Inspired by Sylver2 -- The Long-Term Stretch Challenge


I am exactly 5 months post today. I am attempting a 2+ year transition. Basically, I want to grow my natural hair out for two years and then cut an inch every three months until all the relaxer is gone.

I'm happy because this is where I got weak last time and relaxed my hair. I'd be ten months post if I hadn't relaxed last time. My mom is back to making the comments about my nappy head! But, I have my cousin (my mom's godchild) on my side this time. Both she and her daughter BC'd!


Checking in at 40 weeks post! I FINALLY feel like I am getting somewhere with my stretch...weeks 10, 20, and 30 still felt early.

My hair is still out- I haven't used any braids, wigs, or weaves, which is an accomplishment for me. Usually, by week 20, I slap on some homemade extensions.

My reggie is still the same: wash and dc, roller set, and pin up or bun my hair for the entire week. But for the month of May, I may switch my washes to every two weeks to cut down on the manipulation.

As you were, ladies!!! Good luck to all my stretchers! :)
Checking at 18 weeks post. For a brief moment I was contemplating stretching until December but after reading some threads on damage done to some ladies hair I'm afraid so I'll be relaxing at 6 months. My taught is the hair doesn't grow any more or faster during a stretch, but I could encounter breakage. So I'll stick to what has worked for me in past. Relax at six months, baby hair for 5 weeks then back in ps until Dec (6 months post).

HHJ to all and have a blessed weekend.
Checking at 18 weeks post. For a brief moment I was contemplating stretching until December but after reading some threads on damage done to some ladies hair I'm afraid so I'll be relaxing at 6 months. My taught is the hair doesn't grow any more or faster during a stretch, but I could encounter breakage. So I'll stick to what has worked for me in past. Relax at six months, baby hair for 5 weeks then back in ps until Dec (6 months post).

HHJ to all and have a blessed weekend.

Cosigning. This is why I broke my stretch at 38 weeks. And I'm glad that I did. I was losing way more hair deep in the stretch than I am now. If I were transitioning, maybe it would have been a different story. But, I'm trying to hold on to my length--relaxed ends and all. I will not stretch past 6 months again. :nono: My hair was growing fine and tolerating the relaxers without stretching. What's the point? Texlaxing 2-3x a year sounds fine to me.

Disclaimer: Of course, I was also going thru a very stressful period during the last 4 months of my stretch so, that could've had an impact too. But still...
Cosigning. This is why I broke my stretch at 38 weeks. And I'm glad that I did. I was losing way more hair deep in the stretch than I am now. If I were transitioning, maybe it would have been a different story. But, I'm trying to hold on to my length--relaxed ends and all. I will not stretch past 6 months again. :nono: My hair was growing fine and tolerating the relaxers without stretching. What's the point? Texlaxing 2-3x a year sounds fine to me.

Disclaimer: Of course, I was also going thru a very stressful period during the last 4 months of my stretch so, that could've had an impact too. But still...

I agree with all you have said here and the other poster you quoted. Take it from me and don't push past your limit. I did I am now babying damaged hair. I have broken pieces of hair all throughout my head. Once detangling becomes a nightmare, it's time to throw the towel in!
I agree with all you have said here and the other poster you quoted. Take it from me and don't push past your limit. I did I am now babying damaged hair. I have broken pieces of hair all throughout my head. Once detangling becomes a nightmare, it's time to throw the towel in!

^^^ This! :yep:
I relaxed my hair this past weekend. Nothing impressive except for making full APL. I have been slacking in the hair dept. I hope to soon get back. It feels good to feel my scalp but I miss the thickness. I don't think I will relax til December. My last relaxer was June and I was just touching SL. HHG to all!!
I relaxed my hair this past weekend. Nothing impressive except for making full APL. I have been slacking in the hair dept. I hope to soon get back. It feels good to feel my scalp but I miss the thickness. I don't think I will relax til December. My last relaxer was June and I was just touching SL. HHG to all!!

Wow! Congrats on full APL!! Um...but, uh...we get no pics? :lick:
afrochique congrats on your sucessful stretch. I see we have the same hair goal timeline.

I'm longing for my June relaxer to see if I've made full BSL. I then will stretch for another 6 Months and relax again in December.

Continue what your doing because It's definetly working.
29wks post and these 2 textures r getting to me. My goal is to go 24 mths transitioning but I havent been able 2 style my hair and like it! I'm getting tired of wearing wigs! I think i need a new wig or braids!
My new blowdryer has just arrived! This weekend, I'll be blowing out and flat ironing my roots after my crochet braids are taken down tomorrow night. Today makes me 23 weeks post.
Ok so I'm in on this one if it's not too late. I haven't relaxed since New Years Eve. So about 5 months so far. I'm trying to hold off until next New Years to see how much I've grown. I have a few setbacks :-(. Particularly the front, back and crown breakage. But I think I have figured a way to grow it back. Will keep posted.
Ok so I will be 6 mos on 5/13/2011 but I think I am going to wait until I am 7 mos to relax just so it was be fresh for when my hubby gets back.

LOL I may even push it back longer. I am so hair bored and we are coming up to the rainy seaso where it really makes no sense to "do" your hair only to get caught in the rain.

Decisions decisions..........
Would have been 20 weeks tomorrow but after fighting with an ugly curly weave, almost 3' of ng and the taught of self relaxing any more ng. I decided to relax. I'm presently under the dryer with my deep conditioner in. I'm happy with the results being this is the 1st time I've relaxed my own hair. I did the half/half method. I was so scared I would get burnt and be underprocessed. So for it looks good. I'll know for sure how it turns out after I dry.

I think I can offically claim BSL!!!!!! But I'll be back to hiding in a bun tomorrow.
Hello all of you "Long Term Stretchers." I still in enjoy peeping in at this although I'm a drop out:lol:. But my hair is rebounding good so far since my failed 6 month stretch. I have trimmed 3 times since my last relaxer April 9th. I made myself put the scissors down for now. I will probably trim a little more because I still have good length and it has grown in the last month.
Currently 7 weeks post... not sure how far I'm going this time... I know 3 months for sure but I dont know if I'll go back to 4-6 months yet....
Meh. Not so exciting since I just updated not long ago. I did do a small trim because my ends were choppy in a few sections. Most of the trimming was in the layered sections so, not so bad. I blowdried the back portion but didn't bother to do the whole thing because I don't want to use heat. Didn't bother to flat iron the back section for that reason too. But, the texlax turned out nice. Time to get back to babying my hair. I'm behind schedule.

Anywho, here ya go:


Looking good girl! Was the final outcome waht you expected after such a long stretch.
Looking good girl! Was the final outcome waht you expected after such a long stretch.


Well, I wasn't expecting much of anything because the last 3 months of the stretch was when I was going thru the thing with my mom being ill. And I wasn't using my sulfur mix because I didn't know how it would affect my stretch. Maybe the sulfur would have been too drying and cause more breakage at the demarc point (I worried about demarc breakage like it was the boogey man. :lachen:). I thought I ruined my progress but, it wasn't so bad.

Also, I don't think that relaxing keeps my hair from growing. I know that for sure. I just wanted to keep chemical out of it as much as possible and get thickness. Yeah, all that to say, I'm good with the growth. :yep:

Now to see what I've got since. I'm planning to flat iron for my birthday towards the end of June.

Anywho, here's my stretch results, from the last texlax in May til I texlaxed at 38 wks post. Decent.


Well, I wasn't expecting much of anything because the last 3 months of the stretch was when I was going thru the thing with my mom being ill. And I wasn't using my sulfur mix because I didn't know how it would affect my stretch. Maybe the sulfur would have been too drying and cause more breakage at the demarc point (I worried about demarc breakage like it was the boogey man. :lachen:). I thought I ruined my progress but, it wasn't so bad.

Also, I don't think that relaxing keeps my hair from growing. I know that for sure. I just wanted to keep chemical out of it as much as possible and get thickness. Yeah, all that to say, I'm good with the growth. :yep:

Now to see what I've got since. I'm planning to flat iron for my birthday towards the end of June.

Anywho, here's my stretch results, from the last texlax in May til I texlaxed at 38 wks post. Decent.

I totally agree with the bold. With that said, you have done wonders with your hair. My new motto from now on is when detangling becomes a nightmare..........I'm relaxing!:yep: I knew you were going through with your mother. I'm sorry for your lost, but you hang in there and be blessed!
I totally agree with the bold. With that said, you have done wonders with your hair. My new motto from now on is when detangling becomes a nightmare..........I'm relaxing!:yep: I knew you were going through with your mother. I'm sorry for your lost, but you hang in there and be blessed!

Thanks, Girl. I know my mom is at peace and in joy now. But WHEW, what a time, what a time. :nono: And I'm definitely living by the bolded. I don't think pressing on was worth the hair lost. I'll revisit that if I ever decide to transition to natural. But after those detangling nightmares, the closest I can get to natural is letting my own hair grow from my head and not wearing someone elses. :lachen:Oh wait, and being texlaxed. And even that's in question... :rolleyes:...:grin: j/k...or am I? :giggle: