Inspired by Sylver2 -- The Long-Term Stretch Challenge

thats great NJoy. you've got this stretching down.

I'm 2 weeks post, trying to make it to 20 weeks.

I'll be checking in weekly to keep myself accountable.
I am happy to report that my washing/detangling session went really well this morning. I dunno if that's alot to some of you but i used to lose atleast 5X's this on a normal basis. So i'm officially in! I will stretch til the end of Dec at 29wks. I will be 17wks post on saturday.
I am happy to report that my washing/detangling session went really well this morning. I dunno if that's alot to some of you but i used to lose atleast 5X's this on a normal basis. So i'm officially in! I will stretch til the end of Dec at 29wks. I will be 17wks post on saturday.
Your post sounds like mine. I would lose quite of bit of hair when stretching regardless of what I did. Just be real careful because like you, my last 6 month stretch was a fail and I have since gone back to 12 wks. But I'm still reading and learning trying to figure it all out. Good Luck!
Your post sounds like mine. I would lose quite of bit of hair when stretching regardless of what I did. Just be real careful because like you, my last 6 month stretch was a fail and I have since gone back to 12 wks. But I'm still reading and learning trying to figure it all out. Good Luck!

With my last long stretch (ended at 38 wks) I was losing a lot of hair and running into detangling issues towards the last few months of my stretch, like from 7 months on. But even at 6 months, I lost more than I'm losing right now and I'm 6 months post on Tuesday.

I'm sure my losing so much had to do with me neglecting my hair and being under so much stress during the final months of my mom's life. I finally ended my stretch because of your (janeemat) post about your stretch ruining your hair. I worried that maybe that's what was happening with mine (even tho I knew I was reckless and negligent during that time).

But, as of today, my stretch is going so well (especially in comparison to my last stretch) that, tho I vowed not to stretch past 5 months again, I'm planning to continue stretching at least until the end of the year. I think that will put me around 36 wks post.

I am monitoring my hair closely to make sure that my hair is tolerating the stretch but, even when I say that, it sounds strange to talk about my hair tolerating growing in naturally. :perplexed I think keeping it stretched and not allowing the hair to tangle on itself is key for me. I'm in 10 braids that keeps my hair stretched and the strength in numbers and regular moisturizing keep my strands from breaking. I can easily see myself braided for the remainder of the year so I'm feeling pretty positive about continuing this stretch.

Good for you wheezy807. I know exactly how you feel. :drunk: Good luck and keep us posted on how things are going.
On second thought, I think I will go ahead and texlax soon. I think every six months is more than reasonable. Especially since I'm sure for now that I'm not planning to transition to natural. I'll keep you posted. I'm 24 wks post on Tuesday.
I promise not to bore you ladies with anymore pics after this one. I'm really excited i finally found an efficient detangling/shamppoo/stretching method. I've discovered that with the rake comb i actually lose far less hair than with my jilbere shower comb. I might have to shampoo in the sink rather than the shower. I find that this is kinda time consumng and i don't want to run up anyone's water bill.
Still stretching. 26 wks on Tuesday. That's officially the half year mark. I'm braiding and wigging. Not really seeing a need to texlax but, still giving it some thought. So, for now, the stretch continues.
I promise not to bore you ladies with anymore pics after this one. I'm really excited i finally found an efficient detangling/shamppoo/stretching method. I've discovered that with the rake comb i actually lose far less hair than with my jilbere shower comb. I might have to shampoo in the sink rather than the shower. I find that this is kinda time consumng and i don't want to run up anyone's water bill.

wheezy807 how many weeks are you?

Girl u ain't boring anyone, I'm sure I can speak for everyone we love to see positive techniques during stretches.
Still stretching. 26 wks on Tuesday. That's officially the half year mark. I'm braiding and wigging. Not really seeing a need to texlax but, still giving it some thought. So, for now, the stretch continues.

NJoy good for you!!! I can't wait to get to that mark in my stretch, I too am braiding under wigs so I hope I make my 6 months at least goal.
the 23rd made 2 months post.
10 months left to go!

the only thing that is threatening my stretch is my daily moksha (hot yoga) class.
i pretty much have to wash my hair every day that i go haha, can't have sweaty smelling hair all week.
i know it's keeping my hair from being as moisturized as it could be.
last week i switched from shampooing it everyday, to just rinsing it with warm water after class.
any suggestions for how to keep more moisture in hair that's being washed daily?
I'm still in there. 67 weeks post, I probably wont relax until week 75- around Holiday time.


67 weeks. Girl, how are you managing? What's your hair looking like? In other words, DETAILS, oh Wise Stretcher. :worship2: Give up the goods. (and pics would be awesome :lick:)

Oh btw, checking in at 27 wks post. (I don't know why my ticker is off so much)
Oh man! I feel bad coming in here thinking I was doing something when I see some women at 60+ weeks post!!!!! My last relaxer was on June 13th. That makes me 19 weeks post. Every Monday marks another week. This is the longest that I have ever went in between relaxers!
****tucks my small achievement in my pocket and exits the thread******
Oh man! I feel bad coming in here thinking I was doing something when I see some women at 60+ weeks post!!!!! My last relaxer was on June 13th. That makes me 19 weeks post. Every Monday marks another week. This is the longest that I have ever went in between relaxers!
****tucks my small achievement in my pocket and exits the thread******

Please! You're doing good, Girl. Stand proud and congrats on 19 wks post.
NJoy, i don't think your ticker is off.
i'm relying on mental math here, but 6 months & 1 week is approximately 187 days, which is approximately 27 weeks. a common misconception is that a month is four weeks, when it's actually closer to four and a half weeks. so after 6 months you're at 24 weeks plus half a week for every month. So 24 weeks + 3 weeks = 27 weeks = 6 months + 1 week. :grin:

i've looked at my Calendar and I'm going on a personal stretch goal of 29 weeks, therefor I'll be relaxing the week on Easter 2012. I'm currently 6 weeks so I have a lonnngggg way to go.

My ps of choice will be plaits under wigs. I plan to redo the plaits every 4 weeks. I have to much drama with cornrows and find it much easier to manage plaits. I could take one out and assess if I felt like it. I'm only wearing curly wigs so I don't need my hair to lay flat.

I'll be checking in often for support and to give updates.

I've got to make it!!!!

MBL April 2012 !!!!!!

Thank you ladies for your encouraging words. Sorry for my late reply ojemba I will be 21wks post saturday. You ladies are a great inspiration truly.

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NJoy, i don't think your ticker is off.
i'm relying on mental math here, but 6 months & 1 week is approximately 187 days, which is approximately 27 weeks. a common misconception is that a month is four weeks, when it's actually closer to four and a half weeks. so after 6 months you're at 24 weeks plus half a week for every month. So 24 weeks + 3 weeks = 27 weeks = 6 months + 1 week. :grin:

my inner nerd went hard!!.:nono::blush:
8 weeks this thursday. This is where I relaxed last time. I'm in my fuzzy plaits and have no desire to relax. Tomorrow is co-wash day.
Are any of you long term stretchers using the denman brush or the marilyn paddle detangling brush to detangle. KISS and Healthy textures (Gennifer Miller 9 months post) both did a video detangling weeks of ng with a brush. It prompted me to purchase the marilyn detangling brush. Any feedback ladies?
Are any of you long term stretchers using the denman brush or the marilyn paddle detangling brush to detangle. KISS and Healthy textures (Gennifer Miller 9 months post) both did a video detangling weeks of ng with a brush. It prompted me to purchase the marilyn detangling brush. Any feedback ladies?

Woo! Not me. I wouldn't worry so much about detangling the ng with a denman as much as pulling past that line of demarcation. Ummm...I finger detangle or may use the magic stark jumbo rake. But, late in my stretch, I'm washing in braids and may or may not unbraid to detangle. Usually not.
Woo! Not me. I wouldn't worry so much about detangling the ng with a denman as much as pulling past that line of demarcation. Ummm...I finger detangle or may use the magic stark jumbo rake. But, late in my stretch, I'm washing in braids and may or may not unbraid to detangle. Usually not.

Hi NJoy!

I always thought the same as you, but they both have gorgeous hair and made it look sooooooo easy. They were very gentle with the hair. I used it Sat, but I'm only 7 weeks post. Fingers do not work if you are rollersetting the hair with lots of ng.
I am 22 weeks post. I just found out we are moving to Georgia in June!!! I have already talked to DontSpeakDefeat about doing my hair and that is when I am going to relax. I will be a little over 52 weeks post.

I am soooooo excited that I will have a hair sister helping with my journey!!!!
Are any of you long term stretchers using the denman brush or the marilyn paddle detangling brush to detangle. KISS and Healthy textures (Gennifer Miller 9 months post) both did a video detangling weeks of ng with a brush. It prompted me to purchase the marilyn detangling brush. Any feedback ladies?
@janeemat i did try to use it after seeing Gennifer's video but i lost too much hair. I'm just gonna stick with my rake looking comb.