bad, there's no lie about that. I will have to talk to her further indepth before hand.

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Did you notice the breakage or are you just taking her word for it? And what's causing the breakage? I've learned that I can NOT detangle my hair in the shower. I have to wash in braids, moisturize and seal in braids and then after it airdries, I finger detangle and haven't had any problems since doing it like that.

I'm 38 wks post. My last stretch was ended at this time because I was losing tons of hair detangling in the shower and had 3 major detangling nightmares.

Also, is your stylist used to working with the 2 textures and making sure the line of demarc is well moisturized? Maybe the stylist is inadvertantly causing the breakage. How often do you go to have it done?
Finally relaxing my hair this coming saturday, I'll be 32wks post. I got my hair flatironed last friday and my stylist informed me that I need a cut instead of a trim. She just lightly dusted it that day and informed me of some breakage on the right side. This would be the second stretch in a row where all my progress would be cut off.

My ends are really bad, there's no lie about that. I will have to talk to her further indepth before hand.

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Awww! Your hair is so beautiful! I am sorry to hear about your set back.

Girl, I am finally relaxing at 76 weeks post tomorrow and your post got me :nervous2::nervous2::nervous2:
Because of a major setback in 2009 I am coming out of a 2 year stretch. I am planning to re-braid this weekend. I also intend to relax something this year, when the weather heats up, so that will be sometime in July. Also I just want to mention that I live in New York and I have been seeing a lot of girls with beautiful hair, it must be something on LHCF because I could not say this a couple of years ago.
Still here @ 76 weeks post. I was supposed to get my hair relaxed last week- but someone rear ended me and I had to pay out of pocket (long story) I had to push my date back a couple of weeks.

Hoping, I can get it done by The 16th of this month. I am sooooo ready to relax.

ooh sorry to hear about your accident, hope you're ok
OK. Set back city. No bueno. I stretched too long and wasn't on top of my protein game like I thought. My hair is the same exact length as when I started stretching and my hair dreser showed me thin spots from where there was breakage.. I will post pics later. I'm so devastated right now. Just trying to stay on this hair journey and not give up :(

Later girls.
OK. Set back city. No bueno. I stretched too long and wasn't on top of my protein game like I thought. My hair is the same exact length as when I started stretching and my hair dreser showed me thin spots from where there was breakage.. I will post pics later. I'm so devastated right now. Just trying to stay on this hair journey and not give up :(

Later girls.


:perplexed Wow. I don't even know what to say right now. :nono: I'm sorry for the disappointment and nervous about what to expect for myself at the same time. Maybe longterm stretching isn't the thing to do unless it's a transition. I don't know what to think right now.

What was your regi while stretching? And had you ever stretched this long before? And why is your hair the same length? Did she cut? Or are you saying that you had all over breakage? I don't mean to swarm you with questions. Just whenever you feel like it. This is only a temporary setback.
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